Well - Watered


Goal Setting

Join me in taking the “taste and see” challenge in 2016!

Four practical ways I strive to be free from my iPhone. 

The other day I looked down to realize I can no longer see my feet. Our sweet boy has continued to grow and my belly has rounded out over these past few weeks in ways I never dreamed would happen! In all the joys of pregnancy and the hurdles and beauty of a growing belly, I have noticed that not only has my body changed these past nine months, but my priorities have now shifted as well. Just like when I first got married and had to re-prioritize my schedule and daily to-do’s to involve my husband, I am about to embark on another big adventure of re-prioritizing! The moment I saw I had a positive pregnancy test, the Lord began rearranging my schedule.

Yesterday I sat down with my Bible, planner, Powersheets and deleted social media from my phone. For too long, I have allowed Sunday rest to become a side note. Instead of resting and enjoying the gift of soul renewal on Sundays, I have used the afternoon to get ahead for the next week. Instead of planning my days and asking what God wanted me to do, I went forward without a good plan and simply was overwhelmed.

Today I am thrilled to share with you our “A Life Lived Beautifully” feature on Lauren Hooker, owner, designer, and blogger at Elle & Co. I have followed Lauren’s blog for months now and am amazed at the incredible resources and insight she shares. Bloggers, business owners, and anyone using social media or the internet would […]

I grew up in a church that regularly sang the song “Celebrate, Jesus Celebrate”! (for anyone of you that knows this song, it might be in your head all day:) But do I actually live a life that celebrate Jesus? It seems that we have belittled celebrating to only the big things. But what about the little […]

Social media is now an integral part of the culture we live in. There’s really no way to get around being a user of at least one social media platform. The best deals, fastest news and easiest ways to stay in touch all come through the form of social media. For a few reasons, I […]

“He must increase, but I must decrease.” (ESV) “He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.” (NLT) “He must become more important, but I must become less important.” (ISV) At each New Year, resolution’s are made, plans are set in action and we dream of what could be in the […]

On Tuesday I asked you, my amazing customers and friends, what it mean’s to live life beautifully. It made me so excited and filled me up to the brim with joy, so I had to share your answers with all to see. This is what life lived beautifully is all about. This is why I […]


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