Well - Watered



The Word of God is for All Seasons When my husband and I got married three and a half years ago, I rejoiced with my friends and family. We thanked the Lord for the beautiful gift of marriage. It was a joyous season of dancing and laughing and lighthearted celebration.  Then, just two years later, […]

After the holidays are over, it’s temptingly easy for me to slide into a post-celebration slump. The skies where we live are perpetually gray, the ground is frozen solid, and the buzz and glimmer of celebrating the holidays with family and friends have come to a grinding halt. The thrill of the new year has […]

[Editor’s Note: Today’s article is an excerpt adapted from this year’s Advent study, Fulfilled. We pray that as you reflect on the gift of Jesus, prepared and given by our heavenly Father, your heart would be stirred to worship him.] I don’t like to leave things undone until the last minute. In fact, Gretchen would […]

Gabrielle was tired of moving. She had grown up in a military family that always seemed to be packing boxes for the next move—as soon as she felt settled in a new place. Gabrielle now believed that those difficult times of upheaval were behind her. After many years of longing to stay in one home, […]

For the longest time, I’ve felt like I am stuck in the middle without an end in sight. I’ve heard it said that writing a book is like birthing a baby. But a baby comes in nine months, and a book takes at least two years. Write, rewrite, edit, and repeat have been the theme […]

“So, When Are You Going to Have Kids?” Someone asked me about kids at my wedding reception. Let that sink in. I’ve been asked a variation of this question at least once a month for the past eight years. I wish I was exaggerating, but if you’ve been married any length of time and find […]

Deep breath in, deep breath out. 2021 is almost here.  There’s always something exciting and refreshing about a new year. But with the year we’ve had in 2020, we all long to start new. Since last spring, I’ve seen people joking online, “Can 2020 just be over now?” This strange year has seemed endlessly daunting. […]

God’s Goodness in Hard Seasons “Everything about my life feels hard.”  I spoke these words to a friend and I wasn’t being dramatic or seeking to gain her pity. It’s just the reality of living through my husband’s second deployment this year, caring for our six children on my own, and handling the challenges of […]

Love God, No Matter What Tomorrow is an important day in America. Thousands of folks across the nation will cast their vote for a new President. This election season has brought to light many fears and uncertainties that might have otherwise remained hidden but were likely there all along. I know I’ve had my fair […]

Meaningful Moments After Miscarriage It was only a couple of weeks after our first miscarriage. I was leaving the church bathroom on my way to pick up my son from the nursery. A fellow mom I barely knew stopped me at the door. “Hi Lara,” she said. She had that sympathetic tilt to her head […]


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