Well - Watered



“I’m doing really well.” The response had become my most common lie. Such responses are expected of Christian women, after all. The Stepford Wives quality unnerved me, but like a good little Christian girl, I fell in line. Keeping up the appearance of goodness easily becomes more important to me than being honest about my […]

I was scrolling through Instagram the other day, mindlessly perusing. Suddenly, this adorable girl posted this insanely cute sweater that I really liked. As I paused to read her caption, I was immediately overwhelmed by a need to buy the sweater. Never mind that I have dozens of warm, cute, well-fitting sweaters in my closet. […]

“You Shouldn’t Judge.” Once upon a couple of years ago, there was a wildly popular book written by a self-professed Christian author. It was released by a Christian publishing house and marketed on Christian platforms and websites. It was a fairy tale come true. Crushing it at the top of The New York Times Best […]

Think Before You Speak My thumb hovered over the Reply button. I had been watching a discussion play out on Facebook, and I had strong feelings about the topic. I was becoming more and more agitated internally as I read opinions that were swerving away from truth and into dangerous, murky territory. Verse after verse […]

More than Entertainment Streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime are a delightful convenience. The myriad of choices has us queuing up our watch lists until our eyes glaze over and, within this world of high stimulus entertainment, we become blind to the pitfalls that threaten to undercut our spiritual zeal and steadfastness.   […]

“Awake, O sleeper, and rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light” (Ephesians 5:14b, 11, 8).

Behind Closed Doors For several weeks, writers have shared their honest stories on the Well-Watered Blog about sins that typically hide “behind closed doors”—including: Food and Fear Bitterness Gossip Sexual Sin, Boundaries in Dating, and Confessing Sexual Sin Idleness and “Busy” Idleness Food for Comfort Alcohol Eating Disorders And Materialism This is certainly not a […]

Behind Closed Doors-Confessing Sexual Sin-Well-Watered Women

an unexpected turn Over plates of chicken shawarma, I asked the young twenty-something in front of me what her relationship with God currently looked like. She said it had changed a lot over the past year, then proceeded to tell me why. And the “why” went a direction I didn’t expect. She had attended a […]

Behind Closed Doors-Sexual Sin-Well-Watered Women

How it began When I was about five years old, I remember sitting on the bathroom floor idly thumbing through an old magazine and happened to see a tiny advertisement for a book about sex. The cover had a naked man and woman positioned just so you didn’t see the “private parts,” but still enough […]

Behind Closed Doors-Boundaries While Dating-Well-Watered Women | Going into college, I thought wearing my little pink purity ring would be easy. I had decided not to have sex until I was married and I thought that was enough. It wasn’t until my first relationship that I realized purity is so much more than not having sex.

a promise kept My dad gave me a promise ring when I turned thirteen. It was a little pink stone on a silver band that represented a promise to wait for my future husband, to stay pure until my wedding day. It was easy to put the ring on when he first gave it to […]

Without a community to learn from, I would have fallen into complacency, more than likely slipping back to my old ways because it would have felt like the only way to move forward. And then suddenly I would have been someone claiming Christ without knowing Him. Without loving Him. Without following Him.

transition and conflict I remember the overwhelming confliction of being renewed, yet not knowing what to do with that truth. I remember feeling the conviction of who I was now—a child of God—but not sure what that meant. I had been saved by God’s grace alone, but I was alone, without community. I pushed through […]


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