Read A Mentor: 2017-2018

January 8, 2018  - By Well-Watered Women

For years, I have read books by recent and older authors that have shaped my walk with Jesus. Having a mentor in my life has always been important in my spiritual growth, but there are several "mentors" that I have never met and will never meet. These people have mentored me through their writing and through their fervent love for Christ. Most people would define themselves as either an "avid reader" or "I never pick up a book non-existent reader." I used to be the latter. But during college I began to pick up books out of my hunger to know God more, and ever since then I haven't been able to stop reading. When I don't read books, the fire in my heart starts to fizzle. There is a great stir of the fire in our hearts when we read other's passions, lessons, and wisdom!

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” - C. S. Lewis


First, commit to reading your Bible every single day. The Word of God is the most important thing that we should be filling our minds with every single day. This year I started the challenge, #Wordbeforeworld, and thousands of you are joining me in putting time with Jesus before our phones, to-do’s, and technology. You can read more about how to join us here! Next, I want to challenge you, whether you love to read or (think) you don't like to read, to pick up a book that will challenge your heart and awaken your mind.

Below are some books that I have wrestled through and recommend. I am also sharing books that our team has read and plans to read. I would love for you to comment below with other books you have read that have been instrumental in your own life as well! Always remember, though, that no book will ever replace the Word of God. We should never place the words of man over the inspired word of God. Rather, we should pick other books to read that will enhance our knowledge of the Word and encourage us daily to live in obedience to God's calling. Books should make you hunger for God's Word even more. That is my desire in the list that is below.


You will be amazed at the things God teaches you through the obedience of reading.


*The majority of the books I read are on my Kindle. After having a Kindle paperwhite for 3 years, I’ve become an almost 100% Kindle reader. I read before bed each night using the backlight on my Kindle and am able to throw it in my purse or bring it with me when I travel. I still love a good paperback, but the ability to search the Kindle, get cheap e-books (I follow @dailykeller for e-book sales), and read in the dark has me hooked! You can find the specific Kindle I use here.*

Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow - This was one of the last books I read in 2017 and is one I will reread some day. Linda’s wisdom about what it looks like to give our anxieties to the Lord is something I am daily practicing. She brings her own experience and journey into the book and solidifies it with the Word of God.

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Quereshi - I couldn’t put this book down. Nabeel shares his own story of becoming a Christian after growing up in the Muslim faith. This is an excellent book, and one that I’ve passed along to several friends. Nabeel passed away from stomach cancer this fall and shared his journey through a Youtube page. I wept as I watched his last videos before his death. His wife continues to share their journey and his legacy on the page.

Humble Roots by Hannah Anderson - This was by far one of my favorite reads this year. If you haven’t read Hannah’s book, I highly recommend reading it this spring! You can also listen to an interview she did with Risen Motherhood here.

Word-Filled Women’s Ministry by Gloria Furman and Kathleen Nielson - I am a huge Gloria Furman reader. Her ability to lace the Gospel into every conversation and subject is beautiful. If you are passionate about women’s ministry, I definitely recommend this book.

The Broken Way by Ann Voskamp - This was a book I was able to purchase through a Daily Keller deal and was my first book by Ann Voskamp. It was a beautiful story of the hope we have in Christ in the midst of a broken world. If you are walking through suffering, I highly recommend this.

Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung - This small book is a great encouragement to the person struggling to understand the will of God and follow Him in obedience.

Show Them Jesus by Jack Klumpenhower - This was another book I purchased at a discount and ended up enjoying. As a mama seeking to raise my children in a gospel-centered home, I was encouraged by the practicality of this book.

You Are Free by Rebekah Lyons - In 2016 I experience my first set of panic attacks and debilitating anxiety. Praise the Lord He rescued me from the very depths. Rebekah’s book is an encouragement to anyone who has suffered with anxiety and panic.

Charles Spurgeon: Preaching Through Adversity by John Piper - I loved learning more about the daily life and ministry of Charles Spurgeon through this book. You can download it for free at Desiring God.

Nothing to Prove by Jennie Allen - In a world that proclaims that we are enough, we can find comfort in the fact that only in Christ do we find the enough we long for. This is the message of Jennie Allen’s book, Nothing to Prove.

None Like Him by Jen Wilkin - This is an excellent book about the attributes of God. Any of Jen's books and Bible studies are at the top of my list. I plan on going through her new study on Genesis this spring!

UPDATE: I forgot to add a few more wonderful books I read last year that couldn't be missed!

GraceLaced Book by Ruth Simons - This books is not only beautiful on the outside and inside, it is also full of wisdom and truth. You can put it on your coffee table and read it each day or incorporate it into your quiet time, but I guarantee you will love Ruth's art and words!

Still Waiting by Ann Swindell - Ann shares her own story of waiting throughout this memoir. It is a powerful reminder that God rescues and redeems, and the outcome is not always what we think it might be. In any season of life, you'll be encouraged by Ann's story and the story of the Bleeding Woman.

Cultivate by Lara Casey - Lara example has made me into a rookie gardener. In her book she weaves gardening into everyday life and how we can cultivate a meaningful one.

Books I am currently reading/plan to read in 2018:

Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp

The Autobiography of George Mueller

Mindscape by Timothy Witmer

Margin by Richard Swenson

Hello Mornings by Kat Lee

Unseen by Sara Hagerty

Discipline: The Glad Surrender by Elisabeth Elliot (I plan on going through the Discipline workbook from She Works His Way along with this.)

The Tech Wise Family by Andy Crough

The Historical Jesus by Gary Habernas

Erin's Books:

Amelia's Books:

Rachael's Books:

Whitney's Books: 

  • Discipline by Elisabeth Elliot* (linked above)
  • None Like Him by Jen Wilkin* (linked above)
  • Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung* (linked above)

To help get you excited about this process, we want to bless one of you with a set of books that are some of our team's favorites. We are including Humble Roots by Hannah Anderson, Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin, Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman, and Keep a Quiet Heart by Elisabeth Elliot. The winner will receive a hard copy of these four books!


Are you ready? Let's be women who are faithful to read the Word and to read books that will stir our affections for Christ! What books will you be reading? What books have made an impact on your walk with the Lord? We would love to hear below!

Read past "Read A Mentor" posts here:

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  1. says:

    One of my favorite books is Axiom by Bill hybel! I’ve learned so much about leadership from that book!

  2. Karlee says:

    My favorite book I read this past year was present over perfect. In 2018 I would like to read unseen by Sara Hagerty!

  3. says:

    I am committing to this. I will read my Bible each morning. I will fill up my heart with His word and also read books that nourish me and push me to grow. Gratitude and intention is where I’m focusing this year so I will read “1000 gifts” by Ann Voskamp.❤️

  4. says:

    I will be reading The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel!

  5. says:

    The Best Yes by Lysa Terkurst is my absolute fave! This year I’m planning to read She’s Still There by Chrystal Hurst… as well as others! I’m a non-reader… trying to stretch myself to read more in 2018!

  6. says:

    The Bible will always be my favorite. I plan do. word before world more this year as I let life get in the way this past year. Also planning to read more this year so adding the majority of these to my list to read!

  7. says:

    Humble Roots has been on my list for a while, and I have 2-3 Gloria Furman books on my shelf – I started shepherding a child’s heart last year and never finished it, so it’s high on my list! I also want to get Paul David Trip’s Parenting and New Morning Mercies.

    My husband got me Hello Mornings for my birthday and I finished it in 2 days – so good with lots of practical wisdom! Getting into a good morning routine is a big goal this year!

  8. Mandi says:

    I’m reading through Carolyn Mahaneys new book True Feelings – about our emotions. She is a pastor’s wife like me and i love hearing perspectives from other wives!!

  9. says:

    I have several Dietrich Bonhoeffer books on my list for 2018. Specifically, I want to read his book The Cost of Discipleship.

  10. I’ve been meaning to read Humble Roots and Keep a Quiet Heart for ages! 2018 will be the year I get to them 🙂

  11. says:

    I will be reading this 2018: Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer, UnQualified by Steven Furtick, Driven by Eternity & Killing Kryptonite by John Bevere. The book that has made an impact in my life has been Fasting by Jentezen Franklin. It gave me so much enlighten and direction about fasting. The Book is very powerful.

  12. says:

    I’m currently reading Shepherding a Child’s Heart and Simplicity Parenting and are enjoying both!

  13. says:

    I can’t name a favorite book as it’s been so long since it be had time to read much. I plan to get back to it his year starting with Wild and Free by Jess Connolly and Haley Morgan.

  14. says:

    My favorite book I read in 2017 was uninvited. In 2018 I would like to read some of Elizabeth Elliot’s books.

  15. says:

    Parenting by Paul David Tripp. It was on my Amazon wish list for the LONGEST time but over Christmas break I decided to commit to reading at least one book a month (🙌🏼😩 here’s to hoping I didn’t overcommit myself) and that one is first up and I’m SO excited about it.

  16. says:

    I just started reading “Knowing God” but JI Packer – so helpful!!

  17. says:

    Right now I’m focusing on the Bible and getting into the word daily .

  18. Ashlynnstockton@gmail.con says:

    I’m reading “Dance Stand Run” right now. I love the challenge to provides and my desire to continue on the course set before me with God leading me,

  19. Meg H says:

    A couple from my list this year are Uninvited by Lisa TerKeurst, A Skeptics Guide to Faith by Philip Yancey, and One Thousand Gifts + Broken Way by Ann Voskamp 🙂

  20. says:

    My Amazon cart got filled up once again by reading this post. The best book I read in 2017 (which I see myself reading again and again every year) is “Present Over Perfect” by Shauna Niequist. It was a reminder to me that I need to slow down and savor the moments God has given me each day. I am currently reading, “The Tech Wise Family” by Andy Crouch. I’m only 45 pages in and I see it as a book I’ll have my husband read and we will work together to make some much needed changes in our family’s technology use. I’m also looking forward to reading “Liturgy of the Ordinary” by Tish Warren. Tish is an Anglican priest (life goals) and this book helps find sacred moments in the ordinary moments of life as well as finding ordinary moments in the sacred moments of life. This book was recommended 1st by my priest’s wife and then my priest read it and told me I had to read it!! Thank y’all for this great list and the giveaway!

  21. says:

    Caitlyn Lovette here from columbia South Carolina! My goal this year is to dive into marriage books and finally get through a C. S. Lewis book. My hope is to read his book Mere Christianity from front to back!

  22. says:

    This is awesome!! THe only book I have on my list for this year is the Bible as I have not read much of it. I’m reading it cover to cover and listening to the audio of it when cleaning or in the car. Just started Leviticus this morning and just love the stories so far.

  23. says:

    My favs over the last year were He Speaks In The Silence by Diane Comer, and Garden City by John Mark Comer.

    I’m currently reading God Has A Name by John Mark Comer and next on my list is The Pursuit of God by Tozer

  24. says:

    I’m so excited to get two books off your list ASAP. I am currently battling panic and anxiety and I’m eager to read Calm My Anxious Heart and You Are Free.

  25. says:

    I love the Journals of Jim Elliot by Elisabeth Elliot. It shows that even though Jim wasn’t perfect, he was willing to be used for the Master’s use. 🙂

  26. says:

    I am planning on reading Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family

  27. says:

    I plan to read “She is Free” by Andy Andrew this year to break free from all my anxieties and feel truly free in christ! I read my Bible daily but has felt dry so I’m hoping “She is Free” will help soften my heart more!

  28. says:

    I’ve recently gotten Woman of the Word & cannot wait to get through it. 🙌🏻 I am really trying hard to read the Bible & fully understand it.

  29. says:

    Love this challenge to get in the Word daily, it is motivating to even have accountability through knowing there is a community of women committing to be disciplined to engage with God’s Word each day. One of my all time favorite reads is “Life Together” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. It both challenged and encourages me to prioritize community!

  30. says:

    I’m reading NO OTHER GODS now by Kelly Minter but would love to read the books in this bundle too! They sound amazing!

  31. says:

    Love this!! Currently reading “Present Over Perfect” by Shauna Niequist.

  32. Hello! I love to read so I have multiple favorites, but two books I am planning on reading this year are The Complete Guide to Crisis and Trauma Counseling this year by H. Norman Wright and From Your Head to Your Heart by Maria Durso.

  33. says:

    I am planning to read Wonen if the Word by Jen Wilkin and Dance, Stand, Run: The God Inspired Moves of a Woman on Holy Ground by Jess Connolly!

  34. says:

    My favorite book that I have read this past year is "The Best Yes" by Lisa Terkeurst

  35. says:

    love this challenge !! definitely getting myself more into the word this year and becoming a better christian !!

  36. says:

    Wild and Free by Jess Connolly and Hayley Morgan!

  37. says:

    Elisabeth Elliot is one of the best authors! I absolutely loved Passion and Purity, and I’m looking forward to reading more by her this year.

  38. says:

    Last year your blog entry inspired me to read many of the books you’ve recommended and they didn’t disappoint me…I loved all of them and ended up reading 51 books in thank you so much for recommending such great books here and God bless you, sister!
    My all time favorites are:
    The Cross of Christ (John Stott)
    A Lifting up for the Downcast (William Bridge)
    When People Are Big and God is Small (Ed Welch)
    The Problem of Pain (C.S.Lewis)
    Miracles (C.S.Lewis)
    The Reason for God (Tim Keller)
    Walking from East to West (Ravi Zacharias)
    12Ways your Phone is Changing You (Tony Reinke)

  39. says:

    I love, Love Emily Ley’s “A Simplified Life” and finished up “Grace for the Good Girl” by Emily P. Freeman yesterday. Hard copies are still my favorite, but I’m listening to “Wild and Free” through the library (Hoopla) now!

  40. says:

    God has graciously renewed in me a desire to read! I’m hoping to read through all the books recommend on here! So far one of my favorite books is The Calvary Road by Roy Hession.

  41. says:

    “The Shaping of a Christian Family” by Elisabeth Elliot changed the way I approached raising my children after I read it last year. So good!

  42. Halley says:

    I’m a huge reader of Christian lifestyle/nonfiction books so this is something right up my alley! Just added a bunch of those to my To-Read list in goodreads 🙂

    One of my favorites is called The Bondage Breaker by Neil T Anderson which is phenomenal as well as The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne and Red Moon Rising by Pete Greig & Dave Roberts which is a book on the 24/7 Prayer moment which I think is incredible profound and such an interesting topic 🙂

  43. says:

    I’m currently reading Lay it Down by Bill Tell with the Navigators. This book is about finding the freedom you already have been given through Christ and claiming it and living it! freedom is one of my “focus words” this new year and this book has already taught me so much.
    This year I want to read You are Free and The Broken Way, along with several others on your list!

  44. Julia J says:

    I read Chasing Slow by Erin Loechner last year and it absolutely changed my thinking and how I live in today’s “go go go” culture. Highly recommend it!

  45. says:

    I’m planning to read some Brene Brown this year – and I’m so thankful for this list as one of my New Years intentions is to read at least 12 books that force me to dig deep. Thank you!

  46. says:

    Currently reading “you are free” by Rebekah Lyons and “humble roots” is on my 2018 list ☺️

  47. says:

    I plan to read “Boundaries” by Cloud & Townsend this year.

    One of my favorite books is “one thousand gifts” by Ann Voscamp

  48. I’ve started the year reading Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges. He is one of my favorite authors. Will be adding to my 2018 list though. Thanks for the extra encouragement!

  49. Jordan says:

    First off let me say I love the idea of this challenge. I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not a reader! But I am currently longing to become one. For Christmas my husband purchased the Proverbs 31 study for me and I am loving every second of it! I love starting or ending my day with reading. I am pushing for a stronger relationship with God for this year and I am trusting Him to do powerful things within my life and the life of those around me! I definitely want to read Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow. I feel l have many anxieties and doubts I need to deal with in Christ. I believe this book would be a good accent to the Word to work toward calming myself and trusting God!

  50. says:

    What a great giveaway! On my list for the year is How to Study the Bible by John MacArthur and Give Them Grace by Elyse Fitzpatrick. With two babies two and under, I don’t have tons of spare time to read,but it’s a goal of mine to finish several books this year!

  51. says:

    Hi ladies! Thank you for your encouragemen! Sadly, I tend to fall in the category of “I think” I don’t really enjoy extracurricular reading… 🤦🏻‍♀️😆

    Working through a few right now— but mainly enjoying “How People Grow” by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

  52. says:

    I am working on reading Humble Roots and Missional motherhood! Just finished Magic of Motherhood, which was a great one filled with sweet stories.

  53. says:

    I love to read three of my top reads for this year is "How to Read the Bible in Changing Times" Mark Strauss, "Parenting" Paul David Tripp, and "Mere Christianity" C.S. Lewis. Thank you for the encouragement you all so graciously give.

  54. says:

    Radical by David Platt is so good. If you need your faith shaken up this is the book for you to read.

