Well - Watered



Proverbs 31 is infamously known in the church as the “perfect woman” that we should all strive to be. Without realizing it, we have created this woman into a to-do list that no one can achieve in life. She has become the standard that is unattainable. We often don’t know quite what to do with her. How do we truly live out biblical womanhood in a world that is constantly changing? There are countless teachings that object to a woman who is submissive, gentle, creative, servant-hearted (as seen in Scripture and in the Proverbs 31 woman).

Today we will follow-up yesterday’s post on the “daily scroll” with more ways on how we can champion our sisters-in-Christ through strolling through life with them. Yesterday we talked about criticism and how it can lead us to a negative attitude toward our friends. Instead of criticizing others, we can compliment them and encourage them in the Lord. Another way we respond to what we see scrolling through social media is to copy others instead of copying Christ.

We are all worshippers. The question is never, am I worshipping? But daily we should ask ourselves,what/who am I worshipping? The definition of worship is “the act of worshipping God or a god.” We either worship the one, True God who is worthy of our affection or we worship little gods that deceive us into thinking they are greater than they are. One area that often gets worshipped in today’s culture is fashion and dress. We place our affections on clothing, things and affirmation (all of which won’t last). We spend countless hours  (and a lot of money) worrying about our looks, our closets and our appearance. Just like Romans 1:24-25, we worship the created and not the Creator.

I grew up in a church that regularly sang the song “Celebrate, Jesus Celebrate”! (for anyone of you that knows this song, it might be in your head all day:) But do I actually live a life that celebrate Jesus? It seems that we have belittled celebrating to only the big things. But what about the little […]

Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement. {C. S. Lewis} Failure. Even just writing this word makes me cringe inside a bit. Anyone out there fear failing like me? To be clear, in my human perspective, I view failure as not reaching my expectations. The dictionary defines it as a “lack of success.” […]


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