Well - Watered



Most buildings in America aren’t built to last forever—a fire, hurricane, tornado, or other natural disaster could easily destroy them. So on a recent trip to Washington, D.C., I was struck by the permanence of the buildings. All the essential government buildings, the national monuments, the White House, and even most of the museums are […]

Nothing prepared me for the shock of that day in the exam room and the sting of the words, “No heartbeat detected.” In that moment, my husband and I went from overjoyed to utter anguish. We thought our prayers had been answered after years of infertility. But just as quickly as God gave, I was […]

When grief barged into my life in my late twenties, I questioned God’s goodness and his very existence for the first time. Under the weight of all my questions and doubts, faith felt like a mystery. I didn’t want to walk away from God, but I didn’t know how to believe when things were hard. […]

How will I ever trust you again? I hurled the question at God from the floor of my closet. I pressed my head into the carpet, unable to face the task of getting dressed. Just weeks prior, I trusted God implicitly. I never could’ve imagined questioning him this boldly or speaking to him this angrily. […]

The phone buzzed repeatedly and my heart skipped as I rushed to answer the call. I waited all day for moments like these, where I was simply in the presence of my husband’s voice. I listened attentively, shared highlights, and processed the difficulties my day presented. Sometimes, we simply dwelled in silence, rejoicing in each […]

[This week we’re celebrating the one-year anniversary of The Well-Watered Woman! In this article originally posted on book launch day, Gretchen reminds us that looking forward to the end provides hope for the hard middle and the everyday mundane. Read on to find out why she needed these specific truths as she labored through each […]

I stopped myself from singing along in praise. I was in the car, listening to worship music, and decided to turn it off. After finishing up a phone call that I had psyched myself up for over many days, I just wanted to stew in my own thoughts. I had tried to keep my expectations […]

“God made your body to do this.” As I prepared for the natural birth of my daughter last year, midwives encouraged me to repeat this truth during labor. I pulled those words over me like a warm blanket every day before my daughter arrived. But when the contractions intensified, I felt like a fool for […]

“I don’t know if I believe in God anymore.” We were driving home late one night when the words I’d been too scared to say for months finally tumbled out of my mouth. Despite the fact that he was driving, my husband turned and stared at me in shock. I watched him mentally search for […]

This article is part of our This Moment Matters series. Read previous articles in the series here: “Does This Really Matter?” by Gretchen Saffles “Being an Ambassador in Your Workplace” by Fernie Cosgrove “Why Your Local Church Matters” by Taylor Cage The first argument I ever had with my husband was about money. We were […]


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