  55. The Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler left me to seek to live for His people above my own desires of this world. I may not know where I’m going i.e. my job or relationships but I do know God is sending me to His people. Before though I must learn the Word. Matt sums up the whole idea by this: “I want to see the entire world through the lens of how God has wired me and where he has placed me for his glory”. Challenging read that placed me back into the Word.

  56. Jordan says:

    I just posted the comment below and it wouldn’t let me leave my email so here it is:

  57. Vanlae91@gmail.con says:

    I plan to read seeking Allah, finding Jesus. Thank you for the list!

  58. Kelsey says:

    Loving Daring to Hope by Katie Davis and working through The Screwtape Letters by C.S Lewis. Both great reads!

  59. says:

    I plan on reading “Goliath Must Fall” by Louie Giglio! Love finding encouragement to walk with The LORD daily here!!!

  60. says:

    I read Awe by Paul David Tripp which was life changing. This year, I hope to read Wait and See by Wendy Pope and Surprised by Joy by C.S. Lewis

  61. Alexis says:

    I am reading books that go along with my powersheets (by Lara Casey) goals.
    “66 Love Letters” to read with each book of the Bible as I go through my Bible reading plan.
    “None Like Him” to go along with the monthly adoration section in my Val Marie Paper prayer journal.
    “The Meaning of Marriage” to go along with my Lent project.
    “Uninvited” to go along with my goal of cultivating better friendships.

  62. says:

    I’m super excited that God has led me to the Well Watered Women!! I would love to get caught up on some of the reading that is inspiring you Ladies 💙

  63. says:

    Humble Roots by Hannah Anderson is on the top of my list

  64. says:

    Currently reading "when sinners say I do" by Dave Harvey- one of the best gospel centred marriage books I’ve read! I would highly recommend to anyone who is married ☺️

  65. Karen says:

    Love love love The autobiography of George Mueller!! Amazing life of prayer. This book taught me so much about what it means to live by faith. Full of stories of how God met him at his every need.

  66. says:

    I’m currently reading Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis. Humble Roots is on my list as well as: You are Free, None Like HIm, Keeping Place, A Severe Mercy, & The Hiding Place. Also anything by Anne Ortlund!

  67. I love Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World! The way it’s written makes me feel like I’m having coffee with a wise friend. I can’t wait to look into a few of these!

  68. says:

    When God Doesn’t Fix It by Laura Story absolutely CHANGED my life!

  69. says:

    I have read and will reread The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert, by Rosaria Butterfield. She truly challenged me in my thoughts on Christian hospitality, witnessing to un-believers, parenting, and many other areas. Highly recommend read!!

  70. says:

    I am looking forward to finishing Shannon Martin’s Falling Free – I’m halfway through it Andrea HIGHLY recommend!!!

  71. says:

    I am reading she reads truth and uninvited this year.. and of course my bible ( to go along with my give me Jesus journal) I would love to read hello mornings. I struggle to find time with god in the morning before my daily tasks. I would love to read this to help fulfil that goal of “word before world”!

  72. says:

    Thank you for the suggestions and the opportunity to win some new books! One of my top books of 2017 was Paul Tripp’s “Awe.” I’m currently working through Jared Wilson’s “Gospel Wakefulness” and I’m really liking it!

  73. I read "Drawn into the mystery of Jesus through the gospel of John" by Jean Vanier last year. Written by a man who has chosen to live his life with the least of these, I gleaned valuable insights of love, compassion and community.

  74. says:

    I’m currently reading/trying to finish Killing Kryptonite by John Bevere! I love his way of explaining the truth of Gods word! I can’t wait to add some of these to my reading list for 2018!

  75. The Sacred Search by Gary Thomas has been one of the most impactful books I have read in regards to dating. Highly reccommend!

  76. says:

    Thank you for sharing this list! I read uninvited last year and have Parenting by Paul David Tripp and Come and See by Todd Wagner on my list for this year!

  77. says:

    Oo I have been wanting to read humble roots.

  78. says:

    Fervent by Priscilla Shirer is on my list to read in 2018. I’ve heard great things!

  79. says:

    Parenting by Paul Tripp. I hope to read 8 books this year but this one is the current one I’m digging into!

  80. Anne Zellers says:

    Shepherding a Child’s Heart – Paul Tripp

  81. says:

    Humble Roots is on my to read list this year!

  82. says:

    Thanks for the good suggestions. I started Uninvited last year but haven’t finished it. So many choices!

  83. One of my favorite books is women in the word by Jen wilkin! I’m also loving Jess Connolly’s book, dance stand run and I’m hoping to dig into more historical writings of the faith this year to deepen my knowledge. I’m studying psalms too which is 🙌so good! Thanks for the recommendations!!! Can’t wait to check them all out over the next year!

  84. says:

    As a newly wed pastors wife, I would LOVE to read Women of the Word. I’ve read sacred search by Gary Thomas and Humble roots, Crazy Love and a few others (huge book junkie here) but I definitely feel called to lead the women in our church so any aid in that direction is certainly welcome. These books seem to be the perfect fit to study along side the word with. ❤️

  85. says:

    My favorite christian book is « Goodmorning Holy-Spirit » by Benny Hinn. It definitely changed the way I see the Holy-Spirit and I understood how important and precious it is to have a relationship with Him because He is God and we need him to get closer to the Father and Jesus, and just live according to the Word of God

  86. says:

    I just started Make It Happen by Lara Casey, and I hope to read Cultivate by the same author – both before January ends! Reading more was one of my biggest goals for this year.

  87. says:


  88. says:

    Currently reading The Story. Would love to add these four books to my 2018 reads.

  89. edwardsmail27@gmail.con says:

    One of my favorites is “Evidence Not Seen” by Darlene Deibler Rose-her missionary story of her and her husband serving during WWII-true story!

  90. says:

    My favorite book I read in 2017 was The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller!

  91. Jill Stucki says:

    These all sound so good. I’m hoping to read a lot this year (18 total!) would love to read these. My favorite recent book has been Still Alice

  92. says:

    Relationships: A Mess worth making by Paul Tripp!!

  93. says:

    I absolutely love Mingling of Souls and Crazy Love because those were some of the first 2 books I read as a Christian.

    Uninvited was good for me since I deal with rejection alot. Planning on reading many books this year including Mindfulness, Women of the Word, Boundaries, and so many more.

  94. says:

    I’ve heard about the Seeking Allah, finding Jesus book so that’s on my list and I’m currently waiting on Soar by T.D. Jakes to come in.

  95. says:

    Streams in the Desert is one of my very favorites and I keep giving away my copy 😊

  96. says:

    I hope to read more of Lysa Terkheurst’s books–they are really inspiring and eye-opening!

  97. Hi lovely ladies! So for this new year I’ve already committed and started my daily Bible read, I’ve may it my goal to read through the whole Bible in one-year. Also, I’ve chosen my word of the year to be "Submit" as a reminder to surrender and submit myself to what the Lord calls me to do. I’ve struggled with chasing perfect throughout my entire life and I’m putting an end to it all by surrending it to HIM. I would love to pick up or win (hmm like that subtle hint) the Elisabeth Elliot book titled, Discipline. It aligns with my goal for this year. Thanks for all you do!

  98. says:

    “Made for me: an invitation to live in God’s image” by Hannah Anderson!

  99. says:

    I am so excited for reading this year! I love to read and always have, but got out of the habit of reading for pleasure this past year to really focus on giving my attention to the Word. A friend encouraged me with her own challenge of reading the amount of books that you are years old. How fun is that?! The books I’m most excited about that are on my list are Eve in Exile by Rebekah Merkle, Learning Contentment by Nancy Wilson, and Come and Eat by Bri McKoy.

  100. says:

    I have a montain load of books I hope to read this year. I am starting with the middle of the mess by Sheila Walsh!

  101. says:

    I read Giddy Up Eunice and it is a must read for all women! It focuses in on women’s relationships in the Bible and why we need each other. I am currently reading Nothing To Prove and love it!

  102. says:

    The Cross Centered Life by C.J. Mahaney and Counterfeit Gods by Timothy Keller are books I try to reread every year or two!

  103. Right now I am reading “The Screwtape Letters” by CS Lewis, but some of my favorite soul- shaping books that I always go back to are Knowing God but JI Packer and Morning and Evening (a devo) by Charles Spurgeon.

  104. says:

    I love What Good is Grace by Phillip Yancey!

  105. says:

    One of my 2018 goals is to read 10 books! Hoping to read Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World first!!

  106. says:

    I loved uninvited by Lysa Terkerst!

  107. says:

    Some of my favorite inspiring reads have been…
    Kisses from Katie- Katie Davis
    The devine mentor- Wayne caidero
    Wild and free
    Scouting the devine- Margaret Feinberg
    Love does- bob Goff
    Currently reading Katie new book Daring to hope

  108. My favorite reads of 2017 were
    Without rival : Lisa bevery
    Magnolia story : chip and Joanna Gaines
    She is free
    Present over perfect

  109. says:

    I want to read “Blessed are the Misfits” this year. I gave it to my sister for Christmas and she said it was great!

  110. says:

    The broken way by Ann Voskamp ❤️

  111. says:

    Thanks so much for this awesome giveaway! One book that I hope to read and be encouraged by this is year, is Unseen: The Gift of Being Hidden in a World That Loves to Be Noticed!

  112. says:

    mary heart in a martha world AND captivating!!!

  113. Hannah Kovscek says:

    I’m hoping to finish “Sacred Marriage” by Gary Thomas this year! I’m getting married this summer & I’m so excited for the journey.

  114. says:

    One book I plan on reading for 2018 is Without Rival by Lisa Bevere. I have already started it and I am loving it so far!

  115. I love Crazy Loce by Francis Chan!

  116. says:

    Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World is one book I should definitely get my hands on! Thanks for sharing this list of books, I cannot wait to dig in a few. The Purpose Driven Life was an outstanding devotional that made me think about living a Christian Life each and every day. So convicting!

  117. Kyli says:

    Shepherding a Child’s Heart!!!

  118. says:

    Through Gates of Splendor is on my list for this year …. along with Knowing God by J.I. Packer and Mere Christianity – C.S. Lewis. Thank you for the continued encouragement to unplug and thus truly find all that we have been missing! Hugs and blessings!

  119. says:

    “Not A Fan” by Kyle Idleman. This author decided to write a book to help you reevaluate your look within yourself and your actions to see if you’re a follower of Christ or a fan of Christ. He goes into depth of being a follower and being a fan. Also, another book that I’ve decided to read again is “Fervent” by Priscilla Shirer. This author helps us strengthen our prayer life and help us identify the strategies the enemy has to make sure we’re no longer praying. But with the help of Prisciall Shirer she wrote 10 areas that the enemy attacks and help us identify that it’s him.

  120. says:

    I’m currently readind ‘Swipe Right" by Pr. Levi Lusko.

  121. Jaci Schork says:

    Favorite faith growing book: Pontius Pilate by Paul L. Maier

  122. says:

    I am currently reading shepherding a child’s heart and it’s been so good for my heart and my home! I have a long list of others I want to get to – but I’m taking one at a time 😉

  123. says:

    I just started Humble Roots last night. I’m hoping to read None Like Him this year too!

  124. says:

    The explicit gospel by Matt chandler!

  125. says:

    I’ve been wanting some book recommendations and all these seem great! I am currently reading 100 Days to Brave by Annie F. Downs. It’s really teaching me how to be more courageous and reassuring me that I am so worthy. God made me who I am and He has big plans for me. All I have to do is be brave enough to embrace what He wants for me!

  126. says:

    Hi there! I’m joining in on the #wordbeforeworld challenge this year! I hope to read many of the books you outlined above but can’t wait to get my hands on None Like Him by Jen Wilken. This year is a year of FLOW. Praying to just Lloyd on Jesus and let Him love on me.

  127. says:

    I highly recommend Grace for the Good Girl by Emily P Freeman. This book is one that I have re-read and shared with friends this year.

  128. says:

    I love Dillow’s Calm My Anxious Heart and Jen Wilkins’ Women of the Word!

  129. Jenn says:

    Don’t Make Me Count To Three: A Mom’s Look At Heart-Oriented Discipline
    -Ginger Hubbard

  130. says:

    God is Able by Priscilla Shirer

  131. says:

    I am looking forward to reading 21 days of prayer this year!
    Also Hello Mornings sounds like an awesome book to get going in the mornings and put #Word before World in actions!! 🙂

  132. says:

    Women of the Word has impacted my faith and my walk more than any book I can remember. Wilkin’s encouragement has helped me see the Bible with fresh eyes and provided tools for studying more effectively. I only have the digital copy of that one, so would love to have it in print, plus the other goodies of course!!

  133. says:

    Present over Perfect is by far one of my favorite books. I read it last year, and started this year off by re-reading it!

  134. says:

    Crazy Love by Francis Chan is one of my favorites!

  135. says:

    I’m currently starting Win Win Parenting, happy parents throbbing children by Seth Dahl and raising your children for Christ by Andrew Murray.

  136. says:

    I read Fervent and Unashamed

  137. Allie Rose says:

    Keep a quiet heart. Elisabeth Elliot is so so truthful and good!!🙌🏼

  138. says:

    I am looking forward to reading 21 days of prayer this year!
    Also Hello Mornings sounds like an awesome book to get going in the mornings and put #Word before World in actions!! 🙂

  139. says:

    I loved reading Sadie Robertson’s Live Original!

  140. says:

    I hope to read present over perfect!

  141. says:

    Where to start?! Running Scared: Fear, Worry, and the God of Rest by Ed Welch is probably one of my favs! Thanks for the giveaway chance!

  142. says:

    Lies women believe!

  143. says:

    One of my favorite books is Love Does by Bob Goff! It’s so encouraging! I first read it when I friend lent it to me, and I ended up buying my own copy that I’ve now lent out twice.

  144. Chedney says:

    I would love to read Women if the Word!

  145. says:

    Anything by Elisabeth Elliot. I adore her. ❤

  146. says:

    The Broken Way by Anne Voskamp ! <3

  147. Kelli says:

    I have all of these in my Amazon cart to read in 2018! I am hoping to read Missional Motherhood and Tech Wise Family this month!

  148. Women of the Word by Jen Wilken

  149. says:

    I would love to read Women of the Word!

  150. says:

    I want to read Parenting by Paul David Tripp

  151. says:

    I just finished Present over Perfect by Shauna Niequist!

  152. says:

    For Christmas, I got the book, "Free of Me: Why Life is Better When it’s not about You" by Sharon Miller. I can’t wait to read this! She focuses on how we should lead a more Jesus-centered life rather than all about ourselves!

  153. says:

    I am currently reading Gloria Furman’s book The Pastor’s Wife.

  154. April Hunt says:

    Girl,Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

  155. Sarah Kathryn Marlowe says:

    So. Many. Books.

    I loved Not By Sight by Jon Bloom – written so well!

    A Praying Life by Paul Miller is also a favorite of mine. Changed my life in so many ways!

  156. Mikahla Willett says:

    Sacred Singleness by Leslie Ludy
    I’m 22 and have read a lot of single books, but this one is by far my favorite!

    • Mikahla Willett says:

      I just realized we are supposed to put a book we want to read this year! lol I want to read humble roots and crazy love by Francis chan!

  157. says:

    My favorite book last year was You and Me Forever. I thought it was a book on my marriage, but it was one that helped me fall back in love with Jesus at a time I most needed. It helped me become more eternally minded.

    I look forward to reading Word-filled women’s ministry! I’m praying to be more gospel-fluent.

  158. Jess says:

    A Woman after God’s Own Heart

  159. E says:

    Anything by Beth Moore. I LOVE her writing and her studies are to die for.

  160. says:

    Thanks for sharing your book recommendations! I’m saving them to add to my "to read" list. This year, I’m beginning with Lara Casey’s Cultivate book, Jennie Allen’s Nothing to Prove, and Jess Connelly’s Dance Stand Run.

  161. says:

    I read a lot. I already have a huge stack for the year. None Like Him and She Reads Truth are the ones most likely to be next.

  162. says:

    I read The Circle Maker this past year and it completely changed my view of prayer and how powerful prayer is in our lives! I want to actually re read it this year! All the books you recommended look amazing and one of my goals this year was to read more books, I would love to win this opportunity 😍❤

  163. says:

    Evidence Not Seen by Darlene Deibker Rose! So good!

  164. says:

    A Praying Life by Paul Miller was really transformational for me in 2017!

  165. says:

    One of my all-time favorite books is, Sit, Walk, Stand by Watchman Nee.

  166. says:

    Crazy love by Francis Chan

  167. says:

    Books from the past that have shaped me have been “A Severe Mercy” which taught about grief and how God cares most about the state of our soul than our perfectly planned life. It also taught me about marriage, conversion, friendships and how to grieve those who we loved.

