Well - Watered


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Someone recently gifted me a red gerbera daisy plant, which I potted and proudly placed by my front door to bring people joy as they approached my home. However, I quickly noticed the flowers drooping. Assuming it was because of the Alabama heat, I began watering them more regularly and moved them to where they’d […]

Summer is special—long, sunny days, beach trips, trees dressed in green, hikes as the sun scorches our skin, and joyful gatherings with friends under starry skies. The Lord designed each season with unique opportunities to know him better. Summer is a chance to experience joy, refreshment, and his glory in the beauty of creation. Don’t […]

“It seems like you probably have OCD.” Her words, so calm and casual, pierced my heart. For a while, as I learned more about OCD beyond its cultural stereotypes, I wondered if this was another aspect of my anxiety disorder. But as I heard the words come from my own psychiatrist, the possibility became a […]

A SHEPHERD-LESS SHEEP For five years, a single sheep survived alone in an Australian forest. He had almost 80 pounds of dirty, overgrown fleece hanging on his slight frame and covering his eyes. He resembled a giant boulder. No one knew how he survived on his own, but his unbearable burden lifted as rescuers sheared […]

With signs of summer all around, another shift in seasons is before us. And whether we are finishing a semester of school, helping our family transition to summer schedules, or simply readying our closets with flip-flops and swimsuits, change is upon us. While summer typically brings a rush of graduation parties, weddings, and showers—celebrations meant […]

This article is part of the Preach the Gospel to Yourself Series. We know that phrases like “preach the gospel to yourself” are used so frequently in Christian circles that they can become Christian gobbly gook. You kind of get what it means, but don’t know how to actually do it. This series offers specific […]

This article is part of our Preach the Gospel to Yourself Series. We know that phrases like “preach the gospel to yourself” are used so frequently in Christian circles that they can become Christian gobbly gook. You kind of get what it means, but don’t know how to actually do it. This series offers specific […]

This article is part of the Preach the Gospel to Yourself Series. We know that phrases like “preach the gospel to yourself” are used so frequently in Christian circles that they can become Christian gobbly gook. You kind of get what it means, but don’t know how to actually do it. This series offers specific […]

This article is part of the Preach the Gospel to Yourself Series. We know that phrases like “preach the gospel to yourself” are used so frequently in Christian circles that they can become Christian gobbly gook. You kind of get what it means, but don’t know how to actually do it. This series offers specific […]

This article is part of the Preach the Gospel to Yourself Series. We know that phrases like “preach the gospel to yourself” are used so frequently in Christian circles that they can become Christian gobbly gook. You kind of get what it means, but don’t know how to actually do it. This series offers specific […]


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