Gift Guide: For Her

November 8, 2022  - By Well-Watered Women

Gift Guide Day 2-1

This year we’re sharing our gift guides as five articles, with one releasing each day this week. Check out each one for meaningful gift ideas for your loved ones!

*Shop gospel-centered gifts up to 30% off in the Well-Watered Co. during our sitewide sale! We have limited-quantity holiday gift bundles, a large selection of heavily discounted clearance items, and free shipping (in the contiguous U.S.) on orders over $50. Plus, any order over $20 gets a FREE Saddle Stitch Journal and Washi Tape Roll (while supplies last)!

For Her

As we hunt for the perfect gift for others, too often our hearts become bent on discovering the perfect gift for ourselves, but the Bible tells us that “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Before you search today, take a moment to pray, asking the Holy Spirit to help you follow the example of Christ, humbly considering others more important than yourself (Phil. 2:3). Then find joy in discovering the perfect gift for your sister, aunt, cousin, mom, mother-in-law, or friend. 

Gift Guide Day 2-2
Gift Guide Day 2-3
Gift Guide Day 2-4

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