  168. I’m looking forward to reading “Uninvited” by Lysa TerKeurst this year!

  169. says:

    I love this! I am currently reading The Excellent Wife with my new mentor through the church – the only strong Christian woman role model in my life – and I’m loving it so far! I have Women of the Word on my list to read and would love to win this giveaway to share with my mentor and friends! ❤️

  170. says:

    I would love to read, Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp.

  171. Because He Loves Me by Elyse Fitzpatrick is soo, so good!

  172. Heather says:

    *Darlene Deibler Rose

  173. says:

    On my list this year are:

    Too Busy Not To Pray- Bill Hybels
    Famous in Heaven and At Home- Michelle Myers
    The Meaning of Marriage- Timothy Keller
    Fervent- Priscilla Shirer


  174. says:

    I have heard so many good things about Humble Roots. I am hoping to read that next this year. I am currently reading “The Life Giving Home” by Sally Clarkson. It is challenging me to open my home in order to show people Christ.

  175. says:

    One of my favorites is revolution in world missions. I remember reading it before my first missions trip (which was 8 months) and it got me fired up and so passionate to just love like Jesus.

  176. says:

    Favorite book of 2017: None Like Him by Jen Wilkin. Looking forward to her 2018 book In His Image (May release date)

  177. says:

    Just started Parenting by Paul Tripp and already challenged and encouraged…

  178. says:

    Thanks for the book recommendations! I love having recommended reading to add to my (way-too-long) list. I’m excited to dig into Rhythms of Rest by Shelly Miller and the Happiness Dare by Jennifer Dukes Lee.

  179. says:

    My first book on my list for 2018 is “Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World” by Max Lucado

  180. The Broken Way by Ann Voskamp has been on my list for awhile, and I can’t wait to finally dive in!

  181. says:

    You are what you love by James k a smith. Such a stretching read, opening your eyes to things you maybe didn’t realize before.

    I just finished women of the word and plan to start in search of ancient roots next!

    I was just exchanging book recommendations with some friends last night. Woke up this morning and it continues! 😃😃

  182. says:

    I would love to read Women of the word or Humble Roots.😊

  183. says:

    "A Fierce Love" by Shauna Shanks

    I read it last year, and it convicted me on how I do relationships, and how I have taken some scriptures for granted.

  184. I plan to read, not a fan by Kyle Idleman

  185. says:

    I love Extravagant Grace by Barbara Duguid! And I’m really wanting to read The Whole Christ by Sinclair Ferguson this year. 👍

  186. says:

    New morning mercies by Paul David Tripp. So good so far!!

  187. says:

    Missional Motherhoodby Gloria Furman, None Like Him by Jen Wilkin, and Humble Roots by Hannah Anderson are on my list to dive into this year. 😄

  188. says:

    My favorite book has to be Redeeming Love by Fracine Rivers. Every time I read it, it is as though I’m reading it for the first time. I have also enjoyed Uninvited by Lysa Terkeurst which I’m still reading through.

  189. says:

    I am really excited to finally read “Love Unending” by Becky Thompson as well as “Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles that can radically change your family” by Paul Tripp. These bookies have been sitting on my nightstand for a while and my goal is to read both, and more this year!

  190. says:

    I’m currently reading the ‘power of a praying wife’ by Stormie Omartian. It’s been an eye opener for sure! I love reading inspirational books. I’m hoping to read ‘Sun stand still’ by Steven Furtick as well.

  191. says:

    I have absolutely loved present over perfect. It has helped me in so many ways. A book I highlighted, wrote in, and stored in my heart.

  192. says:

    My ALL time favorite book is Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin. I hope to read this year and as soon as it comes out, Jamie Iveys Book If You Only Knew! Can.Not.Wait!!!!!! Also, Jen’s new bible study God of Creation!!!! Let’s go 2018!!!

  193. says:

    It’s hard to choose a favorite book, but I am continually inspired by Corrie Ten Booms faith in The Hiding Place, I am hoping to read With this next year!

  194. says:

    I recently finished “Cultivate” by Lara Casey and lovedddd it!!

  195. says:

    I love to read, and can connect with you about reading being part of me devotional time. That’s why The Desire of Ages by Ellen G. White, read along with the Bible, has changed my life. Through those two books, Jesus became a real, tangible Savior.
    I would so love to dive into the books above too! Thanks for doing this! ❤️

  196. Kegan Colon says:

    Streams in the Desert ❤️

    Hope to read Grace is greater by Kyle Idleman or Uninvited by Lysa TerKeurst

  197. Michele Jenkins says:

    Hello Mornings by Kat Lee is one I would like to read this year! I bought the last copy from Mardels as a Christmas gift for my daughter Whitney.

  198. says:

    My favorite book is called Spoken For by Alyssa Bethke and Robin Gunn

  199. says:

    I’m hoping to read Stronger than the Struggle by Havillah Cunnington! It’s about how we are stronger than spiritual attacks.

  200. says:

    Well first, I plan on reading through the entire Bible in 2018. I’ve just recently stumbled upon Francine Ricers and her writing and am LOVING it! But a book I loved is “helper by design” by Elyse Fitzpatrick. And I’m hoping to read “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha’s World”.

  201. Dana says:

    This past year I read 2 books that surprisingly ended up making my top 3 books list … and they were books that I just read on a whim!

    Humble Roots by Hannah Anderson
    Falling Free by Shannah Martin

    Such good, raw, authentic books that touched me so deeply that I wanna go back and read them again.

  202. says:

    I’m excited to read “Habits of grace” by David Mathis, which is also a free download from!

  203. says:

    I am in the middle of Sally Clarkson’s Own Your Life and am looking forward to reading Are Your Kids on Track by David Thomas and Sissy Goff. I am also super excited to read A Voice Becoming by Beth Bruno which comes out later this month.

  204. says:

    A few of my favorites are Victorious Praying by Bill Thrasher and Priscilla Shirer’s Armour of God study!

  205. says:

    I recently finished “Fervent” which is a prayer guide for women! I’d always struggled with how to pray, why to pray, or what to say (aye that rhymed). The way prayer is explained throughout the whole book is as not only a weapon against the enemy, but a tactic for oneself to connect with God and allow him to strengthen yourself in the process. I’ve never heard this explained so blatantly but also so passionately. I would DEFINITELY recommend this book. “Fervent” by Pricilla Shirer.

  206. says:

    Women in the Word is on my list. I loved Having a Mary Heart in a Martha Works.

  207. says:

    I am currently reading, “I Am Loved” – a study of 1 John by Wendy Blight and love it. My favorite read of 2017 was “Daring To Hope” by Katie Davis Majors. Oh my gosh, the faith of this woman amazes me and so inspires and encourages me. I would highly recommend it. Her first book, “Kisses From Katie” was also fantastic, but here 2nd book shows her matured faith at such a beautiful level. Loved it.

  208. says:

    I am currently reading "Sacred Influence" and I plan to read "Having a Martha home the Mary way" this year. Thank you for the book recommendations!!

  209. says:

    Hi. I’m currently reading from my Bible. I’ve also been doing the #wordbeforeworld challenge! It’s amazing and what better way to start my day. Your page is such an inspiration, thank you. I ha sent always enjoyed reading Joyce Meyer’s books. I would recommend reading Rx for Worry by James P. Gillan. Great book! God bless you.

  210. says:

    Lysa TerKeurst "Uninvited".

  211. says:

    I just finished Women of the Word- Amazing. It completely changed how I approach studying my bible. I also love love love the Cost of Discipleship.

  212. says:

    You have convinced me to bring reading back to a need in my life not a pastime! I am going to start by downloading some of these books to my Kindle. Would love to have new reading material

  213. says:

    Before this past year I rarely read anything that wasn’t historical fiction, fantasy, or pregnancy related but I had the chance to join the launch team for Dance Stand Run by Jess Connolly and I loved it! planning on rereading it sometime this year and sitting down and reading Wild and Free as well.

  214. says:

    I just read Women of the Word and I’m using Jen’s tips/methods to study Ephesians now. I am also using the Give Me Jesus journal for the first time and it pairs so perfectly with Jen’s recommendations on how to study God’s Word. I also highly recommend Secrets Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert by Rosario Butterfield. It’s one of my all time faves…I actually plan to reread it in 2018.

  215. says:

    I just recently purchased A Case for Christ and I am elated to start reading it! There are so many books I would love to read this year. Anything to help me in my walk with the Lord. ♥️

  216. says:

    One of my favorites is a book that I read that helped me daily with my attitude, walk with God, and in so many other ways. It’s called God Girl by Hayley DiMarco. I noticed when I was at school and a situation would happen that would cause me to get angry or upset, lines she wrote it the book would pop up in my head. It is truly a fantastic read🖤

  217. says:

    I’m currently reading "Bittersweet" by shauna nieguiest. Her writing is vivid and it finds the beauty in her everyday life which resonates with my heart. I have several C.S. Lewis books that have been on my shelf for years, so hopefully I can begin to read them this year!

  218. says:

    Would love to win! I read The Broken Way last year-it was incredible!

  219. Sarah Burkert says:

    This morning I woke up with awful anxiety. Calm my anxious Heart has been on my list and I’ve forgotten it. I’m planning on going to the used bookstore tonight to snatch a copy up!
    I also loved Jen Wilkin’s None Like Him!

  220. says:

    I plan to finish reading Shepherding a Child’s Heart and the Imperfect Disciple

  221. says:

    My favorites that I read last year were "Grace, not perfection" by Emily Ley, and "Loving my actual life" by Alexandra kuykendall

  222. says:

    I have a ton of books I’ve bought over the past couple of years but have yet to read! I want 2018 to be the year that I at least start! I’m trying to be more intentional about reading more, starting with the Bible, of course!

  223. says:

    I’m working through Jen Wilkin’s Women of the Word and Tim Keller’s The Meaning of Marriage, and both are absolutely shaping my worldview! I’m looking forward to reading Jamie Ivey’s If You Only Knew as well.

  224. says:

    Loved humble roots, also Finding Spiritual whitespace was a great one!

  225. says:

    I’m going to finish Anne Viskamp’s "The Broken Way" and then read R. T. Kendall’s "Holy Fire".

  226. says:

    Currently Reading Don’t Follow Your Heart by Jon Bloom and it’s really good so far! Hoping to read a book a month this year so need to spend less time online or watching TV but excited for the challenge! In February I’m going to read None Like Him by Jen Wilkin 🙂

  227. says:

    I really want to read "Hello Mornings". I really need a solid morning routine.

  228. says:

    There are so many good books to help us in our walk with Christ! I have been wanting to read Parenting:14 Gospel Principals by Paul Tripp, since I am a new mommy I want to make sure that not only I am growing spiritually but that I can teach my little 1 year old at a young age to love Christ just as much as I do. Hoping to read some of the listed titles above this year too 🙂

  229. Ivonne Miranda says:

    Wow, just read your blog about waiting on the Lord, & it hit me. So many times I question myself and my surroundings to be able to meet someone. But that’s not waiting for him, that’s waiting for my timing. Thank you so much for your words and for showing me that my relationship now isn’t with a man but with the one who saved me.

  230. says:

    Blue Like Jazz ❤️ Donald Miller. It was an easy read and so god for the soul

  231. says:

    I’m currently reading Jen Wilkin’s None Like Him. It’s a great book! I plan to read Taking God at His Word, Evidence Not Seen, and Teaching From Rest.

  232. says:


  233. says:

    Also, you are free by Rebekah Lyons seems great!! So many times believers still feel captive to sins because of whatever reasons and I think it’s time we stop living like that.

  234. says:

    I have read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, and it was a blessing. Also a book called Ann Jones and Her Bible was such a blessing to me! This year I hope to read You Are Free, and hopefully find some other good ones 🙂

  235. says:

    Currently working my way through The Lifegiving Home by Sally Clarkson. As a young mom I love dreaming of and planning our little home with intention. These lists look so good! I’m thankful for audiobooks in this stage of life to make more reading possible. 🙂

  236. says:

    Hello dear wellwateredwomen! I would like to share teo wonderful books I’ve recently been studying with other women in my church
    ..we have had some wonderful discussions over pur study of Priscilla Shirer’s book: "Discerning the Voice of God" She is a terrific speaker as well….as we watched her video along with her indepth study and were blessed with her insights as to how to hear God’s still small voice!
    Another book I received from my son for Christmas was Paul David Tripp’s devotional "New Morning Mercies" It takes you through his past year of posting tweets online on his blog…. which basically are small, dense, meaty chunks of condensed bits of God’s Word..made easily digestible by bringing them down to bite sized bits of wisdom. I am loving every bit of his writings that reflect upon his tweets! An excellent..deeply engaging devotional! My top choice for this new year! ♡ Run to your Christian book store and grab it off the shelf (or Amazon) . You will be blessed! ♡♡♡

  237. says:

    I have really enjoyed reading Uninvited by Lysa TerKeurst 🙂

  238. says:

    The Broken Way is on my list of books for 2018. I read Humble Roots last year and LOVED it!

  239. says:

    It’s only the 8th day of the year and I’m almost finished with my 10th book! Seriously! Nothing compares to His Word, but there’s something so special about a book in hand to engage the heart and mind. I love Beverly Lewis and Karen Kingsbury for fiction and countless non fiction authors.

  240. says:

    One of my very favorite books is A Woman After God’s Own Heart by Elizabeth George. It is so inspiring, and challenges me!! A book I am currently reading is Listen, Love, Repeat by Karen Ehman. I am loving it so far!! I would so love to win this giveaway!! ❤️❤️

  241. Mara says:

    Sorry, the book I read was called Mary Jones and Her Bible. Not Ann. Whoops!

  242. I’m planning on reading Amazing Love by Ten Boom and The Sovereignty of God by Pink (my sister read it this past year and said it will change how you think about everything). I also have wanted to read Humble Roots and finish reading Knowing God by Packer. This past year I really Tozer for Students! So good!

  243. says:

    One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp is one of my all-time favorites! It’s such a good reminder about searching for the simple joys and finding the Lord in every situation!

  244. says:

    I enjoyed reading Kisses for Katie and Daring to Hope by Katie Davis. Amazing what one person can do when totally committed to the Lords calling.

  245. says:

    I’m currently reading two books, Kisses From Katie by Katie Davis and Having a Mary Heart in a Matha World by Joanna Weaver (which I found for about 2 bucks at a thrift shop!) Can you say “Score!” They are both amazing books! One of my favorite books I read in about two days, Pink Lips and Empty Hearts by Heather Lindsey. I actually have almost all of her books! She’s amazing as well.

  246. says:

    I absolutely love You Are Free!! I read from Streams In The Desert everyday!! There’s many more on this list that I want to read. I always buy for my children’s homeschool needs first and then I usually don’t have anything left over to buy the books that I’m interested in. I’m hoping God will help me get some of these books that I’m wanting to read this year!!😊❤

  247. says:

    I am planning to read Radical by David Platt this year!

  248. Megan says:

    I’m planning to read The Broken Way this year! Working through Uninvited right now!

  249. says:

    I have a big list but one is The Life Giving Home by Sally Clarkson.

  250. says:

    Daring to Hope, by Katie Davis Majors (the sequel to Kisses from Katie), was the most impactful book I read in 2017. She writes of growing close to God in hard seasons, when he doesn’t seem to answer your prayers or make life easier, and she discovered that the gift of his presence and knowing him more deeply made the darkness worthwhile. I gave this book to several people for Christmas and can’t recommend it enough!

  251. says:

    O my goodness! I have all the goals to read 4 books a month! And I only have this month planned! I would looooove to win these books! Thanks so much!

  252. says:

    A book I hope to read this year is Girl Defined by Bethany and Kristen Baird! 🙂

  253. says:

    I just finished Be The Gift a few weeks ago + look forward to reading more by Ann Voskamp this year, hoping to start with The Broken Way

  254. says:

    I have been reading and enjoying "Feminine Appeal " by Carolyn Mahaney. Great encouragement and reminders for being a godly wife and mother.

  255. says:

    I am almost finished with Uninvited: Living Loved when you feel less than, left out and lonely by Lysa TerKeurst. SO good! I am a huge fan of her. And then in 2018, I plan to read a book a friend got me for Christmas. The Grace of God by Andy Stanley

  256. my favorite book is Clouds by Robin Jones Gunn or any version of the Cinderella story

  257. Rachel Lastinger says:

    Rachel Lastinger. Uninvited by Lysa Terkeurst. And I also love The Broken Way and Just Do Something

  258. says:

    I loved the Best Yes!

  259. says:

    What an amazing list of books!!! This post is a treasure trove! I have my Wb4w (Word before the world) tag on every day of my calendar, and am so thankful for the reminder to seek Him first this year.
    I absolutely love Women of the Word and have borrowed it often from the library.

  260. says:

    Elisabeth Elliot is my favorite author and has been an amazing influence over my life over the last few years. Any books by her!

