Well - Watered



A Year We’ll Remember No one is going to forget the year 2020. From celebrity deaths, to living through a pandemic, to seeing racial injustice on every media outlet—we will have a hard time forgetting the events of this year. We may forget which celebrity died and when. Or we may forget how many rolls […]

An Unusual Time This is a strange time we are living in, isn’t it? 2020 has been a year to remember, and we are only halfway through it. The beginning of the year overflowed with so much promise. We dreamed big dreams and planned big plans. When COVID-19 hit the US, there were moments of […]

Dear Girl, when life comes at you and you want to honor Jesus, this one is for you. We’ve compiled resources for your teen years.

Grief and Friendship In the past couple of years, some of my dearest friends have walked the path of searing grief. Not long ago, I stood next to a friend in the receiving line of her mom’s funeral. Just a couple of months ago I cried on the other end of the phone as a […]

A Surprise Failure Years back, I worked in children’s ministry at our church. Since I had a background in music, my boss tasked me with composing an original song for the kids to sing in worship services on Easter Sunday. I wrote a simple melody with lyrics based on Psalm 67 and then recorded myself […]

Full-Blown Panic A few years ago I had my first full-blown panic attack. To say it caught me off-guard and knocked me off my feet would be an understatement. Until that point, I had lived life going 100 mph at all times, like a speeding train with no brakes. I learned the hard way in […]

An Unprecedented, Unexpected Time Today is my fifth day at home and counting. My social interactions have been limited to my husband, my cat, and friends and family online. But even these interactions have been limited because I find myself overwhelmed by the amount of information sent my way. The constant news and constant updates […]

A Time to Refrain When I was growing up, my parents were big fans of road trips. We’d all pile into the station wagon, the van, or the red Ford Fiesta. I come from a large and tactile family; we could rarely keep our hands to ourselves. When things got out of hand, playfully or […]

The Fear of Anxiety As I lie on my bed, an onslaught of thoughts and worries barrage my mind like a broken dam. These thoughts are like water rushing without caution, and it is impossible to catch them. Instead, I watch them slip right through my fingers. When the powerhouse of my mind is running, […]

When Transition Threatens Your Peace Recently, my husband and I bought our first home together. After renting for 7.5 years, we found the perfect home and made an offer. While this has been a thrilling time, the transition has stolen all of my norms and routines. I can’t find anything, there are boxes everywhere, and […]


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