Truth Trumps Feelings

June 1, 2017  - By Gretchen Saffles

Some days I wake up discouraged and with a spirit of defeat clouded my vision before I even finish my first cup of coffee. Today was one of those days where the enemy immediately starting feeding me lie after lie the moment my eyes opened. He whispered into my soul that I’m not good enough and a failure. He pounded my heart with discouragement and lack of confidence. He almost convinced me to just throw in the towel today.


But he didn’t, because just in the nick of time God reminded me that the spirit of defeat is not from Him. Defeat comes from the enemy. Victory comes from Jesus. Insecurity comes from the enemy. Confidence comes from Jesus. Fear comes from the enemy. Courage comes from Jesus. The Lord helped me discern what feelings were coming from Him, and what feelings were coming from the enemy, and He showed me that the truth has more power than the lies.

If you’re struggling with a spirit of defeat today, first of all, know that you are not alone. You are not the only one struggling to believe truth over the lies. You are not the only one to doubt or get discouraged. We all struggle with those feelings. However, it’s what you do with those feelings and thoughts that matters. Will you let them control you and govern your joy? Or will you hand them over to Jesus? Will you let them beat you up and direct your feet? Or will you come to the Word and claim truth? By God’s great grace, we can have victory, and we can choose what is best.

Here’s what Scripture tells us to do when the spirit of defeat tries to steal our purpose:

Bring the negative feelings and thoughts to the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16). Acknowledge them. Don’t stuff them down or ignore them. Don’t fight in your own strength. Recognize your weakness and come to God for His strength (2 Corinthians 12:9-11). Come broken, humbled, and needy before Jesus and receive the spirit of “power and love and sound mind” that He gives His people (2 Timothy 1:7). Remind the enemy that he has no control over you and his words do not hold truth; it’s what God says that matters, and God says that you are free to be victorious in Jesus.

Don’t throw in the towel.

Don’t believe the lies.

The darkness has no other choice but to flee when the Light floods in.

Speak the truth over and over, and watch that spirit of defeat cower back from the Light of Jesus.

choosing truth over lies,


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  1. says:

    This post really spoke to my heart. I struggle with many of the things you spoke above. Thank you for reminding me that truth trumps feelings and that Victory comes from Jesus.

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