  261. says:

    I plan on finishing Women of the Word, by Jen Wilkin! I really want to read Humble Roots and You Are Free. Thinking about getting a few that y’all have listed and giving them as gifts to some loved ones! 🙂

  262. says:

    Emotionally healthy spirituality and One Way Love are both great books! And I just finished Hines feet in High Places, which is older but I love it. I am currently reading Gracelaced:seasons of the heart and want to start reading Daring to Hope.

  263. Leiahna says:

    I absolutely love Morning and Night Devotionals from Charles Spurgeon, how such incredible wisdom can still pertain to us today is amazing.

  264. says:

    Hind’s Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard!! One of my favorites! A must read!!

  265. says:

    I havent read sny of this books. I want to start reading books that will help my spiritual life grow. I’m not so much of reading. But it’s one of my goals to grow closer to God and learn he’s beautiful work more and more. BLESSINGS !

  266. says:

    I became a mom in 2017 so I’m looking forward to reading Gloria Furman’s Missional Motherhood.

  267. says:

    My favorite book (and one that was life changing for me) is Boundaries by Dr Henry Cloud and John Townsend. It has helped shape healthy relationships in my life in a biblical way. Definitely recommend it!

  268. says:

    Uninvited by Lysa T., Calm my Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow (haven’t read it in a while, but am starting it again), and Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge!!

  269. I loved the Insanity of God by Nik Ripken. At first the name made me not want to read the book, but after I realized it was about the persecuted church, I knew I had to read it! Right now I’m finishing the sequel "The Insanity of Obedience" which has been really good too!

  270. says:

    Next on my list is Before Amen- Max Lucado

  271. says:

    It’s so hard to choose just one book that’s helped shape my walk with Jesus since many have, but one that I read this past year in 2017 that I can’t applaud enough is God Has A Name by John Mark Comer, he’s such a sound and very well articulated pastor based in Oregon! My list of books I want to read keeps growing but right now I am reading Trusting God by Jerry Bridges 🙂

  272. says:

    Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning

  273. says:

    I plan on reading Soul Keeping!

  274. says:

    Simplify by Bill Hybels was the bomb dot com. So good, incredibly practical.

  275. says:

    I would like to read Parenting by The Book and Drawing Near. I loved streams in the desert, it was my favorite devotion early in in my walk. I also love Jesus Calling.

  276. says:

    Without Rival by Lisa Bevere and How’s your souls by Judah Smith! Both inspiring books that bring things to light you never thought of! How’s your soul is a book that pulls you into being vulnerable before the Lord. And Without Rival is full emboldening words from scripture, encouraging the reader to find her power in Jesus!

  277. Linda says:

    Love Elisabeth Elliot’s Discipline: The Glad Surrender; highly recommend it. Would love an opportunity to win these to read and share with friends.

  278. says:

    This year I’m hoping to read “Keep a quiet heart” and “missional motherhood” – they’ve been on my imaginary shelves for a while, but this giveaway would be a perfect motivator to follow through!! What a great selection of titles for a giveaway. 🙂

  279. I love that you included Humble Roots. Such a good book. Unoffendable by Brant Hansen is an excellent read as he speaks to humility as well.

  280. says:

    A Clear and Present Word: The Clarity of Scripture by Mark D. Thomas

  281. says:

    I love None Like Him by Jen Wilkin. She shows our human limitations in a way that makes them look good. Because they are. We are limited serving an unlimited God. Oh what grace and comfort there is in Him. 🙂

  282. says:

    I love the book "The Lucky Few". It paints a beautiful picture of the balance between joy and suffering through a family’s story of adoption! One of the best books I read in 2017!

  283. says:

    I have read a few books this past year, but my fave by far was max kids to anxious for nothing.

  284. says:

    Miracles on Voodoo Mountain will always be my favorite!

  285. says:

    Miracles on Voodoo Mountain will always be my favorite!

  286. says:

    Max Lucado Anxious for nothing, is my favorite. my auto correct on my phone -I don’t always catch it’s mistakes.

  287. says:

    My favorite book was 1000 gifts by Ann Voskamp…i also love Shauna Niequist, Bread and Wine. Always looking for a new good book!! Thank you for offering a giveaway!!😊

  288. says:

    I read “The Sacred Romance” by John Eldridge this past year. Absolutely FANTASTIC.

  289. says:

    Anxious for Nothing. Max Lucado

  290. says:

    I am currently reading Dance Stand Run by Jess Connolly and am loving it! Also, Humble Roots is on my list for the year!

  291. says:

    I hope to read Shepherding a Child’s Heart and Keep a Quiet Heart. I’m not a god reader, as i have comprehension issues, but i sure do desire to read!!!

  292. says:

    I’m usually not a “devotion” person, but my #Wordbeforeworld daily read for this year is New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp. I heard him speak on God-Centered Mom podcast last year & I fell in love with his gospel-driven approach to parenting. I’ve read his bro’s (Tedd Tripp) book, Shepherding a Child’s Heart, twice now and know that you will find that encouraging in your mama-walk! I have many books on my Amazon wishlist (as I use my Kindle Paperwhite as well). Whenever someone recommends a read, I add it & check my wishlist pretty regularly. My rule is, if it drops below $3, I add it to my library!! But I didn’t know about @dailykeller! Thanks for sharing. Other current read is, Made to Crave, by Lysa TerKeurst.

  293. Rebekah says:

    Set Apart Woman by Leslie Ludy. It was given to me by my discipleship partner for a few months while in bible school, I started it last year and my goal is to finish it this year!

  294. says:

    My favorite book is Beautiful Outlaw by John Eldredge. It makes Jesus come alive in Scripture by talking about his personality. We can so often see Jesus as a flat character with no personality, when in reality he had the most irresistible personality to ever exist! This book has changed the way I see Jesus in Scripture.

  295. says:

    5 Love Languages.
    Faith Deployed

  296. says:

    I read Humble Roots (kindle version) a few months ago and it was so good! Extremely challenging, thought provoking and beautifully written! Definitely need the hard copy version too!

  297. says:

    On my to-read list this year is John Eldredge’s Beautiful Outlaw: Experiencing the Playgul, Disruptive, Extravagant Personality of Jesus. He has also authored a little gem called Epic: The Story God Is Telling and the Role that Is Yours to Play, which I’ve begun gifting at graduations!

  298. Marie says:

    Parenting by Paul David Tripp
    Great insights on gospel centered parenting

  299. says:

    I plan to read Mere Christianity this year!🙂

  300. says:

    I LOVE Shauna Niequist’s book "Bread and Wine"! The way she writes stories and the lessons she learned from them really invites you in to learn those lessons too. She has really challenged me that no matter the size of my home, or the lack of skill I have in the kitchen, to invite people in and gather around the table and that is when God can really move through us. When we open up ourselves and our homes and eat together- conversation and healing can take place in all of our lives! So good!
    After reading these suggestions, I’m excited to try Humble Roots, None Like Him, as well as Calm my Anxious Heart (I struggle with anxiety too). Thanks!

  301. says:

    I just purchased Parenting 14 Gospel Principles by Paul David Tripp. I just finished Different by Sally and David Clarkson which was so good! One of my resolves is to read more this year!

  302. says:

    I just started reading Humble Roots! A favorite for sure!❤️

  303. says:

    My favorite book ever is Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning. Right now I’m enjoying Dance, Stand, Run by Jess Connolly.

  304. Reekah says:

    I loved None Like Him And Hope to read Women of the Word soon. There is also a Eugene Patterson book Eat the Word that I have just ordered as well

  305. says:

    I’m starting to dig into "Practicing the Presence of God". It’s a teeny book, but has been a great reminder for me to focus on God and shut out the noise.

  306. says:

    One of my favorites is Dangerous Calling by Paul David Tripp. Such a convicting and powerful read!

  307. says:

    I’m currently reading Uninvited! I’m loving it so far. One of my favorites this year was The Screwtape Letters. While it is fiction, it helped open my eyes to the reality of spiritual warfare. I am most looking forward to reading The Fruitful Wife this year!

  308. says:

    Oh, I would love these!! I read nothing to prove last year, and hope to read it again this year! Such a great read!

  309. Rebekah says:

    I loved None Like Him And hope to read Women of the Word soon

  310. says:

    So I just finished How’s your Soul by Judah Smith!
    It’s insane to read a book with so much truth and comfort. I really dug in my veins how’s much Jesus truly loves me and cares how I think. Judah wrote so specifically to me (it felt like). Highly suggest this one if none of you have read it already!

  311. Joelle says:

    One of my absolute favorites is “You’re already amazing” by Holley Gerth. I also really loved Univinted. This year I am looking forward to reading lots of books- most excited for Jamie Iveys book coming out this month: If You Only Knew!!

  312. Tamara Kroeker says:

    I’ve started None Like Him and am determined to finish it soon. I’ve been challenged by the #wordbeforeworld and am excited about spending more time in the Word.

  313. says:

    I loved Hello Mornings by Kat Lee!

  314. says:

    I’m currently reading a Christmas gift: "Donut Dates" for the disciple-making parents, and am working on memorizing Psalm 107 after reading Steadfast Love by Lauren Chandler with some church friends!


  315. says:

    1,000 Gifts really fleshed out what it means to mediators in daily life for me, as well as opening an understanding to the layers of God’s grace and worshipping a good Father in all He brings into our lives. God really used it to pull me out of PPD several years ago:)

    • says:

      *I meant meditating in daily life

      And another favorite is Hannah Anderson’s Made for More, which I feel like your Redefined Study really plunged into deeper. That study was incredible and I can’t stop sharing it with people I come across that I know it would encourage💕 Really anytime, we all need to be reminded of God’s Truth and have that as our focus as Satan likes to pour lies in our minds that we can run rampant with, especially in times of hurt, transition, and unknowns. Tat seems to be my journey this year and many friends, so your study was such a gift from a loving Father. I keep going back to it again and again💕

  316. says:

    A book that impacted me greatly was Francis Chan’s crazy love. I still think about it all these years later. Also, hoping to read the explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler this year.

  317. Lauren Davis says:

    You are Free by Rebekah Lyons is SO GOOD! Such raw truth and rooted in scripture. Love reading and learning, so hope to win this!!! 🙂

  318. Jaime says:

    I’m planning on starting The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer soon!

  319. says:

    Anything by Jennie Allen changed my life!

  320. says:

    You are Free by Rebekah Lyons is SO GOOD! Such raw truth and rooted in scripture. Love reading and learning, so hope to win this!!! 🙂

  321. says:

    Love your list. I’ll add what I haven’t already read to my list. This year I started with Grace not Perfection by Emily Ley. I’m starting Prayer by Tim Keller today. Then Make It Happen by Lara Casey, a Simplified Life by Emily Ley. And then too many to list. The Bible is 1st everyday.

  322. says:

    Starting Univited TODAY!!

  323. says:

    The Power of Prayer in a Believer’s Life by Spurgeon 😊

  324. says:

    One of my favorites is Love Does by Bob Goff and also Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers!

  325. says:

    I’m currently making my way through the gracelaced book about the different seasons of life by Ruth Chou Simons! It’s so good! If I win, I’m most excited for “Keep A quiet Heart”. I’ll be leading a retreat over Stillness in March and I think that book would really help!

  326. Maribel says:

    Missional Motherhood
    None Like Him
    You are Free
    Anxious for Nothing

  327. says:

    I am just finishing A Peculiar Glory and am starting on volume 2 – Reading the Bible Supernaturally (John Piper).
    I am learning so much about putting words to why I believe the Bible is the Word of God and how to read it to see for the beauty of his glory!

    • says:

      Oops typo.. omit “for the!” Typing on my phone always adds in and changes words I don’t want it to! 😆

  328. Haley says:

    Knowledge of the Holy by AW Tozer!

  329. Christine says:

    I have been wanting to read more and did not finish one single book in 2017. My goal is to read a minimum of 6 books this year. I just started reading She Is Free by Andi Andrew and it is so so so good. Love y’all, thank you for your daily encouragement and love. Christine B

  330. says:

    Woman of the Word is by far the best book I read last year and likely on my top 5 books that have helped shape the way I look to Jesus and His word in order to know Him more and live out His call on my life.

  331. says:

    My favorite book is "The power of a praying woman", "The power of a praying mother". I wish to read "The pirpose driven life".

  332. says:

    I hope to read shepherding a child heart by Tripp this year.

  333. says:

    One of my favorite books is Curious Faith by Logan Wolfram. It really made me think more about stepping out of my comfort zone. I have not read a book in a while, so this list is perfect to help me get started.

  334. says:

    These all sound great! I’m currently reading Surprised by Joy by CS Lewis.

  335. Heather says:

    The Insanity of God by Nik Ripkin is one of my favorites. It completely changed how I pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. I am currently reading In His Steps by Charles Sheldon.

  336. says:

    I am currently reading Parenting is heart work by Scott Turansky and Created to me his help meet by Debi Pearl

  337. says:

    I wish to read the Bible all the way thru this year and it is also the book that has truly changed my life

  338. says:

    My life changing favorite book is Fervent by Priscilla Shirer!

  339. says:

    I just finished Hinds Feet On High Places and am about to read the sequel, Mountains of Spices by Hanna Hurnard. (Cried my way through the first one as I saw all that Jesus has done in me.) Also currently reading Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster.

  340. says:

    I’d love to do Jen Wilkins New bible study on Genesis.

  341. says:

    Treasuring Christ When Your Hands are Full by Gloria Furman (really, anything by her), Comforts from the Cross by Elyse Fitzpatrick, and Nothing to Prove by Jennie Allen were some of my favorites this past year. This year I can’t wait to read Parenting by Paul David Tripp and Unseen by Sara Haggarty!

  342. says:

    Mere Christianity is a book that I’ve read many times, always something new that sticks out to me. Wild and Free I read a couple years ago and it was refreshing to read as I was going through a transitioning season with School, friends and work and how to balance that.

  343. says:

    I am excited to read Discipline by Elisabeth Elliot. I finally just got it after it being on my Amazon wish list forever!

  344. Anna Gabehart says:

    Would love to read You Are Free!!! Top of my list!

  345. Ruth says:

    I’d love to read a Jen Wilkin book this year! And of course any of the books in this giveaway! 🙂

  346. says:

    I love John piper and C.S. Lewis books. My favorite is Screwtape letters.

  347. says:

    Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts changed my life and my faith and will always be one of my favorite books.

  348. says:

    I love John piper and C.S. Lewis books. My favorite is Screwtape Letters.

  349. Rebecca says:

    I hope to dig into a few books by Sally Clarkson this year!

  350. says:

    Favorite is The Return of the Produgal Son by Henri Nouwen. It made a huge impact on my walk in faith. Looking forward to reading Keep it Shut by Karen Ehman

  351. says:

    I would love to go through discipline: the glad surrender by Elisabeth Elliott and word before world has had a huge impact on my life this year……

  352. says:

    I’m currently finishing up "Rooted" by Banning Liebscher.

  353. says:

    I started, and hope to finish this year "Mere Christianity", and "Grace-Based Parenting".

  354. says:

    I want plan to read Never Ever Be The Dame by Kathy and Larry Miller

  355. Cheyanne Garnes says:

    I love anything by Karen Kingsbury or Francine Rivers but my favorite faith story has to be “Redeeming Love” by Francine Rivers. Such a beautiful story of how God relentlessly pursues us.

  356. says:

    I hope to read (and linger in) Parenting by Paul David Tripp. Love this post – so many good books listed!

  357. says:

    I am sure this is probably a little childish but my all time favorite books are the Narnia series! I have read them so many times. They were the first chapter books I ever read. They hold such a special place in my heart!

  358. I have started "The Tech-Wise Family" and am almost finished with "Faithful Women and Their Extraordinary God." Both are challenging!

  359. says:

    The Broken Way was my favorite book from 2017!

  360. says:

    Two books I started reading at the end of last year and will continue and finish this year are Goliath must fall by Louie Giglio and Next Generation Leader by Andy Stanley. Two I’ll start this year are Uninvited by Lysa TerKeurst and Adorned by Nancy by Nancy DeMoss Wolfemuth.

  361. says:

    I am looking forward to reading Jamie Ivey’s new book, "if you only knew"
    Can’t wait for it to come out!

  362. says:

    Last year I read Daughters of Hope by Kay Marshall Strom and Michelle Rickett, speaks of women choosing Jesus in the midst of persecution across the globe.

  363. Teddi says:

    These all sound so amazing. Currently in between books. Would love to start on one of these!

  364. says:

    The Search For Significance by Robert McGee #fave

    On my read list:
    Unshakable by Christine Caine
    Goliath Must Fall by Louie Giglio #mypastor
    The Broken Way by Ann Voskamp

  365. says:

    One of my favorite books ever was Going Deep by Macdonald a game changer for he to view the system of church and small groups

  366. says:

    I just bought Goliath Must Fall by Louie Giglio and am looking forward to rereading Crazy Love.

  367. Annea Lefort says:

    This past fall I read Selfless by Megan Fate Marshman and I would love to read Love Does this year by Bob Goff!

