“I just want to quit.” -me (and most likely you)

By Gretchen Saffles

I Quit.

At Well-Watered Women, we believe in the importance of cheering on other women in the body of Christ as they follow Him with reckless abandon. We are committed to not only bringing you our own resources and content that stirs your affections for Jesus, but also to point you to other women who have that […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Well-Watered Resource: GraceLaced Book

This post was written by Kelly Strickland. You can read more about Kelly at the bottom of the post! Learning to let go of the perfect “quiet time” with the Lord has been quite a difficult journey for me. My love language is quality time and so when our son Will came along I realized […]

Embrace the Messy

By Kelly Strickland

This post was written by Elizabeth Santelmann. Read more about Elizabeth at the bottom of the post. I struggle to keep Truth before me. I tend to be one of those people who move back and forth between agonizing doubt and stepping forward in faith. The dry times in various phases of motherhood have derailed […]

By Elizabeth Santelmann

Faithfulness In Our Everyday

It is no surprise that post birth our bodies change drastically. Along with that physical change comes an added spiritual change. Raising children is no small task. It has been argued that motherhood is by far one of the most important tasks on earth, because we as mothers are shaping the future leaders of the next generation! In my own heart I carry a deep conviction that these days with my little boy are meant for greater purposes— for kingdom purposes. But in order to truly grasp that and live it out, I have to put my “mom pants” on. Let me explain.

By Gretchen Saffles

Discipling Little Ones

Today I am sharing on Risen Motherhood about looking to Christ in work and motherhood and hope you’ll join us! 

Risen Motherhood Interview

By Well-Watered Women

To the one whose beautifully messy day to day never seems to measure up to the always climbing invisible mark of social media perfection. To the one who never feels like enough but in the same breath feels like too much. To the one who hands out handfuls of grace so freely but can’t seem to receive it for yourself… This letter is for you.

By Well-Watered Women

Dear Overwhelmed Mama

When my soul feels heavy and the sounds of our home feel overwhelming, I sing praises. 

By Gretchen Saffles

The Melody of Praise

Today I want to glance back at what is behind, at the hard lessons that scrubbed my soul raw, at the joyful moments that I could barely take in because they were so beautiful, and at every moment in between—the mundane where life is really lived. In tracing the finger of God throughout every step of becoming a mother, I want to highlight the glory of the gospel of Jesus Christ in it all. 

Motherhood: Glancing Back & Gazing Forward

By Gretchen Saffles

My head was spinning. All at once it seemed like every ball I was attempting to juggle came crashing down. I sat in the living room staring at the intimidating notifications on my phone. Sitting next to my phone was a lengthy to-do list I kept rearranging each day, hoping to finally make some headway on it. Instead, I sat there paralyzed with fear that I would make the wrong decision and waste precious time. I was enslaved to the feeling that I had to do “everything” so I ended up accomplishing nothing. 

Even typing this I feel like a weight is sitting on my chest. There is so. much. to. do. Do any of you reading this feel like you have an endless to-do list and like you are being crushed by the expectations of this world? This is not living. Feeling overwhelmed by life is really no life at all. It is mere survival in the wilderness of the day-to-day grind instead of thriving in God’s grace in the midst of it all. I’m through with it. For most of my life I’ve been a “yes” girl, never questioning an offer to participate in something and rarely addressing my schedule to see if my commitments are actually doable. When it comes to planning, I tend to have a “thanksgiving” mentality. 

By Gretchen Saffles

The “Yes” of No

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