Seasons of Sorrow and Celebration

February 1, 2022  - By Well-Watered Women

God's Word for Every Season - An Article from Well-Watered Women

The Word of God is for All Seasons

When my husband and I got married three and a half years ago, I rejoiced with my friends and family. We thanked the Lord for the beautiful gift of marriage. It was a joyous season of dancing and laughing and lighthearted celebration. 

Then, just two years later, my husband and I found ourselves in a season of deep sorrow. During this time, we helplessly watched our daughter pass from our arms and into the arms of Jesus. The days, weeks, and months after saying goodbye to her were filled with grief and tears and overwhelming heartache. 

In both seasons, friends and family near and far sent gifts. First to celebrate our marriage, and then to mourn our baby girl. And in both seasons, the very best gifts we received were those that pointed us to the Word of God. 

Give the Gift of God’s Word

Whether you find yourself in a season of sorrow or in a season of celebration, our need for the daily bread of God’s Word does not change. When sorrow knocks at your door, the Word of God offers comfort and solace. When sadness gives way to celebration, Scripture tells us where to direct our gratitude. 

In every season, the Word of God remains relevant and true. Through good times and bad, we can rely on Scripture to speak exactly what our souls need to hear. And that’s the heart behind our brand new Season of Sorrow Verse Cards and Season of Celebration Verse Cards

Through the darkness of sorrow and the joy of celebration, we pray these verse card sets bring encouragement and hope through the enduring Word of God! Each verse card set comes with fifteen beautiful Scripture cards designed with verses intentionally chosen for the season of sorrow or celebration. We pray that keeping a few sets of these on hand enables you to be a well-watered woman who rejoices with those who rejoice and weeps with those who weep (Rom. 12:15). So whether you’re walking through a season of personal sorrow or celebration or you have a friend journeying the path herself, give the gift of God’s Word and let his truth light the way.

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Season Cards FAQs

Are these cards written for specific occasions of sorrow or specific occasions of celebration? No, we wrote and designed these cards to minister to women no matter what the occasion is for her sorrow or for her celebration. 

How are the cards formatted? Each card contains an encouraging statement of biblical truth that speaks to the season on the front. On the back, you'll find a related verse or passage to meditate on to help you sow the truth of God’s Word in your heart. We designed these seasons cards to help you cling to God’s Word no matter the season you’re in—because God’s Word is for every season.

How many cards are included in each pack? Both the Season of Sorrow Cards and Season of Celebration Cards are sixteen-card packs. They each contain one introductory card and fifteen cards of Scripture and truth.

What size are these verse cards? Both card sets are 4x6 with rounded edges.

Are the card sets the same designs, just different verses for each of the different seasons? No, the Season of Sorrow Cards and Season of Celebration Cards have unique designs. The abstract design on the sorrow cards reflects the abstract feelings and emotions that sorrow can often bring. The celebration cards are floral and light, reflecting the joy that comes along with these seasons. 

Do you offer bulk discounts on these products? We do! These card sets are sold individually or in bundles of five and ten sets. Save 5% when you purchase a bundle of five sets or 10% when you purchase a bundle of ten sets. Select your desired quantity on the product listing page and the price will automatically adjust to account for the discount.

Using the Season Cards

How could I use the Season of Sorrow Cards? If you’re walking a road of grief and suffering, use these cards to meditate on the truth of God’s Word. Especially when enduring a season of sorrow, your mind needs something simple and true to grab hold of. Try keeping these at your bedside to begin and end each day sowing the truth of God’s Word into your heart at a time when you desperately need to remember and rehearse truth. Or, give them as a gift of hope to a friend in the midst of suffering as a reminder that we have an eternal hope that will not disappoint us.

How could I use the Season of Celebration Cards? In a season of celebration, we should be quick to remember that it is God who is the source of all provision, goodness, and fullness we are enjoying. Place these cards around your home or in your Bible as reminders of God’s faithfulness to lift your gaze to him. You could also frame them as a stone of remembrance of God’s faithfulness in this particular season. Or, keep them on hand in your car or tucked away in your desk for the next time you want to give a gift of celebration to a friend.

Are the cards meant to be used as entire sets or standalone cards? Either way! You can keep each set together, meditating on or gifting entire sixteen-card sets. Or, give out one or a few cards at a time to friends who may need extra reminders that God is with them in their specific season.

Give the hope of God’s Word to a friend or yourself with our Season of Sorrow and Season of Celebration Verse Card Sets, available in the Well-Watered Co. today. 


With you in any season,   

Taylor Cage

Staff Writer

God's Word for Every Season - An Article from Well-Watered Women

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