Well - Watered



But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14   As I walked into the room, I found my two-year-old daughter sitting on top of the washing machine. She was liberally applying a tube of lipstick, dug from out […]

When it comes to parenting, the adage “More is caught than taught” rings true. None of us wants to send the message “Do as I say, not as I do” to our kids. We want to be sure they see us as trustworthy, and we want to be godly examples for them to follow. We […]

When I tell my oldest son that I love him, he often responds, “I love you more!” But I know there’s no possible way he could love me more. I am the parent; he is the child. The love between us originated with me before he even had the ability to love. One day, Lord […]

[Editor’s Note: For a resource that helps your child learn to turn to and trust God when they’re afraid, check out the newly-released Unshaken Courage Cards for Kids. Designed for kids of all ages, these are a means to encourage the fearful hearts of children in your life with the unshakable truth of God’s Word. […]

What does discipleship look like in your home? Your blood pressure may have just spiked. It’s okay. Most Christian parents feel the same way when they hear this question—even the superhero ones. You’d never guess, but behind the social media posts about their Scripture memory flashcards and Bible reading plans, there’s this nagging insecurity that […]

Life-on-Life Discipleship In college, I longed for a mentor. I listened to my friends discuss their relationships with their mentors. They were supportive, they listened, they taught them about the Bible, they gave them advice, and they invited them on coffee dates. I watched them walk together on campus or sit together in the local […]

In the first few years I played softball, I’d often drop a pop-fly or miss a simple grounder. Although I made countless mistakes, they didn’t change my identity. I was a softball player. I wore the uniform, I trained, I played, and I improved. Over time, my muscles strengthened in technique and my mind strategized […]

Dear Girl, when life comes at you and you want to honor Jesus, this one is for you. We’ve compiled resources for your teen years.

“Each time you fall He will pick you up again. And He knows perfectly well that your own efforts are never going to bring you anywhere near perfection.” –C.S. Lewis Crying Over Spilled Pasta It was toward the end of a long day, one of those days in which everything seems to go wrong, and […]

A Time to Remember Several years ago, I found myself spending an afternoon in a very different way than I had planned. I’d come to my desk trying to find something I just couldn’t seem to track down. In the midst of searching every nook and cranny of the desk, I opened one little door […]


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