An Interview With Kara Holmes

November 10, 2017  - By Kara Holmes

 Today we're thrilled to introduce you to Kara Holmes, Gretchen's older sister and the author of our  Advent devotional ! Kara is a wife, mom, and incredible writer. You can find her blog at  Chasing Genuine . We hope that you are abundantly blessed by our conversation with her today!

Today we’re thrilled to introduce you to Kara Holmes, Gretchen’s older sister and the author of our Advent devotional ! Kara is a wife, mom, and incredible writer. You can find her blog at Chasing Genuine . We hope that you are abundantly blessed by our conversation with her today!

Introduce yourself as if we were on a coffee date! Tell us about yourself. Would you be drinking coffee or tea? 

Hey there! I’m Kara. You might know me as Gretchen’s older sister, Trey’s goofy wife, or Kate, Justin, and Alisa’s crazy mom. I wear many hats throughout the day, but some of my favorites are wife, daughter, mom, sister, and friend. If you and I were to sit down for coffee, I would most definitely order a flat white or a caramel macchiato, extra hot.  

At one time in life, I worked as a professional counselor, and I greatly enjoyed that role of helping others through listening, guiding, and praying with them. Once we had children, Trey and I made the decision for me to stay home with our kids, taking advantage of this fleeting season to pour into them while they are young and moldable. Not a day goes by that I don’t thank God for this great privilege and responsibility. I love being a stay-at-home mommy!

When I’m not homeschooling Kate, taking Alisa or Justin to therapy, or making our lunches for a picnic at the zoo or museum, you might find me working on a blog post, reading a good book, or catching up on a fun Netflix show. There was a time in life when I enjoyed running, too. Maybe someday I can resurrect that habit…

When did you start following Jesus?

When I was six years old, I knew there was something missing in my life. I had been raised to understand our need for Jesus, and I wanted to belong to Him. I talked with my mom about my desire to follow Jesus, and she led me through the Gospel to help me understand what following Jesus meant. I made that commitment then, beginning my relationship with the Lord with a childlike faith. 

What is your definition of a Well-Watered Woman?

A Well-Watered Woman is one who not only finds her identity in Christ but also seeks to know Him throughout her days and nights. She puts in the time and effort to study and understand scripture, to seek the Lord through prayer and reflection, and to commune with fellow believers, because she knows this is where her life will find meaning, purpose, and influence. 

How do you give Jesus the first moments of your day?

I’ve always been a morning person. Having kids has only served to amplify this habit, because I’ve realized if I don’t wake up early, I rarely will find moments as the day progresses to be alone with the Lord. I usually wake up between 4:30-5 to read my Bible, pray, and prepare my heart for the day. 

What sort of spiritual season do you find yourself in now? What verses are you clinging to in this season? 

The last few years for our family have been filled with challenges, stress (good and bad), and momentous life changes. We had a high-risk pregnancy in 2015, a major job change and move in 2016, and an adoption in 2017, and those are just the highlights. It seems our family has entered a quiet season, one where we have settled into a new home and a new routine. 

I feel my spiritual life reflects this, too. I am enjoying a quiet season of rest and restoration in the Lord. I’ve found myself reading Proverbs often lately, amazed at how relevant this book of Wisdom is to our everyday lives. There are many verses in Proverbs which I have clung to in this season. One is Proverbs 2:6-7: 

“For the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding; He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk in integrity.” 

What intentional daily habits help you remain rooted deeply in the Word of God? 

Waking up early every morning to be still before the Lord is one of the most important habits of my day. I find this practice centers my heart, quiets my soul, and prepares my mind for what lies ahead. 

I also find that praying throughout the day helps me remain rooted in the Lord. When needs arise or emotions dip, I direct my heart and mind to the throne, asking the Lord’s guidance and provision. I also practice this with my children, and we often pray together over different situations as they come up. 

I wish I could say scripture memory also ranks high on the list, but this is one area where I struggle. I’m working to get better at it, though. 

Who is a “well-watered mentor” or example in your life, and how has she helped you become a well-watered women? 

If you know me or my sister personally, you won’t be surprised by my answer to this question. Without a doubt, my mom has always served as a well-watered mentor throughout my life. From my earliest memories, I can recall mom reading her Bible, praying for and with us, and directing us to God’s truths when we came to her with questions, hurts, or need for guidance. 

Mom has made it easier for me to know what a well-watered woman is because she has lived the example for our family. In many ways, I try to emulate the practices and habits she taught me, and I hope to pass this same legacy down to my children. 

What books are you currently reading or have you recently read and would recommend to our community?

I am currently rereading two books I have found helpful in my parenting journey: Shepherding a Child’s Heart and Instructing a Child’s Heart (Tedd Tripp). His second book was especially influential in giving me biblical, easy-to-understand ways of talking about the gospel with my kids. We are in a new developmental season with our children, especially our older two, so I’ve come back to these books to refresh my memory on the godly principles of parenting found within them.

 You can follow along with Kara on  Instagram  and on her blog,  Chasing Genuine.  And be sure to order an Advent Study in the Shop today!

You can follow along with Kara on Instagram and on her blog, Chasing Genuine. And be sure to order an Advent Study in the Shop today!

I’m also rereading (for the third time? or fourth? I’ve lost count) C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia series. This time, though, I am also reading them out loud to our oldest daughter, which has been a delight. I love how these books ignite our imagination to the wonders and power of our great and glorious Lord. 

If you could tell every woman on this blog one piece of wisdom, what would it be?

What the world says is wise and what God says is wise are often two very different and competing realities. However, it’s not always easy to discern God’s wisdom from the world’s wisdom, at least on the outside. We have to search a thing out to understand what its guiding principles are, to know whether it is founded upon the eternal, unchanging wisdom of God or the counterfeit, shifty wisdom of this world. 

Probably the wisest piece of advice I could give, at least in this season of my life, is to take the time to search out what principles you are allowing to guide your life. We are bombarded with advice, information, and “wisdom” all day long, and the world is pushy in its assumptions of how we should live, behave, interact, and believe. Study scripture. Examine your heart. Ask God for His wisdom in situations that arise in your life. Pray for discernment to know what is truly wise, and seek wise counsel from trustworthy believers God places in your life.

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