Well - Watered



I had a funny interaction yesterday with a kind, well-meaning individual who was trying to offer some encouragement. The words didn’t come out as I’m sure they intended when they said, “Rachael, you’ve lost weight! You’re starting to look so pretty!” I just had to laugh a little because it was meant as a compliment, […]

From Peer to Fear I remember sitting in my ninth grade Sunday school class hearing about peer pressure. The example was someone standing on a chair trying to pull another friend up onto the chair with them. No matter how hard she tried, it was much easier for the friend on the ground to pull […]

Redefine: to define again or differently. Do you remember the first time you ever felt insecure? Maybe it was at a middle school dance while the boys stood on the other side of the gym and you felt yourself start to sweat at the thought of being asked – or worse – not being asked […]

There’s a story of a traveling pastor who came to town and taught at a church about what it meant to follow Jesus. At the end of the night, a man approached the pastor with a concerned look on his face and asked earnestly, “If I follow Jesus, does that mean I have to give […]

just a phase I’ve been writing this blog post in my head for several months now. It all started with a conversation with my friend Chelsie in her classroom. We were talking about our friends that were married, engaged, and single. We were talking about what it means to be a single female in our […]

This post was written by Becca Lafferty, a high school English teacher in Singapore. You can read more from Becca on her blog. I have struggled with diagnosed major depressive disorder (MDD) since my sophomore year of college, but I know that I began wrestling with seasons of depressions starting during my adolescent years. However, […]

Some days I wake up discouraged and with a spirit of defeat clouded my vision before I even finish my first cup of coffee. Today was one of those days where the enemy immediately starting feeding me lie after lie the moment my eyes opened. He whispered into my soul that I’m not good enough and a failure. He pounded my heart with discouragement and lack of confidence. He almost convinced me to just throw in the towel today.


Today we’re sharing a redemption story of God at work in the life of one of our LLB Community members, Hannah Clark. Read more about the way God has redeemed her life!

Your pant size won’t always be the same. Your skin won’t always be firm. Your hair won’t always be the color it is. Your height won’t even stay the same as you age! However, one thing will stay with you throughout all of life’s transitions and trials: your heart.

Every day you pick up your paint brush and create through the world around you. You decorate your home with minute attention to detail. You cook your favorite meals (or throw together a pb&j for the kiddos). You take a picture and share an Instagram post. You write papers, create spreadsheets, make a cup of coffee, and dream dreams. Life is art. And it is beautiful!


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