Well - Watered



Preparing In Surrender If there is one thing that I want to encourage you with before we dive headfirst into our 40 days of prayer in the Psalms, it would be this wisdom from the missionary, Hudson Taylor: “You must go forward on your knees.” I think we tend to live life backward from the way […]

Join us for Lent in the Psalms As Lent begins next Wednesday, we will begin digging into the Psalms and praying through the Scriptures following our Breathe Study. The study focuses on 40 different Psalms. We also begin with some introduction and guidance on how to pray using Scripture. The number 40 is symbolic all throughout […]

The Fear of Anxiety As I lie on my bed, an onslaught of thoughts and worries barrage my mind like a broken dam. These thoughts are like water rushing without caution, and it is impossible to catch them. Instead, I watch them slip right through my fingers. When the powerhouse of my mind is running, […]

A New Way to Pray With the early morning sunlight shining on my desk, I sat in my office chair with my head propped up in my hands as I attempted to pray. Each morning I mumbled a quick prayer between moments of drifting off to sleep. My prayers blurred and meshed together until it […]

There have been times in my prayer life when I’ve felt I was asking God for too much. The amount of faith required seemed like a stretch to get to the end goal, to receive the thing I most wanted. In the midst of such requests (like wanting to be engaged, wishing for the perfect […]

*Sign up for our free 7-Day Kickstart Your Quiet Time Challenge at the bottom of this blog post! It’s free to join at any time! Enjoy day 1 of the challenge below!* The One Resolution That Will Change Your Life “I resolve to put the Word before the world, because I believe Jesus Christ is […]

“Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) For more of my life than not, the idea of “unceasing prayer” felt a little like one of those ultimate marathons—the kind where people run 100 miles and leave the rest of the world hanging in the balance of awe and unbelief that such a feat is humanly possible […]

Throughout Scripture we see a woven thread that points us to a need for God. In the Shema, the Israelites were told to love God with all their heart, soul, and strength. They were to talk about Him with their children and keep His commandments before their eyes and on their hearts. They were to […]

This week, our community study of Planted is focusing on the discipline of prayer. This can easily turn into a neglected part of our spiritual walk, a selfish wish list, or a last resort in desperate times. But we are called to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17) and, through the blood of Christ, we […]

This series was written by Kara Holmes. A professional counselor turned stay-at-home mom, Kara is wife to Trey and mom to Kate, Justin, and Alisa. Some of Kara’s favorite activities include going on walks with her family, writing, getting lost in a great book, and laughing. Passionate about the deeper issues of the heart, Kara enjoys […]


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