Well - Watered



“Awake, O sleeper, and rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light” (Ephesians 5:14b, 11, 8).

Behind Closed Doors For several weeks, writers have shared their honest stories on the Well-Watered Blog about sins that typically hide “behind closed doors”—including: Food and Fear Bitterness Gossip Sexual Sin, Boundaries in Dating, and Confessing Sexual Sin Idleness and “Busy” Idleness Food for Comfort Alcohol Eating Disorders And Materialism This is certainly not a […]

Behind Closed Doors-Boundaries While Dating-Well-Watered Women | Going into college, I thought wearing my little pink purity ring would be easy. I had decided not to have sex until I was married and I thought that was enough. It wasn’t until my first relationship that I realized purity is so much more than not having sex.

a promise kept My dad gave me a promise ring when I turned thirteen. It was a little pink stone on a silver band that represented a promise to wait for my future husband, to stay pure until my wedding day. It was easy to put the ring on when he first gave it to […]

When February 14th rolls around each year, chocolate hearts and fragrant flowers promise us a day full of warm and fuzzy feelings. Cheesy cards and red roses fill the stores, reminding us all that love is in the air (or at least it should be). And while a day spent eating candy and passing out […]

I often find myself drifting into contemplative states—ones in which I look back and replay certain parts of my life to analyze them all over again. They can be sweet, nostalgic trips into my past, but they can also take me back to seasons that do not feel worth reliving. Regardless of where my thoughts […]

“I think we’re just … better as friends.” I suddenly felt like I might throw up. Sitting cross-legged in my closet so my parents couldn’t hear my conversation on the phone, I felt time stop—or transition into slow motion, at least. “For sure,” I said on the other end of the line. Click. That was […]

When we were first married, my husband and I, like many young couples, had opposite expectations for many things. When our first anniversary rolled around, he wanted to go camping but I wanted to go to Malibu. When buying items for our first Christmas, he grabbed the colored Christmas lights and I grabbed the white. […]

This post was written by Brendt Blanks. Brendt is the founder of She Gave It A Go, an online community that is all about empowering and encouraging women to pursue the meaningful things in their lives. Faith, family, and farmhouse decor are her three favorite topics to talk about. She is married to her husband of […]

I wanted to get my nails done. We had some extra money, and I knew my husband wouldn’t really mind—he’d probably even say that I deserved to treat myself! But there was something in the back of my mind that made me feel guilty, so I was contemplating what to say to him before leaving […]

How to Listen to Your Spouse - Practical tips for enjoying quality time with your spouse. Christian marriage advice

This post was written by Brendt Blanks. Brendt is the founder of She Gave It A Go, an online community that is all about empowering and encouraging women to pursue the meaningful things in their lives. Faith, family, and farmhouse decor are her three favorite topics to talk about. She is married to her husband of […]

The following is an excerpt from Jessica Mathisen’s brand-new book Already Chosen: Loving your Life in the Midst of Longing, now available on Amazon. Jessica Mathisen lives in Athens, Georgia with her first and forever boyfriend, Rory, and their sweet puppy, Bailey. She is a recovering perfectionist, a former teacher, and a lover of people. Her […]


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