Well - Watered



This post was written by Becca Lafferty, a high-school English teacher in Singapore. Read more from Becca on her blog. I’ve been writing this blog post in my head for several months now. It all started with a conversation with my friend Chelsie in her classroom. We were talking about our friends that were married, […]

the wish-dream wedding Dancing around the room, my heart beat quickly imagining my Prince I would one day dance with. Blue tattered tutu, plastic princess heels, and hair curled from my pink sponge curlers the night before, no dream was too small for my mind to imagine. And dream I did. For years I dreamed […]

Dear Single Self (& Single Friends), You are not alone. You never were and you never will be. I feel I need to repeat this, you are not alone. In the world of singleness it is easy to feel, well, singled out. Kind of like you are wearing a scarlet letter that say available and alone. You may feel lonely and you may feel hopeless, but don’t allow feelings to direct your steps. God has promised to never leave you or forsake you. Never. He has promised you life that is abundant…today. (John 10:10) Your years are not wasted and your life has already begun. Don’t look ahead to what might be. (Matthew 6:33-34) Be grateful for the beauty of today. Each new moment is a gift from the Lord and is also a trust. How are you using your singleness to bring glory to your Creator?


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