Well - Watered



Introducing Our Shop Manager, Erin Clack

a well-watered woman Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to a long-time team member, Erin Clack. Erin serves as our Shop Manager, so she is the one making sure your orders get packaged and shipped out to you on time! Today is also Erin’s birthday, so what better time to celebrate the life […]

the cycle of seclusion It’s been a long day. You are exhausted as you pull into your garage and close the door behind you, grateful for a neighborhood that values seclusion as much as you do. Life regularly looks like closed doors and quiet evenings. On Sunday your pastor might mention hospitality. You cringe a […]

How to honor God when no one else is seeing your actions - By Well-Watered Women

I have learned, and am learning still, that we are called to pour forth every facet of our lives in worship. There are many spheres of our lives (motherhood being one that I am knee-deep in at the moment) in which we have the opportunity to present a beautiful aroma of worship to the Lord […]

Loving Others When It's Not So Easy: Loving the Ungrateful During the Holidays

Every year, amidst the cheerful tunes ringing throughout stores, the twinkling lights adorning the rooftops, and the comforting scent of cookies baking, there always seems to be a “scrooge” I come across who crushes the joy of the season. It could be a family member who refuses to crack a smile beneath the scowl on […]

When we were first married, my husband and I, like many young couples, had opposite expectations for many things. When our first anniversary rolled around, he wanted to go camping but I wanted to go to Malibu. When buying items for our first Christmas, he grabbed the colored Christmas lights and I grabbed the white. […]

When Stress Changes Our Plans In 2015, my Labor Day did not go according to plan. Instead of spending an enjoyable day with friends, I sat in an emergency care center learning that I had shingles. One of the diagnostic questions the doctor asked me was if I had recently been under significant stress to […]

Place Makers: How to be Inclusive as a Woman of God

“I saved a seat for you!” These words from my new friend were exactly what I needed to hear to take a deep breath and relax. Just moments before, I had been sitting in my car and very seriously considering just going home. As a generally outgoing person, I was embarrassed by how nervous I […]

When feelings feel overwhelming “I feel so out of control. I am such a mess. I feel CRAZY.” I have spoken these exact words, or some rendition of them, more times than I can count over the past two months. My story with medication for depression and anxiety began a few years ago, but this […]

Terri Shaver - Well-Watered Woman

a well-watered woman Terri Shaver is an active member of our online community. She recently completed the Walk in Grace: Ephesians study with the community, and we asked her to share a little more about herself and her walk with the Lord as a fellow Well-Watered Woman. Introduce yourself as if we were on a […]

For years, I have read books by recent and older authors that have shaped my walk with Jesus. Having a mentor in my life has always been important in my spiritual growth, but there are several “mentors” that I have never met and will never meet. These people have mentored me through their writing and […]


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