Well - Watered



This article is part of our Hymn Series, releasing throughout the month of June leading up to the launch of our new Be Still collection. Rooted in praise to the Lord, hymns have a way of helping us slow down to really reflect on and appreciate truths about God and the gospel as we sing […]

This article is part of our Hymn Series, releasing throughout the month of June leading up to the launch of our new Be Still collection. Rooted in praise to the Lord, hymns have a way of helping us slow down to really reflect on and appreciate truths about God and the gospel as we sing […]

This article is part of our Hymn Series, releasing throughout the month of June leading up to the launch of our new Be Still collection. Rooted in praise to the Lord, hymns have a way of helping us slow down to really reflect on and appreciate truths about God and the gospel as we sing […]

This article is part of our Hymn Series, releasing throughout the month of June leading up to the launch of our new Be Still collection. Rooted in praise to the Lord, hymns have a way of helping us slow down to really reflect on and appreciate truths about God and the gospel as we sing […]

Starting to Journal I was ten years old when I first started keeping a journal. I’ll spare you the details of what I wrote in my first journal, but it was far from a Christ-centered record of life. The topics frequently covered were: the boys I liked, the friends I had, and what I did […]

Savoring the I AM at Christmas Christmas is only a few days away, with its celebration of our Savior, Jesus Christ, who was born in a manger. We rejoice as we remember who he is and all that he has done for us. The first chapter of John tells us of a Savior who came […]

Merry Christmas—the day of rejoicing is here!  Hallelujah, Christ has come; Christ died and rose; Christ is coming again!  Jesus’ birth was just the beginning of Christ’s work as the Lamb of God. In the Jewish sacrificial system, every single lamb ever slain on the altar of sacrifice remained dead. No lamb returned to life. […]

I sat around glistening trees that Christmas with warm drinks and giggling babies—other people’s babies. Almost a year of trying to conceive had left me feeling empty; each cycle passed with no news that a little one would soon be joining our family. On Christmas Day I held more babies and let one or two […]

This November our community has focused on giving thanks to the Lord for all He has done, using Psalm 136 as a guide. Whether you have followed along with this month’s gratitude and scripture memorization challenge or not, join us today in declaring the many ways that God is good and worthy of our thanks! […]

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33‬) ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬Drinking the Living Water Last year, I completed the 30 Day Word Before World Challenge. It changed my heart, which in turn changed my life. I got into the habit of seeking time with […]


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