Well - Watered


Social Media

We’ve all been there: spending too much time on our phones and too little time in the present moment. For such a small device that can fit in the palms of our hands, it’s amazing how much power our phones or tablets have over our hearts. I’m a firm believer that we don’t have to […]

Happy APRIL dear friends! We can’t believe how fast the year has gone, but as we head into a new month and a new season, we are thrilled for what’s ahead. This month we will begin an eight-week, in-depth study of Ephesians using our Walk In Grace journal as a guide. This journal uses a […]

“How do you grow a following?” she asked. I cringed at the question, because I know firsthand that numbers can shackle our souls and trip us up if they become our driving ambition in life. I’m asked this question quite often, and it’s honestly one that I wrestle with answering well. Our society is built […]

Today’s post was originally shared on the LifeWay Women leadership blog. LifeWay Women aims to equip women to reach women, in Jesus’ Name. You can subscribe to their blog for weekly updates and more material that will encourage you to lead like Jesus! “How old are you?” It’s one of the first questions I was asked when […]

“I just want to quit.” -me (and most likely you)

Motivation is a curious thing. We can be motivated by things so easily – sometimes recognized, other times subconsciously. When we recognize something that compels us into action, it’s easier to get moving and make a choice that brings us satisfaction. We choose to eat healthy all day so we can reward ourselves with a […]

Confession. I am a recovering addict. Chances are, you are one too. I have been enslaved to “likes” and trapped by numbers for a lot of my life. The number battle seems to wage a war in my heart each day. Even before things like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, I measured myself by how many people complimented me or knew me. In college I struggled with the numbers I saw on the scale. They never got low enough for me to feel beautiful and my body suffered from it (read more about my story here). It seems like we are constantly trapped by numbers and never appeased with what we see.

Grab a cup of coffee and meet Rachael Milner, today’s “A Life Lived Beautifully” feature!

Does the daily scroll on social media ever consume your mind or cause you to compare? You are not alone in this.

Is your Bible a trophy or a treasure?


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