Eat Truth For Breakfast The moment your alarm goes off in the morning, you start thinking and making decisions. The first one will be to actually turn the alarm off, move from your cozy covers, and plant your feet on the floor to start your day. You are constantly thinking, making decisions, and meditating on […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Truth for Breakfast

Some days I wake up discouraged and with a spirit of defeat clouded my vision before I even finish my first cup of coffee. Today was one of those days where the enemy immediately starting feeding me lie after lie the moment my eyes opened. He whispered into my soul that I’m not good enough and a failure. He pounded my heart with discouragement and lack of confidence. He almost convinced me to just throw in the towel today.


By Gretchen Saffles

Truth Trumps Feelings

All art prints are on sale in the LLB Shop today through Friday. Beautiful art for your home, truth and encouragement for your heart.

Write Truth on Your Walls: Art Print Sale!

By Rachael Milner

When my soul feels heavy and the sounds of our home feel overwhelming, I sing praises. 

By Gretchen Saffles

The Melody of Praise

What do we do with those “I feel” statements dictates the direction of our days. Instead of believing everything you feel, speak the truth to yourself…

By Gretchen Saffles

I Feel Vs. I Know

This past weekend, I gathered with over four hundred women in Indianapolis with one intent—to lift high the name of Jesus and center our hearts on Him. These women, all four hundred of them, came with different passions, pursuits, and backgrounds. We had one thing in common, the desire to know Jesus and to live our lives purposefully for His glory. The conversations were flavored with encouragement, big dreams, and the wrestlings of our souls. We came just as we are, broken and bought by His blood, and left with a renewed boldness in our hearts. Something beautiful happens when women gather to lift high the name of Jesus. Chains are broken, walls are torn down brick by brick, and dreams are built back up again. The Influence Conference is more than a gathering of women, it is a reminder of our calling and commissioning to live as daughters of the King and ambassadors of Christ.

Called And Commissioned

By Gretchen Saffles

My heart is excited and expectant about today’s “Well-Watered Women” post! This is now the 8th post in our series of digging into how we can live life intentionally for God’s glory through knowing His Word, studying it, and living it out in our day-to-day lives! You can catch up on the series by clicking here! Today’s topic will cover one specific way that we can share the Word – through filling our social media feeds with truth. God is doing a new thing, and I want to be a part of it! I pray you will join me in living life beautifully for the glory of God!

By Gretchen Saffles

Well-Watered Women: Part 8, Share The Word

When I was a little girl, I would come into the kitchen and often find my momma talking to herself. I always loved catching her in the act (and still do:). Throughout the years she has faithfully taught me speak truth over the lies that Satan whispers into our ears. As a matter of fact, just this morning she was speaking truth over my weary heart. The cycle was starting again. I was listening to the lies of the Enemy and doubting what God had called me to do.

By Gretchen Saffles

Talk To Yourself

Glancing at the test, the two pink lines caught my eye. Two. Not just one. Two pink lines. I looked at my husband in stunned surprise and held it out for him to see. He led me to the couch and I proceeded to miss the couch and just fall straight to the floor in my usual dramatic fashion. We’re pregnant. We both sat there for what seemed like hours letting it sink in deep. The surprise and excitement mixed with the worry and unknowns filled out hearts with a flood of emotions. The next nine months were going to change our lives. The day we found out we were pregnant was exciting and overwhelming.

Bump The Insecurity

The Saffles

By Gretchen Saffles

At the beginning of this year, I almost quit Instagram and social media altogether. My heart was in a deep struggle. Through the scrolling and the posting I found a lack of encouragement and noticed that my heart was prone to be filled with an overload of information and a self-centered point of view. At the time, I had just begun creating stationery and art prints for Life Lived Beautifully and longed for it to make a difference. (It wasn’t until April that the Lord gave me the dream for the “Give Me Jesus” Journal.) I didn’t want to post another picture that people would scroll past and not pay attention to. I wanted each word and each post to matter for the Kingdom.

By Gretchen Saffles

Instagram For The Fame of Jesus

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