Well - Watered



“So, When Are You Going to Have Kids?” Someone asked me about kids at my wedding reception. Let that sink in. I’ve been asked a variation of this question at least once a month for the past eight years. I wish I was exaggerating, but if you’ve been married any length of time and find […]

A Social Break This past fall, when the engine of homeschooling and managing life amid lockdowns and working from home seemed to hit full steam, I logged off of social media. I deleted the apps from my phone and I told myself I would be fully present. I’d look into my kids’ eyes when they […]

Toxic or Not? In my previous blog post, I identified what a toxic person is, according to Scripture. The word “toxic” is often used indiscriminately to describe relationships, but Christians need to be careful that our terms line up with Scripture.  As important as it is to correctly identify a toxic person, it’s equally important […]

What Is Toxic? I’ve seen and heard a word floating around increasingly the past couple of years describing others: toxic. It is used to describe friendships and romantic relationships and family dynamics. In essence, it’s another way of saying a relationship is really unhealthy or dangerous.  But here’s the problem: the definition of what a […]

Meaningful Moments After Miscarriage It was only a couple of weeks after our first miscarriage. I was leaving the church bathroom on my way to pick up my son from the nursery. A fellow mom I barely knew stopped me at the door. “Hi Lara,” she said. She had that sympathetic tilt to her head […]

“You Shouldn’t Judge.” Once upon a couple of years ago, there was a wildly popular book written by a self-professed Christian author. It was released by a Christian publishing house and marketed on Christian platforms and websites. It was a fairy tale come true. Crushing it at the top of The New York Times Best […]

A Year We’ll Remember No one is going to forget the year 2020. From celebrity deaths, to living through a pandemic, to seeing racial injustice on every media outlet—we will have a hard time forgetting the events of this year. We may forget which celebrity died and when. Or we may forget how many rolls […]

The Weight of Motherhood In an often thankless role like motherhood, Mother’s Day may carry the weight of a year of hard work and sacrifice. But this year, in the midst of helping kids with school, physical distance from our church bodies and extended families, friendships pinned together through technology, and an excess of togetherness […]

Grief and Friendship In the past couple of years, some of my dearest friends have walked the path of searing grief. Not long ago, I stood next to a friend in the receiving line of her mom’s funeral. Just a couple of months ago I cried on the other end of the phone as a […]

The Church is the People The Church is facing an interesting and challenging circumstance today. How do we practice ministry without the gift of presence? My pastor keeps reminding us that the Church is the people—not the building! But, doing ministry without the building is proving to be a challenge. I keep coming back to […]


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