Well - Watered


Gospel in the Mundane

I creep down the dark halls of the church basement, a one-year-old clinging to my side like a baby monkey. All is silent. I pad past closed classroom doors, all dark except for a beam of light slanting through the high windows. I wiggle my eyebrows at my companion on my hip. She shrieks with […]

This article is part of our Made to Create article series. Read the other articles in the series here: “Made to Create” by Ashlee Gadd “Making Music for God’s Glory” by Caroline Cobb “Opening Our Eyes to Art” by Sarah Shin “A Liturgy for Your Words” by Kate Lab “A Welcoming Home” by Rachael Milner   Made to […]

When the war in Ukraine began in the winter of 2022, my friend Shanna found herself on the front lines. As a missionary in Eastern Europe, she witnessed thousands of Ukrainian mothers, grandmothers, and children flooding to her city. Shanna and her family and church community jumped into action, and she began to post photos […]

I stood at my kitchen sink as tears of frustration burst from my eyes. I was overstimulated, overtired, and overwhelmed. Between sobs I whispered, “I can’t do this anymore.” I was too weak to keep up with the never-ending stream of demands, no matter how simple they were. As the chaos continued around me, I […]

Making room for others is rarely easy. If truth be told, our lives are complicated, overscheduled, and just plain busy. Invitational living often feels like a burdensome extra. But our homes hold a valuable secret the world longs to know: God is good and loving and true. Every time we open our doors in hospitality […]

With signs of summer all around, another shift in seasons is before us. And whether we are finishing a semester of school, helping our family transition to summer schedules, or simply readying our closets with flip-flops and swimsuits, change is upon us. While summer typically brings a rush of graduation parties, weddings, and showers—celebrations meant […]

I settle into the couch, letting my slippers fall quietly to the floor. My Bible sits next to me, a new journal in my lap. Slowly I begin to move the pen, thoughts filling the page in the early morning hours. I shut my journal and open the Bible study book I recently began. Today […]

Spiritual Disciplines in a Busy Day In the precious early hours before my kiddos wake up with requests for books and pleas for Frosted Mini-Wheats, I’m hunched over my phone scrolling the morning feed while my Bible lies in my lap unopened. When I finally get to reading and praying, I have only a few […]

This article is part of our This Moment Matters series. Read previous articles in the series here: “Does This Really Matter?” by Gretchen Saffles “Being an Ambassador in Your Workplace” by Fernie Cosgrove “Why Your Local Church Matters” by Taylor Cage “Surrendering Our Wallets to the God of Enough” by Laura Hardin I avoid getting […]

This article is part of our This Moment Matters Series. Read other articles in the series here: Being an Ambassador in Your Workplace by Fernie Cosgrove Why Your Local Church Matters by Taylor Cage Surrendering Our Money to the God of Enough by Laura Hardin Housework is Kingdom Work by Maggie Combs The Most Challenging […]


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