A Note from Rachael I’ve often heard the advice, “Don’t prepare for seasons you aren’t in.” Essentially people were encouraging me not to borrow tomorrow’s trouble when the worries of today often already felt like too much for me to hold. But why not take note of truths in Scripture as we come upon them, […]
Dear Sister, The temptation of Jesus is a wellspring of wisdom, insight, and hope, but it also exposes what’s in our own hearts. As I wrote Victory in Jesus: A Lent Study Guide, I waded into the depths of my own sin and saw my propensity to give in to temptation at every corner. But […]
A Note from Gretchen A red bird flitters to the barren branch outside my kitchen window, and snapshots from a long-ago memory rush through my mind like the credits to a movie—my college dorm room, the ugly AC unit outside my fourth-story window, tears streaming down my face. It’s not a pretty memory, but it’s […]
Whenever I’m experiencing discontent in the midst of the incredible bounty that God has blessed me with, it’s a sign that I’m looking for satisfaction in the things of this world. Identifying the problem is a good place to start, but nothing will change until we begin searching for our satisfaction in the nutrient-rich truth […]
“You can’t get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” —C.S. Lewis It’s no secret: our team loves to read. We love to read the Bible, the very words of life breathed out by God himself. But we also love to read books by mentors in the faith. […]
Today is the last day of our week of gift guide articles. Check out each one for meaningful gift ideas for your loved ones! Monday: For Friends, Teachers, Neighbors, and Stockings (Gifts Under $25) Tuesday: For Her Wednesday: For Him Thursday: For Kids, Tweens, and Teens Friday: For Readers and Learners *Shop gospel-centered gifts up […]
This year we’re sharing our gift guides as five articles, with one releasing each day this week. Check out each one for meaningful gift ideas for your loved ones! Monday: For Friends, Teachers, Neighbors, and Stockings (Gifts Under $25) Tuesday: For Her Wednesday: For Him Thursday: For Kids, Tweens, and Teens Friday: For Readers and […]
This year we’re sharing our gift guides as five articles, with one releasing each day this week. Check out each one for meaningful gift ideas for your loved ones! Monday: For Friends, Teachers, Neighbors, and Stockings (Gifts Under $25) Tuesday: For Her Wednesday: For Him Thursday: For Kids, Tweens, and Teens Friday: For Readers and […]
This year we’re sharing our gift guides as five articles, with one releasing each day this week. Check out each one for meaningful gift ideas for your loved ones! Monday: For Friends, Teachers, Neighbors, and Stockings (Gifts Under $25) Tuesday: For Her Wednesday: For Him Thursday: For Kids, Tweens, and Teens Friday: For Readers and […]
‘Tis the season for gift giving, gathering with family and friends, and feasting on food that evokes savored childhood memories while making new ones. Each year we curate Christ-centered, meaningful, and fun gift ideas for your loved ones. This year, we’re sharing our gift guides as five articles, with one releasing each day this week. […]