  368. Nothing to Prove sounds like a book that my heart would benefit from reading! Thank you for this list!

  369. says:

    One of my favourite books is ‘Unbroken’ by Lauren Hillenbrand, the story of Louis Zamperini. It’s an incredible true story! This year I want to finish Dale Carnegie’s ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’.

  370. says:

    I’m loving Parenting by Paul David Tripp currently!

  371. says:

    I want to read anything by Jen Wilkin and AW Tozer this year! My resolution was to read to non-fiction and one fiction book each month this year 🙂

  372. says:

    Redeeming Love ❤️

  373. Hope says:

    Currently reading “none like him”

  374. says:

    I read Humble Roots in 2017 as well and felt so encouraged by this book. And although it is a novel, Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers is another book that has encouraged my walk with Christ as well!

  375. Sam says:

    I read Uninvited by Lisa Terkeurst last year and WOW I was not expecting the Lord to work on my heart so much through that book. So so good! I really want to read Women in the Word so it would be great to win!

  376. Emily.alsbrooks@gmail.comEmily says:

    One of my all-time favorites is Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. So excited about this giveaway!

  377. says:

    Discerning the voice of God by Priscilla shier 🙂

  378. says:

    I plan to read Crash the Chatterbox by Steven Furtick and Whisper by Mark Batterson

  379. says:

    I’m hoping to read Humble Roots by Hannah Anderson this year and my favorite so far has been Crazy Love by Francis Chan, it’s good!❤️

  380. says:

    I hope to read Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis, any Brennan Manning I can get my hands on, and some classics such as Mansfield Park, Persuasion by Jane Austen, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, and all of Charlotte Bronte’s works of literature since my favorite novel is Jane Eyre.

  381. Jen says:

    Streams in the Desert in 2017. Hoping to read Daring to Hope by Katie Davis Majors in 2018.

  382. says:

    I’m almost finished with Seven by Jen Hatmaker. I love the implications of the gospel in action!!

  383. says:

    Streams in the Desert in 2017. Hoping to read Daring to Hope by Katie Davis Majors in 2018.

  384. says:

    Favourite book (at least one of them) is Love Does by Bob Goff

  385. says:

    I am currently reading The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown. And have a long list going on Amazon of books to read this year.

  386. says:

    Just started Sing a New Song by Lydia Brownback as I read through the Psalms! It is such a wonderful way to start the year! Thank you for this giveaway!

  387. says:

    Plan B by Pete Wilson!

  388. Nine Like Him by Jen Wilkin and Uninvited by Lysa T! Both so good!

  389. says:

    Currently reading "Living So That" by Wendy Blight.

  390. Sara Azer says:

    Always loved ‘the reason for God’ by Tim Keller. Great book for someone wrestling with questions about their faith. Tim does a great job of explaining things simply and practically.

  391. says:

    On my to read list is Sacred Romance by Eldridge!

  392. says:

    I hope to read the Bible this year. I have been reading too many other books and need to prioritize my time in THE word 🙂

  393. says:

    I am so excited about reading some new books in 2018 that challenge and encourage me! One book on my 2018 list is All is Grace by Brennan Manning!

  394. Thank you so much for this post! My favorite book that I read in 2017 was "The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness" by Timothy Keller. I am hoping to read that Keep a Quiet Heart by Elisabeth Elliot, among others!

  395. says:

    I would love to read You are Free by Rebekah Lyons this year!! But really, this whole list looks great.

  396. says:

    Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot is my all time favorite and most life changing read. This year the first book on my reading list is Jen Wilkin’s None Like Him.

  397. says:

    I think my favourite book ever is probably Blue Like Jazz by Don Miller. I’ve read it countless times. It’s just such a raw telling of a Christian learning the ropes of faith, and I read it when I had just begun to take my faith seriously. Favourite author will always be CS Lewis though 🙂 This year I’m in school, but I hope to read books that feed my soul.

  398. Kari says:

    I am currently reading Gracelaced by Ruth Chou Simons. Such a beautiful book!

  399. says:

    Lots of books on my reading list: Grace, Not Perfection by Emily Ley; Hello Mornings by Kat Lee; The Broken Way by Ann Voskamp; Go Bravely by Emily Wilson Hussem … currently reading Cultivate by Lara Casey

  400. says:

    Mentor in Every Season and Women of the Word are at the top of my list this year!

  401. says:

    I’ve been really excited just to read the word of God. I bought a new one year bible. I know I probably won’t stick to the plan but I hope to continue all year putting word before world.

  402. says:

    Ahhh love these lists! There are so many on mine. Humble Roots and Women of the Word have been on that list for awhile. Also want to dig into some of Elisabeth Elliot’s works!

  403. says:

    One book that I recently read is The Cost Of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. It completely blessed me & I picked it up any free chance I got. Reading Bonhoeffer’s passion for Christ encouraged my heart & reminded me that we need to be living completely bold & unashamed for Christ…whatever the cost may be. It was a great read & I recommend it to all!

  404. says:

    Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin is a favorite. I am currently reading Alisa Keeton’s Revelation Wellness and Kat Lee’s Hello Mornings.

  405. says:

    I plan to read Women of the Word by Jenn Wilkin!!

  406. says:

    Love this list and hope to read some of them! I personally really loved, “Hearing God in Conversation” by Sam Williamson!

  407. Kari says:

    I have been looking for some new books to read this year and this is SO EXCITING! I’m planning on reading Discipline by Elizabeth Elliot. And would LOVE to read all the books in the giveaway, but especially Streams in the Desert and Keep a quiet Heart!!
    Some of my past favorites are Tozer’s Pursuit of God and Andrew Murray’s Abide in Christ!!

  408. Larson Griffith says:

    My favorite book is actually Reedeming Love by Francine Rivers, but I have tons of books I want to read this year! Currently I’m reading Night by Wiesel and can’t wait for my next by Simon Sinek, leaders eat last!

  409. says:

    I really enjoyed None Like Him by Jen Wilkin and One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. Hoping to read Finding Selah by Kristen Kill.

  410. says:

    I am very encouraged and inspired by this blog. And after reading it I am very interested in reading "You are Free". I also struggle with anxiety. Many blessings!

  411. says:

    A book that I hope to read this year is A Timeless Journey by: Luc Niebergall. I’ve read A Prophetic Lifestyle by the same author and absolutely loved it!

  412. Erika says:

    I just recently started The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller and just added to my to read list Calm My Anxious Heart.

  413. says:

    I love Keep a Quiet Heart by Elisabeth Elliot. Some other favorites – A Praying Life, War of Words, and this past year I read Scars that Have Shaped me. This year I HOPE to read Humble Roots, A Loving Life and When God Weeps (and a few others).

  414. The Circlemaker and Wild & Free were big ones for me last year. I just finished Of Mess and Moxie by Jen Hatmaker and found it touching and hilarious. I’m going to pour through this list and add several to my 2018 goals. Thanks for this great list!

  415. Quantum Faith by Annette Capps! Quantum physics + the Word = 🤯💥😍

  416. says:

    No More Sheets by Juanita Bynum

  417. says:

    So excited to read Garden City by John Mark Comer and Dance Stand Run by Jess Connolly !

  418. Hanna says:

    Women of the Word was my favorite book I read last year. So practical and informative! I need out more of your suggestions on my list!

  419. says:

    I’m really excited to work on the 1 Peter study by Jen Wilken 🙂

  420. For some reason I can’t tag you on FB but I used the hashtag #wellwateredwoman as well as #wordbeforetheworld!

  421. says:

    I’m reading calm my anxious heart by Linda dillow and made to crave by Lisa terkerst. Also looking forward to finishing no excuses by Brian tracy

  422. Dana says:

    My favorite book at the moment is “Through the Eyes of a Lion” by Levi Lusko! It is a book that I think everyone should read no matter what stage of life you are in, or what form a tragedy you have been through. It gave me a whole new perceptive on life. An all time classic book that will forever be one of my favorites is “Blue Like Jazz” by Donald Miller.

  423. says:

    One of my favorite books of 2017 was Mom Enough, and I frequently go back to it! I’m currently in the middle of Alive in Him, and have several I’m looking forward to reading this year, including: Faithful Women & Their Extraordinary God by Noel Piper, Family Worship by Donald Whitney.
    Thank you, Well Watered Women, for your encouragement to put God’s Word before the world this year – praying that many women are strengthened and encouraged through your posts as you allow God to work through you.

  424. says:

    Books I’ve loved: Guarded by Christ and Included in Christ: Living a New Story from Ephesians both by Heather Holleman; Treasuring Christ When Your Hands are Full by Gloria Furman; Kiss the Wave by Dave Furman (I read an advanced copy from Netgalley, but it’s coming out this year)

    Can’t wait to read: Discipline: The Glad Surrender by Elisabeth Elliot; Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets; Called to Create by Jordan Raynor

  425. says:

    Telling yourself the truth by William Backus. This really walked me through changing the way I think about things.
    I also read spiritual white space. Awesome book

  426. says:

    Dance Stand Run, Calm My Anxious Heart, and Discipline by Elizabeth Elliot!

  427. says:

    Humble Roots is on my list to read. I’m currently reading Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles that can really change your family by Paul David Tripp.

  428. The most influential book ive read recently has been Surviving a Spiritual Mismatch by Lee Strobel and his wife.

  429. says:

    Fervent by Priscilla Shirer, Victory Over Darkness by Neil Anderson, Secrets of the Secret Place, CS Lewis, Beth Moore, and Max Lucado. So many voices of wisdom!

  430. says:

    One of my favorite books this year was The Confident Woman by Anabel Gillham. This year I’ve started with Bondage Breaker by Neil Anderson.

  431. says:

    Steadfast Love by Lauren Chandler is my current read. Last year one of my favorites was Proven by Jennie Allen.

  432. says:

    I hope to read all of these!! I’m currently reading Fervent and I’m loving it!!

  433. says:

    One of my favourite books is fervent by Priscilla shirer, driven by eternity by John bevere , purpose driven life by rick warren. This books have made a huge impact in my spiritual life ! I highly recommend them ! Xo

  434. Books I have loved lately is if you only knew by Jamie Ivey; anxious for nothing by Max Lucado and 5 habits of a woman who doesn’t quit by nicki Koziarz. Thank you for all u do!!’

  435. says:

    I would love to read some of these!

  436. So far on my list for this year are The Circle Maker, Mere Christianity, Not a Fan, My Utmost for His Highest and Battlefield of the Mind. One of my favorite books is One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.

  437. says:

    I want to read new morning mercies this year!!

  438. Mary says:

    Currently reading “The finishing School” by Val Marie, and planning to read “Awe” by Paul Tripp ☺️

  439. says:

    I am trying to do more reading this year. Starting on, " A Purpose Driven Life". Your word before world challenge has been an inspiration and encouragement to me. Thank you 😄

  440. says:

    I want to read Chasing Slow. But of course I’d read any and all of these books as well(:

  441. says:

    A few books on my 2018 "to read" list are Counsel From the Cross by Elyse Fitzpatrick and In Search of the Source by Neil Anderson. What a great giveaway you have to offer!

  442. says:

    Uninvited by Lysa TerKeurst

  443. says:

    Currently reading “The Story” and would like to push through and finish it soon.

  444. says:

    I want to read Unseen by Sara Hagerty. I just got it for Christmas so hoping to start it soon.

  445. says:

    I would like to read Live Fearless. But I would like to read any of those books, it would mean a lot to me. Anxious for nothing made a huge impact on my walk with the Lord.

  446. says:

    The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst

  447. Meredith says:

    I have started reading The Story and My Utmost for His Highest the past two years, and never do finish. It is my hope that this year during daily quiet times I will also dig deep into these two books and finally finish reading them through.

  448. says:

    One book I read in 2017 was Living Sacrifice By Dr. Helen Roseveare. I could not put this book down. Her story revealed what it really means to be willing to be whittled as an arrow (Isaiah 49:1-3); to experience the pruning necessary, to flourish. Throughout all of her trials, hardships and struggles she displays a rawness to just fall on her knees and proclaim that Jesus is still worthy to be praised with all of her heart, soul, mind and strength. I absolutely love this book! Go read it if you haven’t already!

  449. says:

    Last night I was actually planning on picking up this Elisabeth Elliot book and a few others of hers! I read Through the Gates of Splendor last year and loved her story and her faith. Those words of having a mentor in each phase of life are a true desire of mine, and I was also thinking last night that I would love for Elisabeth to be one of mine. That’s the cool thing about books- they transcend time!

  450. says:

    I hope to read Unseen by Sara Haggerty. I bought a copy. I read a lot. Fiction and non-fiction. One book I loved this past year was The Wedding Dress by Rachael Hauck. Great Christian fiction author. And it was Historical Fiction, so even better! And wasn’t cheesey like some Christian fiction can be, I’m.

  451. says:

    Reading and loving Teaching kids the Gospel right now.

  452. says:

    I’m not a reader. Just recently had eye surgery and previously it was a chore to read and was often frustrating if the print was too small.even on my Kindle. I don’t ha e a favorite book but I can’t wait to dive in this year and find some I love!!

  453. says:

    I had Humble Roots on my list. One of my favorite books currently is Mama Maggie. Thank you for sharing.

  454. says:

    My favourite book ever is The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery. It always helps me snap out of a funk or at least escape for a bit.

  455. says:

    I am right in the middle of Unseen and loving it! I have several on my list, including Mere Chistianity and Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, which has been on it for quite a while! So exicted to jump into these books!

  456. says:

    I read a book a few years ago, and this one in particular made such an imact on me. The book was, "Evidence Not Seen: A Woman’s Miraculous Faith in the Jungles of World War II" by Darlene Deibler Rose. I grew up hearing bits and pieces about Darlene Deibler Rose’s life through a story time a young lady would provide to the little girls at church each Sunday; but years later, to read her struggles and to hear her story anew, was so encouraging and timely. Reading this book rekindled my hope, knowing that God can do wonders in the hearts of his children- even when they face the cruelest of odds! I’d reccomend this book to everyone (and hope to read if again in 2018).

  457. says:

    I loved reading Fear Fighting by Kelly Balarie! Such a powerful book to overcoming your fear and giving it over to God!

  458. says:

    Just received Wait and See by Wendy Pope! While we are in a waiting season of 16yrs for our miracle baby I love reading books that will continue to give me hope and encouragement for Gods pauses and plans for my life!

  459. says:

    You are free from Rebekah Lyons

  460. says:

    I am currently reading The Celtic Way of Prayer.

  461. says:

    I’m hoping to read just do something. And I’m starting my give me Jesus journal. I can’t wait!

  462. says:

    My favorite book that I read this year was The Hiding Placd by Corrie Ten Boom. It was literally a life changing book for me and quickly became one of my favorites.

  463. says:

    The Sacred Influence is one I’m hoping to read this year

  464. says:

    Falling Free

  465. says:

    I read Dance, Stand, Run, by Jess Connolly and loved it so much that I’m planning on reading it again this year!

  466. says:

    I am looking forward to reading The Broken Way.

  467. says:

    I am wanting to read Know your Worth by Jessica Vaughn.

  468. One of my read favorite books that I read last year that I would totally read again because it was so good was Esther Fleece’s No More Faking Fine. It is a must read.

  469. says:

    Wanting to read Humble roots!
    Parenting by Paul Tripp is definitely a reread on my list too- such good practical info on raising kiddos.

  470. Jessica says:

    I’m interested in the Elisabeth Elliot Discipline book. I may have to check that out!

  471. Lauren says:

    I recently read Wild and Free by Hayley Morgan and Jess Connolly and it was incredible! Love love LOVED it!

  472. I’m currently reading Acts Oddessey, the Bible , and Lioness Arising. I plan to read True Measure of a Woman, Love Your Life, and Conversations with God. I’d love to also add these to my list!!

  473. says:

    One of my favorites is Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes!

  474. says:

    A book I really have my heart set on to reading this year is The Magic of Motherhood by Ashlee Gadd!

  475. says:

    I enjoyed reading Ann Voskamp’s The Broken Way last summer! I’m looking forward to reading Nothing to Prove by Jennie Allen this year.

  476. says:

    I read Uninvited, Keep it Shut, Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World and am currently working on finishing The Broken Way. All I feel have helped me grow in my walk with the Lord. It seems as though when I read my bible and then I read my book the messages fit so perfectly together. What a blessing ❤️❤️

  477. says:

    I love Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers!

  478. Lindsi K. says:

    Mere Christianity is definitely a classic favorite for me.

  479. says:

    It’s so hard to choose just one – but one of my favorites is Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller. I’ve read it multiple times. I just love it! I hope to read the Power of a Praying Wife this year as well as Humble Roots!

  480. says:

    Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge

  481. says:

    Women of the Word was one of my favorites.

  482. says:

    I am looking forward to reading Uninvited!

  483. says:

    I loved Unbroken and the prodigal God!!!

