The Melody of Praise

September 2, 2016  - By Gretchen Saffles

Allowing the mundane moments to point our hearts back to praise.

On those days when motherhood feels long and lonely and I am sequestered to our home with my little one, I turn up praise music and sing at the top of the lungs. Sometimes I dance with a fussy baby. Sometimes I just sit and listen. Sometimes I raise my hands high while my baby watches me and lifts his hands, too. The Lord has used the melody of praise to fight the burden of loneliness and discouragement. When my soul feels heavy and the sounds of our home feel overwhelming, I sing praises. 

Psalm 22:3 tells us that God inhabits the praises of His people. Literally, He is in our praise, our worship, our singing, and the raising of our hands. Zephaniah 3:17 describes God as a mighty warrior who sings over His people. Joining Him in song is a perspective-shifter and a day-changer. The Lord loves it when we sing praises to Him. He is honored by heart-felt adoration and He created music to bring Him glory and to bring us great joy! It may seem simple, but if you are battling depression or feeling overwhelmed by loneliness, I want to challenge you to sing praises. It doesn't matter how well you can hit a note or stay on pitch. All that matters to the Lord is that you are singing joyfully with a heart of surrender to Him!

I wanted to share some of my favorite praise music with you today and I would LOVE to hear your favorite worship songs!

  • Morning Worship Playlist: I listen to this first thing in the morning and often during my quiet time.
  • Walk In Grace Playlist: I listen to this as I run errands and clean!
  • Breathe: A playlist of Psalms
  • Flourish: Fruit of the Spirit Playlist for the Flourish study.
  • Coffee Date Email Playlist: Each month our team sends a coffee-date email of our favorite resources like music, books, podcasts, and more. We've compiled those songs here. You can get the coffee-date emails here.


What are some of your favorite worship songs?

singing praises with you,

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  1. Love this, so true. Praise really lifts heaviness and changes your whole mood and supernaturally works in the spiritual realm. Xoxo lovely share.

  2. says:

    I absolutely love "Vapor" by the Liturgists and "You Have My Heart" by Ascend the Hill. 🙂

  3. Laly says:

    Wow, so many I cannot even name them all but here are some of my current favorites 😀
    -Heroes by Amanda Cook/Bethel
    -Pieces by Amanda Cook/Bethel
    -Let the Heavens Open by Kari Jobe
    -Thy Will by Hillary Scott
    -I Can Feel You by Jenn Johnson/Bethel.

    • says:

      Those are GREAT ones! Thank you for sharing them! I am going to listen to them right now:)

  4. says:

    Anything by Rend Collective is just plain awesome! And I’ve really been enjoying Sovereign Grace Music recently especially Let Your Kingdom Come. Also Matt Redman’s newest album and Tim Hughes newest album are constantly playing! I’m loving your playlists right now… They are playing literally this moment as I’m studying and revising! Thank you for being so God centered and lovely ❤

  5. says:

    Anything by Rend Collective is just plain awesome! And I’ve really been enjoying Sovereign Grace Music recently especially Let Your Kingdom Come. Also Matt Redman’s newest album and Tim Hughes newest album are constantly playing! I’m loving your playlists right now… They are playing literally this moment as I’m studying and revising! Thank you for being so God centered and lovely ❤

  6. Bethany D says:

    Recently I have been loving I Am They band! So, so good!

  7. Tay says:

    Psalms 139 by Shane and Shane
    Simplicity by Rend Collective
    Who You Are by Passion
    Revelation of Jesus Christ by Ghost Ship
    And recently, I just found out about Nicole Nordeman and wish I knew about her years ago! Lyrics that spoke right through my heart and spirit. Worship trumps worry!

  8. Jeana says:

    Have you ever listened to Rain for Roots? It’s the sweetest children’s worship. Ellie Holcomb sings a lot on the albums. I have a girl a few months older than your little man and she loves listening!

  9. Danica says:

    I absolutely love anything Crowder, Rend Collective, Lauren Daigle & Needtobreathe! Thank you for these playlists!

  10. MC says:

    At The Mention Of Your Name by Jenn & Brian Johnson

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