Dear Overwhelmed Mama

September 30, 2016  - By Well-Watered Women

Hi friends, Rachael here! Happy Friday – it’s almost the weekend, and almost the best month ever: October. Can you believe that?

Our sweet friend Anna shared this post on her Instagram the other day – and we thought there may be some of you out there who needed to hear it. You can find Anna at @alonganinlandsea where she shares her heart for Jesus, her love for her family, and her impeccable style for all things lovely and homey!

Dear overwhelmed Mama,

To the one whose laundry baskets always seem to be home to more dirty clothes than clean. To the one that has stepped on Legos or Barbie shoes or cracker crumbs. To the one whose beautifully messy day to day never seems to measure up to the always climbing invisible mark of social media perfection. To the one who never feels like enough but in the same breath feels like too much. To the one who hands out handfuls of grace so freely but can’t seem to receive it for yourself.

To the one whose coffee cup can never be full enough- yet is still left exhausted. To the one chasing toddlers in slippers and yoga pants while everyone else in the world seems to be chasing dreamy goals in heels + fake eyelashes. To the one who ate the leftover macaroni for lunch. And eats goldfish out of your diaper bag for a snack. To the mama in the trenches of young babes and super sized boxes of diapers.

You are not alone. You are not too much. You are enough. You are seen. You are loved. You are celebrated. God is in the midst of our mundanes. He’s moving here in the walls of our homes as much as He moves in ministries with titles and non profit status’. He has equipped you- yes you, for right where you are, for the people he made you to love. He hasn’t left you to drown in the craziness. Instead He has promised to be our comforter, our daily supply, our grace upon amazing grace. His love never dries. Never falters. Never expires. Heaven is breaking through again and again in the hum drum of our everyday. We only need to fix our eyes on the author of our story + then anticipate the beauty He has in store.

Because it’s right here. In the babe nursing on your chest. Or the toddler napping. In your child’s laughter and learning of ABCs. It’s in the quiet moments after you tuck your babes into bed, and in the chaos of dinner time. Glimpses of God himself, of heaven breaking through. Everyday. Every hour. We need only to be aware of His goodness and be reminded that His extravagance isn’t reserved for the “all together” folks. It’s for you. For me. For now. In my slippers + dry shampoo.

Your dear mama friend in the trenches alongside you

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  1. Rina says:

    As I read this tears streamed down my face.
    Beautiful. Exactly what I needed to hear. I’m sure so many other moms out there needed to hear it too. Thank you.

  2. Lori S. says:

    Well done! You are so inspiring! I love reading your words. You are so real and so relatable. I just bought myself a “give me Jesus” book for mother’s day and been LOVING it. Thank your for your work and inspiration!

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