  484. says:

    I’m reading A Praying Life by Paul Miller! Recommended to me by my counselor.

  485. says:

    I just finished the Imperfect Disciple by Jared C. Wilson and was greatly encouraged.

  486. says:

    I want to read Humble Roots and Hello Mornings!

  487. Heather says:

    I love this challenge! I have read so many books as part of my quiet time that have hugely impacted my relationship with God! I can’t even begin to name them all!

  488. God-centered motherhood! And shepherding a child’s heart 🙂

  489. says:

    My favorite read from last year was Unseen, and I am looking forward to reading Women of the Word this year!

  490. Gretel says:

    I’m hoping to finish reading Famous in Heaven & at Home (a 31 Character study of Proverbs 31 woman) by Michelle Myers and My Prince Will Come – Getting Ready for My Lord’s Return by Sheri Rose

  491. Jessica says:

    Oh I love this!!! I had a copy of Streams in the Desert but I gifted it to my grandpa. I’d love to have it again. I hope to read Jennie Allen’s Nothing to Prove!

  492. says:

    I hope to read Dare to Hope by Katie Davis Majors.

  493. says:

    I am making it a goal to read at least twice a day God’s word. A book that changed my life several years ago was Enhancing your Marriage. Part of a follow God series we did for Bible study. One I hope to finally read, as have had for over a year now is the happiness dare by Jennifer dukes Lee. I am an avid reader both paper and Kindle though paper is my favorite and as after awhile screens are not good for me. What a sweet giveaway this is.

  494. says:

    I want to read Daring to Hope by Katie Davis Majors–such an encouraging story of faith!

  495. says:

    The Power Of A Praying Wife and The Power Of A Praying Mother.

  496. I am looking forward to reading “Hello Mornings” by Kat Lee and “Uninvited” by Lysa Terkeurst this year!

  497. Klara says:

    I am reading “uninvited” by Lysa TerKeurst. So good! It has been so eye opening in just the first few chapters!

  498. says:

    In the process of reading Let’s All Be Brave by Annie F Downs

  499. says:

    I’m loving Sally Clarkson’s the life giving table!!

  500. says:

    I love No Little Women by Aimee Byrd!

  501. says:

    Hoping to read Keep a quiet heart by Elizabeth Elliot this year!

  502. says:

    I hope to read Women if the Wors and the Broken Way!

  503. says:

    I’m currently reading Finding Selah by Kristen Kill right now. ❤️

  504. Rachel S says:

    I started reading shepherding a child’s heart by Tedd Tripp.

  505. says:

    I am reading Cultivate by Lara Casey, and am hoping to get to read Unseen by Sara Hagerty

  506. says:

    Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis is one of my all time favorite books. I’m looking forward to reading Love Does by Bob Goff this year – it’s been sitting on my bookshelf for too long!

  507. says:

    The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver and Man’s Search got Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl were really great, super impactful books for me!

  508. says:

    I loved the Lifegiving Home by Sally Clarkson. Knights in training was a great book about raising boys.

  509. Love this! So many great book reccomemdations! This year I read Jennie allens book as well and I loved it. I also read jess Connelly’s book nothing to prove and it was amazing as well!

  510. says:

    My husband and I definitely view Paul Tripp as a mentor through his writings. The Lord has used him to greatly shape the stewarding of our children. Age of Oppurtunity is a favorite from last year and I’m looking forward to reading Parenting this year!

  511. says:

    I just purchased a book by a brand new author who is the wife to someone who helped create the student ministry I’ve been apart of throughout my college ministry. It’s called Loving Your Husband Before You Even Have One by Kim Vollendorf. And I’ve heard her speak on this topic a few times and she’s changed my few on relationships so I’m excited to read this and pass the knowledge of a Godly woman on to other college age women!!

  512. says:

    Currently reading “Making Sense of the Bible” by Adam Hamilton

  513. Sarah says:

    Right now I’m reading The Greener Grass Conspiracy: Finding Contentment on Your Side of the Grass by Stephen Altrogge and it has been an amazing read! An eye opening book that has taught me that even though I may be extremely fortunate and blessed that I still do suffer with discontent, if not more. Its a great reminder that stuff doesn’t matter, but our relationship with God is what’s important so we should treasure that over temporary stuff that will mean nothing in a few years.

  514. says:

    I love mere christinanity. I feel like I could read it once a year and still learn more!

  515. says:

    Currently reading through Grace, Not Perfection by Emily Ley and also plan to do A Simplified Life very soon. These are just good for tips on how to focus on what matters and ignore everything else.

  516. says:

    Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges is one of my favorites! Currently reading Uninvited by Lysa Terkurst!

  517. says:

    In an attempt to slay debt and honor God with our finances, my husband and I are reading through Your Money Counts by Howard Dayton. I am also correctly reading Missional Motherhood by Gloria Furman.

  518. says:

    I love Mere Christianity and The Reason for God!

  519. says:

    I was so excited to see Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus. That was an incredible book and Nabeel’s ministry was great. We too were deeply saddened this year by his death. I keep seeking opportunities to recommend his book to others!

  520. says:

    I’m currently working through Fervent by Priscilla Shirer.

  521. says:

    The Pastor’s Wife by Gloria Furman was a great encouragement this past year!

  522. says:

    Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis !!!

  523. Baily Hornback says:

    I’m reading Sacrament of Happy by Lisa Harper now and I’m loving it! So freeing to learn how God is a happy God and He delights in us having joy!

  524. says:

    It would be an incredible opportunity and blessing to win. I am new to women’s ministry and am continually inspired by the mentors (authors) in the books I’ve been fortunate to read. I am currently reading the book titled, ‘Anything,’ written by Jennie Allen. Such an incredible book. Thank you for running the contest and encouraging everyone to dig first into the word.

  525. says:

    I’m currently reading unseen by Sara! It’s perfect for me being a new mom!

  526. says:

    I can’t wait to dive into some Elisabeth Elliot and Women of the Word this year!

  527. says:

    Planning on reading love and respect and the 5 love languages this year 🙌❤️

  528. says:

    I’m starting (and loving) Devoted to God by Sinclair Ferguson. 🌹

  529. says:

    I want to read Humble Roots this year. Love your list thanks for sharing!

  530. says:

    Right now I’m honestly just readying the Bible but I really want to get into more devotion books. I would love to have recommendations!

  531. says:

    Mine is uninvited by: Lysa Terkeurst! It’s helped me so much!

  532. says:

    The book from 2017 was "If my husband would change, I’d be happy" by Rhonda Stoppe. Really good book!! This year I started reading "Vindicating the Vixes, Revisiting sexualized, Vilified, and Marganalized Women of the Bible" by Sandra A Glahn.

  533. says:

    I just finished The Broken Way by Ann Avoskamp and loved it!! It really opened my eyes and helped me think about things differently.

  534. says:

    Uninvited by Lysa Terkuerst!

  535. says:

    Currently reading Hello Mornings! Love it. My goal is to read a book each month!

  536. The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges, I’ll be finishing up that one soon. Then on to Jen Wilkin Women in Word. I started to read a lot of books in 2017, but it is my goal to read and finish more in 2018. Thanks for the opportunity to win something. ♥️

  537. says:

    I just started reading ‘None Like Him’ and am hoping to read more of Jen Wilkin’s books this year…she’s amazing!

  538. says:

    I have so many books I want to read this year! The next on my list is Uninvited ❤️

  539. says:

    I really want to read Humble Roots! I have heard amazing things about it from several friends. Such a great giveaway!

  540. says:

    I’m ashamed to say I haven’t been reading many Christian books lately. I’ve had a really horrid 18mths of anxieties in my marriage and haven’t leant on God the way I should have…but thanks to the GMJ journal I’m getting back into Jesus and the Word.
    But prior to this time, I loved “Desiring God” by John Piper and “Raising your kids to love the Lord” by Dave Stone.
    Thanks for all your encouragement through this ministry!

  541. Kyla Robinson says:

    At the top of my reading list for this year is Uncomfortable by Brett McCracken! I feel this book will really challenge me to step outside of my comfort zone as a Christian!

  542. says:

    I am currently reading Uninvited by Lysa TerKeurst and I am in love! After joking the Soulscripts Sisterhood many of the girls has mentioned this book. I read many reviews and decided that this book was a must read! I love how threw these books, I can learn practical information on how to live a Christ-centered life and truly be effective in my everyday private time before I go public in the world! Just wanted to share and congratulations to the winner of these books! May God bless you through them!

  543. E.K. says:

    My goal for 2018 is to read one faith based book a week. Right now I’m reading Thunder by Bonnie S. Calhoun.

  544. says:

    I’m planning on reading a ton of Elisabeth Elliot (currently “Let Me Be a Woman”), and also plan to read Word Filled Women’s Ministry and Mere Christianity (still haven’t read it!!). Last year’s favorites were Gospel Fluency (Vanderstelt) and Disciplines of a Godly Woman (Barbara Hughes).

  545. says:

    I finally read Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin and loved it!

  546. Goliath Must Fall by Louie Giglio! Changed my life!!

  547. says:

    Just read and finished Sexual Sanity for Women by Ellen Dykas and read as a group study. It’s my favorite right now because it’s the most recent book I’ve read and it’s helped me and my group of women in this trial of sexual integrity’s. Highly recommend!

  548. says:

    Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin was my favorite book I read this year. It changed and renewed my view of Bible study. I feel so hungry to meet God in the Word with this new perspective.

  549. says:

    Read Alive in Him and it was so good. Also our small group went through Jen Wilkobs Sermon on the Mount study. So so amazing! Next up is Matt Chandlers commentary on Philippians "To live is Christ, to die is gain", Lysa Terkeust "Univited", Ann Voskamp The Broken Way. But now I want to add so many more based on y’alls lists!

  550. says:

    Hannah Whittal Smith is my favorite author. The Christian’s Secret Of A Happy Life

  551. says:

    I am loving You are Free!

  552. says:

    Almost finished reading “12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You” by Tony Reinke. And I’m halfway through “Openness Unhindered” by Rosaria Butterfield. Next on the list is “Fierce Women” by Kimberly Wagner.

  553. says:

    Oh goodness, I don’t know if I can pick a favorite. One of my favs is Grace For The Good Girl.

  554. says:

    I have just finished reading Love that Lasts by Jefferson and Alyssa Bethke. Was a super good read! Excited to start a list for this year

  555. says:

    A book I hope to finish reading this year is "Institutes of the Christian Religion" by Calvin. I started it last year but did not get far as I had became a mother a few months prior. I’m striving for better time management which includes time to read books other than the Bible:)

  556. says:

    Stepping Heavenward, Mimosa, How I Know God Answers Prayer. I’ve read these more than once and get more out of them each time.

  557. says:

    I am hoping to read Gracelaced by Ruth Chou Simons and ReFresh by Shona & David Murray this year.

    Glimpses of Grace by Gloria Furman and Healing From Hidden Abuse by Shannon Thomas were both books that helped me learn and grow in God’s grace in the midst of difficult trials.

  558. says:

    I’m hoping to finish Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis this year. I’ve started and restarted this book multiple times!

    I’m also going to try reading the entire bible using the Bible in One Year plan in the YouVersion bible app!

  559. says:

    Praying for a Your Husband from Head to Toe by Sharon Jaynes, this has been amazing and when I get to the end, I start it all over! Not only benefits my husband but changes my heart as well! The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian, For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn. Currently reading Unseen by Sara Hagerty and Nothing to Prove by Jennie Allen.

  560. says:

    Very first goal is reading the entire Bible this year. So far (1 little week in) I’m staying with it! Next on my list is between “The Real God” by Chip Ingram and “Refresh” by Shona & David Murray. Love, love, love the idea of “Read a Mentor” because that is so true!! Thank you for this giveaway!

  561. says:

    I’m currently reading The Lifegiving Home. I recently found Sally Clarkson and love her!

  562. Kristen Collie says:

    Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

  563. says:

    I just finished Holy Roar, and I’m starting Looking for Lovely by Annie F. Downs tomorrow. Thank you for the encouragement and what a great resolution you’ve given me with Word Before World!

  564. I’m looking forward to reading "Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus" and "Cold Case Christianity".

  565. says:

    I am finishing up Dance, Stand, Run by Jess Connolly and I am planning to read Parenting by Paul Tripp, When the darkness will not lift by John Piper

  566. says:

    Lies Women Believe by Nancy Leigh DeMoss was a life-changer last year, and I loved both Tony Reinke’s 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You and Jared C. Wilson’s Imperfect Disciple. This year I hope to read lots of John Piper, Jen Wilken, and Sally Clarkson.

  567. says:

    I love reading so much and have loved learning from my "mentor" readers. The book Chasing Slow by Erin Lochner, Bread & Wine and so many others!

  568. I hope to read an Elisabeth Elliot book this year. Never have read any of books but have heard you talk about them over the years and am excited to get my hands on one. Thanks! Rachael Holland

  569. says:

    I would love to read Ted Tripp’s "Shepherding a Child’s Heart" too!

  570. I am currently reading and am loving Cultivate by Lara Casey. And I’m looking forward to reading Your Beautiful Purpose by Susie Larson

  571. says:

    Emily P Freeman’s “Simply Tuesday” is a must read and one of my favorite reads of 2017.

  572. My FAVORITE book of 2017 was hands down, "Presents Over Perfect" by Shauna Niequist. This year I’m hoping to read, "Humble Roots" — 2018!! I’m so excited!!! ❤️

  573. says:

    Favorite Book: captivating by Stasi Eldridge

  574. says:

    You are free by Rebekah Lyons and Jennie Allen’s nothing to prove are my most recent favorites!

  575. Kim says:

    Two books I want to read this year: Keep A Quiet Heart by Elisabeth Elliot and Disciplines of a Godly Woman by Barbara Hughs. ❤️

  576. Cindu says:

    Daring to Hope by Katie Davis Majors – The last book I read and it is fabulous!

  577. says:

    Daring to Hope, by Katie Davis Majors. My most recent book I have read and it is fabulous!

  578. says:

    I loved reading Shepherding a Child’s Heart a couple of years ago but I want to refresh my memory and read again this year.

  579. says:

    Let me be a woman by Elizabeth Elliot

  580. says:

    I am currently reading Dance, Stand, Run by Jess Connelly

  581. says:

    I’m hoping to reading Corrie Ten Boom’s The Hiding Place this year.

  582. says:

    I’m hoping to read None Like Him this year and have already downloaded it onto my Kindle! Thank you for the recommendations you have given!

  583. says:

    I’m looking forward to reading When I Don’t Desire God by John piper

  584. I’m hoping to read Jerry Bridges’ The Practice of Godliness. I love the pursuit of holiness after I read it last year and vowed to read it once a year.

  585. says:

    I’m currently reading Women of the Word, so I’d pass that along to a friend. I’m going to add Jen’s other books to my list and I’d like to read You Are Free by Rebekah Lyons.

  586. My fave book, hands-down, is the Holy Bible! ❤ I haven’t read much Christian books as I focused on His Word the past 2 years. This year I’m excited to read Lee Strobel’s A Case For Christ and the aforementioned Nabeel Q’s Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus 🙏

  587. A very practical book, Crazy Busy, by Kevin Deyoung

  588. says:

    I just started reading Still Waiting by Ann Swindell. It is SO very good. She weaves the story of the Bleeding Woman from the Gospels with an ongoing “waiting” in her own life, and then points her readers to Jesus through it all. Her style is original, vulnerable, and is nothing like I’ve read before. Highly recommend!

  589. I have Eric Metaxas’ book Seven Women: And the Secret of Their Greatness waiting to read!

    I’m currently reading Unoffendable by Brant Hansen and reading through the devotional A Moment to Breathe from InCourage.

  590. says:

    I’d love to read Keep a Quiet Heart by Elisabeth Elliot. I read my first book by her last year and would love to read more!

  591. says:

    Right now I’m reading Rosaria Butterfield’s book “The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert”. Such a wonderful book; I’ve been greatly encouraged by her story.

  592. says:

    I always have 5 books started at one time! Adding some of these to my list too. I just got Paul David Tripp’s devotional so that is one I’m working my way through this year.

  593. says:

    Reading “Not Yet Married: the Pursuit of Joy in Singleness and Dating”. -Marshall Segal

    Practical, encouraging to live for more now- living for eternal purposes, and finding joy in ones relationship with Jesus.

  594. says:

    Just do Something by Kevin DeYoung is at the top of my to-read list, followed by Walking on Water by Madeline L’engle! Don’t Waste your Life by John Piper is also an incredible book for discerning God’s calling and living to give Him glory!

  595. says:

    Live Dead Joy by Dick Brogden. It is an excellent devotional with a Bible readig guide which reminds me to keep the Word before the World. I love the prayer focus it has with unreached peoples of the world.

  596. says:

    Something by Beth Moore or Priscilla Shirer.

  597. says:

    Practice the presence of God by brother Lawrence
    Breath taking spimplicity on how to love and live

    Same kind of difference as me by Ron hall and Denver Moore

    Mother Teresa a simple path

    This giveaway challenged me to look back and reflect. God calls us to love deeply. These books are on my list to reread this year!

  598. says:

    I hope to finish "Gospel Treason" by Brad Bigney this year.

  599. says:

    Sacred marriage!

  600. says:

    The excellent wife by Martha peace was a game changer for me when I was first married! Planning on reading parenting/motherhood books in 2018 to prepare for my sons arrival in early June.

  601. says:

    Love this!! I’m in the middle of Missional Motherhood by Gloria Furman, and on my list for 2018 is Sing a New Song by Lydia Brownbeck.

  602. Kelley Fazenbaker says:

    My favorites right now are Emily Ley’s books! I’m looking forward to reading more Christian books this year and would love to have these books to get me started.

  603. says:

    Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick changed my life. It taught me that no prayer is too big for God – and that it is okay to pray for BIG things.

  604. says:

    This is such a neat idea! I just finished reading Tim Day’s book ‘God Enters Stage Left’ and it has made me realize the importance of godly books that point us heavenward. For the first time, I understand that God wants a relationship with us, to be BEST FRIENDS, in the same way that I desire intimate friendship so deeply with others in my life…and even more so. Thank you for all these suggestions!

  605. @ says:

    Loved Humble Roots! Also I love all of Sally Clarkson’s books!

  606. The Broken Way was one of my first reads in 2017, and it was life-changing! I love reading (and rereading) anything by Elisabeth Elliot or Corrie Ten Boom as well. Incredible stories of faith.

  607. says:

    Thank you for all the wonderful suggestions! ! I am gathering a list for our church library this week, so very helpful!
    I am finishing up "You are Free "and "Love and Respect in the Family".
    I snagged Charles Stanley "Emotions", "Sacred Marriage" and some others at the thrift store last week! 🙂
    I am hoping to read " The Life Giving Table: and reading "Fervent" again. "Anything" is very good also.

  608. says:

    “Wait & See: Finding Peace in Gods Pauses & Plans”❤️

  609. says:

    This year I want to finish reading the book Cultivate by Lara Casey

  610. says:

    I hope to read Chasing Slow by Erin Loechner and Present over Perfect by Shauna Niequist.

  611. says:

    I have started Awaken by Priscilla Shirer and 100 Days of Brave by Annie F. Downs. Thank you for the list of good books! I’m always on the lookout for good books to read!

  612. says:

    I want to read The Pursuit of God by A. W. Tozer!

  613. says:

    Crazy Love by Francis Chan

  614. says:

    “Hope Heals” by Katherine & Jay Wolf.
    Their story impacted me more than anything else this year. I can’t recommend it enough! Love this post so much! Thanks!

  615. says:

    Kisses for Katie. So inspirational and spoke to me in so many ways.

  616. says:

    I love Redeeming Love!

    I’m also planning to read One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp

  617. says:

    Self Talk , Soul Talk by Jennifer Rothschild
    This was an amazing book for me what we tell ourselves that we think r true but are not
    Cleaning out your thought closet

  618. says:

    The Deborah anointing

  619. I’m starting off my list for this year by reading Wild and Free by Jess Connolly and Hayley Morgan!

  620. says:

    I really enjoyed sharing Swipe Right by Levi Lusko, with my teenage daughter. Also Gracelaced by Ruth Chou Simons has been a very encouraging devotional!

  621. says:

    My favorite author is C.S. Lewis- I love Mere Christianity and hope this year to read God in the Dock

  622. says:

    Mere Christianity gets me every time. And How To Worship A King by Zach Neese. ❤️

  623. says:

    Nothing to prove… at present, I’m reading Louie giglio.. Goliath must fall..

  624. I’m looking forward to reading Cold Tangerines by Shauna Niequist 🍊

  625. says:

    I have two books come to mind. The first is She Is Free by Andi Andrew. That was my favorite of 2017. And I just finished Stolen Jesus by Jami Amerine and that was my favorite of 2018…so far!

  626. Roslyn Wollman says:

    I just finished Breaking Free by Beth Moore, and I was rocked to the core by it! Such a powerful book. But my all-time favorite book is the biography of Darlene Deibler Rose. It’s called Evidence Not Seen. If you haven’t read it you must!!!

  627. says:

    What an awesome giveaway! Thanks!!
    I have quite a few books I am looking forward to reading this year – including Gracelaced by Ruth Chou Simons.

  628. says:

    I really want to read Humble Roots!! Thanks for sharing. It’s great to hear books people are enjoying 🙂

  629. says:

    I plan on reading Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst. One book that has changed my perspective is Ann Voskamp’s 1000 Gifts — teaching me to find the good in each situation and to thank God for the good and the bad.

  630. says:

    What a great giveaway!! I am following to figure out what to read next. You are Free is at the top of my list!

  631. says:

    After browsing this post, I am planning to purchase Discpiline by Elisabeth Elliott. The Lord has me and my family is a place of uncertainty, and I hope to find sweet encouragement in the Word, and also some inspiring books!

  632. says:

    My mother in law and I were both gifted Adorned by Nancy Leigh demoss from my mom. I’m excited to dive in to it!

  633. Oh my goodness! Humble Roots is speaking to me! You Are Free and, oh man, i’m getting ready to read my first Andi Andrew book and I’m really excited about that!! I read Love Does by Bob Goff and The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. So, so good. Girls, We need a book club!!!

  634. says:

    Desiring God by John Piper is a book that I started in 2017 and honestly did not finish, but I am planning on finishing it in 2018! 2017 was filled with pain and brokenness, but it ended with healing and restoration. I am so thankful for God‘s grace and the fresh desire he has given me to pursue him and know him more.

  635. says:

    The Broken Way by Ann Voscamp

  636. says:

    For years my favorite book has been The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom. My older brother recommended it to me and I’ve re-read it at least four times. It’s an incredible story of a Christian woman who helped hide Jews during the Holocaust. Her faith in God in the presence of such tremendous suffering is awe-inspiring. More than that, her transparency makes her so relatable. It’s a must-read!

  637. Jill says:

    I hope to finish The Swans Are Not Silent biography series by Piper.

  638. says:

    Spiritual Depression by Martyn Lloyd Jones – there are so many times that I’ve felt like a weirdo or alone in my struggles but this book walks through many struggles common to Christians and offers encouragement for each one. Love it!

  639. says:

    Unseen is one I’m excited about!

  640. says:

    I too look forward to reading, The Broken Way by Ann Voscamp.

  641. says:

    Just finished "None Like Him" by Jen Wilkin. I loved it so much I want to re-read it again! Next on my list are "Glimpses of Grace" by Gloria Furman and "Stronger Than The Struggle" by Havilah Cunnington. There are so many good ones though. I probably have another 20 saved on a wish list on Amazon to read in 2018!

  642. says:

    On my shelf right now to read is Dance, Stand, Run by Jennifer Connelly and You are Free by Rebekah Lyons. So excited to read both!

  643. says:

    ‘New Morning Mercies’ and ‘Gospel Meditations’ have been two favorites recently!

  644. says:

    I’m currently reading “becoming a Woman Who Listens to God” by Sharon Jaynes. I have read Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver a couple years ago….there are actually two books and I believe the other is titled Living a Martha World (not positive on that). I have at the top of my list to read: Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung; You Are Free by Rebekah Lyons and the The Tech Wise Family by Andy Crough. Love all things here …. Melissa

  645. says:

    I am planning to read "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis.

  646. I love The Journals of Jim Elliot!

  647. says:

    Reading Because He Loves Me by Elyse Fitzpatrick right now (so good!) during sporadic bathroom breaks (while my 3 babies, 3 and under, wait not-so-patiently outside the door ;-)). I am struggling hard with sheer survival during this season of life, including a debilitating health problem that showed up right after #3 was born. This type-A perfectionist is miles from where she wants to be, and is needing to lean hard on Jesus!!

  648. says:

    This year I am planning on reading The Road Back to You, Goliath Must Fall, Let’s Be Brave, and Passion and Purity!
    I LOVE books!

  649. says:

    My favorite book from last year was Dance Stand Run by Jess Connelly and I’m hoping for more finds that will strengthen my faith in 2018!

  650. says:

    In the middle of reading The Broken Way, I find my self needing to read Ann’s books slowly to absorb it all. Want very much to read Word Filled Women’s Ministry, Humble Roots, of Mess and Moxie, and probably way too many others to count!!

  651. says:

    I read The Broken Way this past year by Ann Voskamp and gained such wisdom and encouragement from her words. After reading this post, I can`t wait to read You Are Free!!!

  652. says:

    I made a reading list for 2018 and one of my top books is “Anxious for Nothing” by Max Lucado. I have just started it, but it is already amazing. I struggle with anxiety daily and this book amazes me at some of the thoughts that just jumps out at me! I have more on the list, but this is the top.

  653. says:

    My favorite book of 2017 was Ann Voskamp’s Advent book "The Greatest Gift." The book I’m looking forward to most in 2018 is "Meaning of Marriage" by Tim Keller because I’m getting married in May. I started it today. 🙂

  654. says:

    “Humble Roots” was one of my favorites from last year, as well as “The Life Giving Home” by Sally Clarkson! I’m looking forward to reading “Shepherding a Child’s Heart”, “Parenting: The 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family", & “What Did You Expect” those last two are by Paul David Tripp this year among many others! Thanks for sharing!

  655. My favorite book is The Chase: Trusting God With Your Happily Ever After by Kelsey and Kyle Kupecky.

  656. Megan Blanchard says:

    I read Nothing to Prove last year and loved it so much I read it twice and lead a group of 10 women through it the second time! Game changer! I can’t wait to finish Paul Tripp’s “14 Gospel Principles that can Radically Change your Family,” as well as about 15 others!

  657. says:

    Excited to read The Pleasures of God by John Piper

  658. says:

    Unseen by Sarah Hagerty

  659. says:

    So enjoyed Jess Conolly’s “Dance, Stand, Run” this past fall, and am looking forward to reading Sharon Hodde Miller’s “Free of Me”, soon! Oh! And Jamie Ivey’s “If You Only Knew”…y’all it’s SO GOOD!

  660. Paige says:

    The book I would like to read is unseen by Sara haggerty.


  661. says:

    Be Still: Let Jesus Calm Your Storms (Kindle) by Cherie Hill

  662. says:

    I am reading You are Free for the third time. I have given it as gifts and share it with so many other. Great book!

  663. says:

    I am really enjoying the book Fervent. I’ve been slowly reading it for a very long time now. Also, this year, I look forward to reading Gracelaced.

  664. says:

    I’m reading Simply Tuesday by Emily P. Freeman and just loving it so far.

  665. says:

    I love The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness by Tim Keller!

  666. says:

    A paradigm-shifting book for me was Prodigal God, by Tim Keller. Holy moly! Changed the way I thought about the Church and our role in seeking out people who need Jesus. Wowee!! To this day I think about it often. A book I’m reading this year is Reggie Joiner’s Zombies, Football and the Gospel. We’re in gamechanging times, folks, and we’ve got to get more and more creative with how we share the good news of Christ.

  667. says:

    Just started You are What You Love by James K.A. Smith and have enjoyed it so far.

  668. says:

    I’m hoping to read Shepherding a Child’s Heart this year! Thanks for these great suggestions!! 🙂

  669. Jenna says:

    I read “captivating” as a teen and I’ve kept some of the wisdom through the years!

  670. says:

    I’m starting “Sticky Faith”, looking forward to building up God’s next generation of kingdom warriors in my babies.

  671. says:

    My favorite book right now would have to be “Life is..” by Judah Smith!

  672. says:

    My favorite book right now is “The truth about dating, relationships, and just being friends.” ❤️

  673. says:

    "With" by Skye Jethani

  674. says:

    I’m currently reading “Dance Stand Run” By Jess Connolly, and it is FANTASTIC!

  675. says:

    I am currently reading “Through Painted Deserts” by Donald E Miller !

  676. says:

    I’m currently reading C.S Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters. It is thought provoking but brilliant.

  677. says:

    Currently reading the house that cleaned itself and Gary Chapman’s love languages for children but I have now put many of you on a list for future reads!

  678. Stephanie says:

    I am focusing on securing God’s spot in my morning every day. Since having my second child, this has not always been so! Once I get my muscle memory back, I want to read a faith-building biography.

  679. says:

    My favorite book is "Fire by Night" by Lynn Austin. She has really inspired me with her books (in this one in particular) to follow what God tells you to do and not what the world says you should do

  680. says:

    I loved Sally Clarkson’s book The Life Giving Home and Hamnah Anderson’s Humble Roots. Looking forward to reading Gracelace by Ruth Chou Simmons and Sally Clarkson’s The Mission of Motherhood

  681. Lory Shipman says:

    My goal this year is to become a reader. Starting with Ann Voskamp one thousand gifts.

  682. says:

    I would love to read Discipline: The Glad Surrender by Elisabeth Elliot along with the workbook mentioned! "Discipline" is one of my words for 2018, and these sound like great resources. Thank you for sharing!!

  683. says:

    I have been collecting Christian fiction and non-fiction over the last year and have read a few but not all. The 2 books I look forward to reading the most (newer books) I found out about by listening to podcasts: The Sacrament of Happy by Lisa Harper and She’s Still There by Chrystal Hurst. I pray that this year I will rekindle not only my love for reading but my need to be filled with and led by the Spirit, and grow in my walk with Jesus. Thank you for challenging your vast community to seek God first, we need more conviction and action in the ministry. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

  684. says:

    I love Discipline, The Glad Surrender. One of my all time favorites. Favorite from 2017 was From Good to Grace: Letting Go of the Goodness Gospel by Christine Hoover. Also Daring to Hope by Katie Davis Majors. Just received Finding Selah by Kristin Kill and plan to read it next.

  685. One book that I read last year that changed my life was "The Best Yes" by Lysa TerKeurst. This book helped me say no to opportunities in order to say YES to others. It encouraged me to take a year of Selah from my teaching job & to say YES to rest and restoration.

    I’m excited to read through the Bible cover to cover this year. Also, "She’s Still There" by Chrystal Hurst. Currently this book is helping remind me when God made me to be in the midst of a time that feels confusing. I’m learning who I am again in Christ in this year of Selah 🙏🏼

  686. Bridget Cheong says:

    I am currently reading ‘Parenting – 14 Godly principles’ By Paul David Tripp. Fantastic, convicting and practical book to read. Strongly recommend it to all Mums new and old.

  687. says:

    An oldie, but a goodie is Blue Like Jazz. I have read and re read this book. It makes my heart sing ❤️

  688. says:

    My mom gifted me the book Adorned by Nancy Demoss Wolegmuth and I fully intend to read that this year!

  689. I plan to read Adorned by Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wolegmuth and Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer among others.

  690. says:

    My favorite book is Love Does by Bob Goff. This book was given to me as a graduation present from my youth pastor, and it completely changed my life. In this book, Bob Goff shares incredible stories from his life and shows how living & loving to the fullest is the best way to make Jesus known in this world.

  691. says:

    One of my annual reads is Corrie Ten Booms The Hiding Place. I have a list of books for 2018 including Called to Create.

  692. says:

    My favorite book is A Million Miles and A Thousand Years by Donald Miller (love that guy!) In 2018 I would like to re-read DM’s Blue Like Jazz and read for Mere Christianity for the first time.

  693. says:

    Elizabeth George was my "book mentor". Shortly after dedicating my life to Christ when I was a teenager, I came across her book, "A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart". I cannot begin to describe how this book helped transform my life as a young Christian. Years later, I have now read over 14 of her books and have been equally blessed by each one of them.

    In the year to come, the book I hope to read is one of the books listed above, "Streams in the Desert".

  694. says:

    Currently reading Switch on your Brain by Dr. Caroline Leaf and Necessary Endings by Dr. Henry Cloud. I want to read Power or Words by Robert Morris.

  695. says:

    Starting the purpose driven life study again. Really want to read Gideon and Battle Plan Prayer

  696. says:

    God’s Pursuit of Man by A. W. Tozer is a book that really impacted my life. I am doing my best to read the entire Bible this year twice. So far so good!

  697. says:

    I love all the books you have suggested. This year, I have a huge book list. My current one is Uninvited by Lysa TerKeurst.

  698. says:

    I am reading Ann Voscamp’s The Broken Way 🙂

  699. “The Golden Hours” Elizabeth Prentiss is one of my absoltue favorite books.

  700. says:

    My favorite book of 2017 was Made for More by Hannah Anderson! A book I’m reading in 2018 is What’s Best Next: How the Gospel Transforms the Way you get Things Done by Matt Perman

  701. says:

    I have Rebekah Lyons You Are Free and Dance Stand Run, by Jess Connolly on my list, and am following a yearly bible reading by Illustrated Faith!

  702. says:

    I’m hoping to read Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow. I listen to the podcast she is on frequently Java with Juli and have learned a lot form these women. Hoping to learn even more in 2018!

  703. says:

    One of my all time favorites is "A Severe Mercy" by Sheldon Vanauken (an autobiographical book telling about author’s relationship with his wife, their friendship with C. S. Lewis, and conversion to Christianity. I love C.S. Lewis and to see one of his friendships, in detail, and how he helps to convert them into Christianity. I have started reading the yearly bible on She Reads Truth.

  704. says:

    I also read "Nothing to Prove" this year and loved it. The message is important, and her writing is so relatable! I’m hoping to finish reading "The Four Loves" by C.S. Lewis this year.

  705. says:

    I loved Calm My Anxious heart and What It’s Like Being Married to Me by Linda Dillow. I also love 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp, Uninvited and the Best Yes by Lysa Terkuerst. I love so many books! I just finished Jen Wilken’s Women of the Word and it was very good!

  706. says:

    I loved You are Free by Rebekah Lyons. 🙂

  707. says:

    I would love to read ‘Calm my anxious heart’ as that is something I am definitely struggling with just now so think it could be really useful.

  708. One of my favourite books is “Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands” by Paul Tripp 😊

  709. says:

    Intimate Issues by Linda Dillow and Lorraine Pintus was such a game changer for me. It’s one I need to read over and over to remind myself of God’s truth about marital intimacy.

  710. says:

    My favorite book I’ve read recently is Dance Stand Run by Jess Connolly. So good!!

  711. says:

    I usually read about 65 books per year, but nearly all of them are fiction. This year I would like 10 of them to be non-fiction so I will take down your recommendations and add them to my list!

  712. Ariel says:

    My biggest goal for reading this year is commuting to the word of God daily. I bought myself the Bible in a year so that’s really what my desire is. Other than that any godly based books l can read to help immerse myself in my faith is great. Last year was a really tough year so I’m trying to stay focused on my walk with God and trust him and his word to get me though all the struggles

  713. All-time favorite book is The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom. Currently reading Walking With Jesus Through His Word.

  714. says:

    I have been wanting to read Women of the Word for quite some time now but I also really would like to read Discipline by Elisabeth Elliot. I think it will be really significant in the season I’m in currently.
    Thanks a lot for sharing all these book suggestions! I have a lot more to consider for reading!

  715. says:

    I am reading Unseen by Sara Haggerty right now! So many good books on your lists! I would also love to read Women of the Word and Keep and Quiet Heart! Will also share on Facebook. 🙂

  716. says:

    I am looking forward to reading Unseen by Sara Hagerty.

  717. says:

    I’m the non-reader, but would love to do more reading in 2018.
    I have struggled with anxiety attacks since 2015 and would love to hear what Rebekah Lyons has to say in You Are Free.

  718. says:

    I loved reading My Sisters the Saints by: Colleen Carroll Campbell last year! Can’t wait to find a new favorite this year!

  719. says:

    I am currently reading Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist. Let the Nations Be Glad had an impact on my walk with the Lord.

  720. says:

    Fervent by Pricilla Shirer wrecked me — but in the holy kind of way that changes you deeply! Currently reading Wait and See by Wendy Pope which challenges me in so many ways

  721. Elizabeth Navarro says:

    My favorite book is Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis and I’m excited to currently be reading her book that follows it called Daring to Hope

  722. says:

    One of my best friends gave me With by Skye Jethani recently, and I really enjoyed it! I can never pick a favorite book, but that might be my most recent/current favorite.

  723. says:

    I am currently reading you are free! Sooo good 😉

  724. says:

    You are Free is one of my favorites!

  725. says:

    I plan start The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom this month.

  726. says:

    I’m looking forward to reading Famous in Heaven and at Home by Michelle Myers next month.

  727. says:

    I love Ann Voskamp and have plans to read The Broken Way with a friend. I might reread Michelle Cushatt’s book Undone.

  728. says:

    I read Just Do Something last year and it totally changed my life. This year I want to read at least 25 books (besides the Bible, of course). Some of those include: Present over Perfect, A Thousand Gifts, and God’s at War.

  729. says:

    The Best Yes was my favorite read in 2017! For 2018 I can’t wait to read Glory in the Ordinary!! 🙂

  730. says:

    My favorite book last year was Evidence Not Seen by Darlene Rose. Incredible and beautiful book!

  731. says:

    Some of my favorites from this year were: Daring to Hope by Katie Davis Majors, Adorned by Nancy Demoss Woglemuth, and Spiritual Mothering by Susan Hunt.

    This year I am looking forward to reading Women of the Word, Gold Cord by Amy Carmichael, and Let Me Be a Woman by Elisabeth Elliot.

  732. says:

    I’m hoping to read "True Emotions" by Mrs. Mahaney!

  733. Nicole Gallagher says:

    I’m currently reading both Humble Roots and A Passion for the Impossible, Lilias Trotter’s biography… both are so encouraging and nourishing to my tired heart!

  734. says:

    I’ll be reading “The Broken Way” By Ann Voskamp and I just picked up “Love Lives Here: Finding what you Need in a world Telling You What You Want” by Maria Goff.

    All time favorite: “Giddy Up Eunice” By Sophie Hudson is a must read-her personality literally bounces off the pages; Laugh.Out.Loud funny…this book is all about women supporting women and the importance of mentoring each other. Hello, how perfect for this post!?

    She talks about how older women need younger women and younger women need older women. This book made me want to squeeze my lady tribe and thank them all over again for who they are -amazing Jesus followers- and for loving me as I am!

  735. I read Fervent last year and started giving it to my friends. Streams in the Desert has been a perrenial favorite. I’ve started reading “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World”.

  736. says:

    I started “Nothing to Prove” but have gotten sidetracked. Ready to pick it up and finish it. I do enjoy reading but (usually fiction) . You’ve encouraged me to make it a priority to read some “Mentor books”

  737. says:

    One of my favorite books was Wild and Free by Jess Connolly and Hayley Morgan. This book had a huge impact on my life. I am currently reading Daring to Hope, Katie Davis Majors. I loved her first book Kisses from Katie. I hope to read two of the books suggested, Word-Filled Women’s Ministry and Mere Christianity. I have read quotes and excerpts from C.S. Lewis, but never sat down and read an entire book by him.

  738. says:

    Love this post and all of the wonderful books mentioned here! Discipline: The Glad Surrender is on my list for this year, along with Elisabeth Elliot’s A Chance to Die. I’m currently finishing up Daring to Hope by Katie Davis Majors and have been so so blessed by it!

  739. says:

    One of my all time favorites is "Life of the Beloved" by Henri Nouwen 🙂

  740. says:

    I have always wanted to read the books in the giveaway! I am currently getting through discipline by Elizabeth Eliot and the cross of Christ

  741. says:

    I love the Gospel Primer for Christians by Milton Vincent.

  742. says:

    I would love to read Calm my Anxious Heart and Nothing to Prove – love Jennie Allen books! All of your picks sound great!! What a great giveaway Gretchen! 🙂

  743. says:

    Let Me Be a Woman by Elisabeth Elliot. Love her books!!

  744. says:

    I am not much of a reader. But I really enjoy the books that you all recommend. I would love to read Having a Mary heart in a Martha world. I really relate to this story in the Bible. I am desperately going to try to do the challenge of reading my Bible everyday and a book that you recommend. I would love to win this giveaway to help me in my new journey.

  745. says:

    I love "Mere Christianity" and all C.S. Lewis books! I want to read all of Elisabeth Elliot’s books and will be starting "Discipline" soon.

  746. says:

    Love Humble Roots and Hannah Anderson’s podcast "Persuasion"! I always feel like I learn so much from their wisdom.

  747. says:

    Start With Amen by Beth Guckenberger is a book that has changed my life. I have already had to read it twice and I know I will read it again. Same goes for Ann Voskamp’s books and Daring to Hope by Katie Davis Majors

  748. says:

    The Faith by Charles Colson or Prodigal God by Keller

  749. says:

    I am planning to read The Tech Wise Family by by Andy Crough as well. I really desire to set better boundaries with the technology in my home to foster more intimate relationships with my husband, friends, and most importantly, the Lord!

  750. I am planning to read Humble Roots by Hannah Anderson, Discipline by Elisabeth Elliot, and Refresh by Shona & David Murray.

  751. Beth Cover says:

    Humble Roots is a book that i would like to read with my husband. Gardening is his hobby and we love to do it together!

  752. says:

    I love "Wild & Free" and "Dance, Stand, Run" by Jess Connolly. I am planning on reading "Unseen" by Sara Hagerty. I am really trying to set my phone down more so I can read more! All of the books in this blog post sound really interesting and will forsake be added to my list of books to read!

  753. says:

    I LOVE Humble Roots! I’m currently finishing up Unseen! So good!

  754. says:

    Dance Stand Run by Jess Connolly has been a game changer book for me these last several months. It’s a book about living in grace and holiness equally and fully, not one or the other. I love this list you’ve shared and can’t wait to check them out!

  755. says:

    currently reading Grace not perfection by Emily Ley. Loving it so far. Thanks for all the wonderful recommendations!

  756. says:

    Hello! One of my favorite books I read this year was Uninvited by Lysa Turkhurst. It talked about about putting our worth in Christ. Highly recommend for every woman!

  757. says:

    Currently studying Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World with my girls small group! So good!

  758. says:

    None Like Him is a TREMENDOUS read! I cannot wait to read "In His Image" both by Jen Wilkin. I also recently finished reading Promises of God by RC Sproul and LOVED it! ❤️

  759. says:

    I really want to read Uninvited this year!

  760. says:

    My favorite book I read last year was Wounded by Gods People by Ann Graham Lotz. It brought such healing in my life. This year I hope to read many, but one is Nothing To Prove by Jennie Allen. 🙂 Thank you all for your encouragement, wisdom, & this generous giveaway!

  761. I am in the process of reading Cultivate by Lara Casey and am really loving it this year. It is really speaking to the season of life I have been in for awhile, and is helping me set priorities for moving forward.

  762. says:

    I am really looking forward to reading Adorned by Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wolgemuth. I have always enjoyed her writing and know Adorned will be a blessing.

  763. Gina Farcas says:

    I am currently reading the Life Giving Home and then will be reading the Life Giving Table by sally clarkson. Looking forward to this!

  764. I just finished Women of the Word so I can lead a book club in it. Highly recommend! I’m getting ready to read Even If by Kaitlyn Bouchillon and I’m in the middle of your Redefined Bible study. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win!

  765. says:

    The power of positive thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. Such a motivating book!! -Stefanie Mitchell

  766. says:

    Currently loving Women of the Wors by Jen Wilkin Such a great tool to go along side reading the Bible daily and it has been a eye opener for me!

  767. says:

    Yaaaasss!!! Love this and 100% agree with mentors in writing. They encourage me and challenge me and comfort me, all because they point me back to Jesus. I loved reading Shauna Niequist’s Bread and Wine. So, so good.

  768. says:

    I️ love the book Uninvited by Lysa Terkeurst! So awesome!

  769. Kelly Dick says:

    There are so many on my list but “Eat, Work, Pray” and “Can I have and do it all” are two on the list for this year!!

  770. says:

    I have Gracelaced in my Amazon cart right now! I was trying to decide if I wanted to purchase it or not but after reading this I am definitely going to!

  771. says:

    Celebration of by Richard Foster!!

    I am currently reading Calm My Anxious Heart!

  772. says:

    Hope to read Humble Roots since I’ve heard so much good reviews about it!

  773. says:

    My favorite book that I have ever read has definitely been "Uninvited" by Lysa TerKeurst. I also REALLY loved "When God Writes Your Love Story" by Eric & Leslie Ludy. You ladies should check them out!!! 🙂

  774. says:

    I would love to read Have a Mary Heart in a Martha World.

  775. Danielle maher says:

    My favorite book last year was Face to Face With Jesus – it really stretched my faith reading Samaa’s testimony and conversion to Christianity after being Muslim and all of the trials she faced! Would love to win this giveaway:)

  776. says:

    Love this list! Excited to add some of those to my reading list for this year. One book that completely changed my perspective was 1,000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp. I’m currently reading her book The Broken Way and the Lord is speaking so much to my heart. Also a huge Francis Chan fan and would highly recommend Crazy Love and You and Me Forever.

  777. says:

    my favorite book is ruthless trust. i will be reading Fierce Faith, Sacred Rest,
    Free of Me. Anything Beth Moore, Anything Elizabeth Elliott.
    Thank you for offering this giveaway and love the concept read a mentor.

  778. Jeannie says:

    My favorite book is “The Bible”. God’s written truth! I have read through the Bible twice and plan to read again in 2018. I too, loved “Uninvited" by Lysa TerKeurst. Right now I am reading “Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven” by David Jeremiah. I am anxious to follow your Blog!

  779. says:

    Uninvited by Lysa TerKeurst is next on my to read list. Thank you for offering this giveaway!

  780. says:

    I want to read You Are Free, and I LOVE anything Elizabeth Elliot

  781. says:

    The GraceLaced book is my favorite! I LOVE Ruth’s manner of speaking, how she speaks directly to what you may have encountered, and how she feels like a best friend. Her book is gospel focused and draws readers to the Word. Her artwork is GORGEOUS too. Love everything about this book.

  782. says:

    Heaven, by Randy Alcorn, is my favorite book I read last year… But, besides the Bible, it may be the best, most influential book I’ve ever read! I highly recommend it!

  783. says:

    I read The Gift from Ann Voskamp and she definitely has a unique way of sharing about suffering! Crystal Evans Hurst and Priscila Shirer are amazing speakers and writers too! I plan to read hello mornings and many from this list now!

  784. says:

    One book that I read last year and really loved was The Insanity of God by Nik Ripken! It follows the ministry of him and his wife in Somalia back in the 90s and really put some things into perspective for me, since I want to be a missionary. One that I plan on reading this year is Jesus the King by Timothy Kelly! I’m super pumped for it.

  785. says:

    I LOVED Present over Perfect by Shauna Niequest. So eye opening and convicting about the things we treasure in our life instead of just letting perfection go and being present for ourselves, God, and our families. SO good.

  786. One of my favorite books is the Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian. I read this shortly before I was married almost 8 years ago and have been reading through it again these past few months. Her insight backed with biblical wisdom is so helpful. The way she puts words together is so thoughtful and raw. Not only am I a wife, but also a pastor’s wife. I’m learning that my attitude in the home and church sets the temperature for many occasions. Not only has it helped me be a better wife, but it’s keeping me closer to God. I also really love the Jesus Calling Daily devotional. I’m an avid reader and would love to win this bundle! Thank you.

  787. says:

    I am currently reading dance stand run. I would like to read Present over Perfect next

  788. says:

    My favorite , that I’m currently reading is The best yes by Lisa turkherst . I have trouble saying no to people so that is one of my goals for 2018 😊

  789. says:

    I love Cultivate by Lara Casey and Scouting the Divine by Margaret Feinberg.

  790. says:

    I’m would like to read "You are free." My daughter has been struggling with a Lot of anxiety. Thanks for your ministry!

  791. says:

    Rising strong! And Captivating!

  792. says:

    I would love to read Women of the Word. Anything to help me to read my Bible more effectively and purposefully!

  793. says:

    One-Year Bible, In His Face (Bob Sorge), Don’t Waste Your Life (John Piper), The Cost of Discipleship (Dietrich Bonhoeffer), Answering Jihad (Nabeel Qureshi), I Am N ( Voice of the Martyrs). Thank y’all for your burden to experience the WORD’s power to transform, renew our minds, and bring us ever closer to Him!

  794. says:

    I’m looking forward to reading Shepherding a Child’s heart by Tedd Tripp this year ❤️

  795. says:

    My favorite book this past year was ‘Love Does’!! Bob Goff– It changed my perspective on so many things

  796. says:

    I am really enjoying Gracelaced by Ruth Chou Simons!!

  797. says:

    I LOVE the book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge!

  798. Chanelle says:

    I truly enjoyed The Broken Way by Ann Voskamp. ❤️

  799. This year I hope to read and finish 12 books. 3 are Give Them Grace, The Suprising Secrets of Happy Marriages and the Grave Robber. Great giveaway!

  800. says:

    A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken is a true story about a couple who came to Christ after attending Oxford and interacting with CS Lewis while there, complete with written letters from Lewis to the author as he stumbles through his faith. It’s incredible story about love, Jesus, and the grace the Lord brings to us in our suffering and loss. So. Good!

  801. says:

    Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer. SO.MUCH.TRUTH!

  802. says:

    I am loving new morning mercies by Paul David Tripp

  803. says:

    I really want to read Jen Wilkins book on how to study the Bible yourself and accurately

  804. says:

    I love to read! I’m currently reading through the Bible. I have about 3 versions I’m going between. I’m really enjoying it & I’m thankful the Lord has given me such a hunger. My all time favorite book is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. I’ve read it several times. Such a beautiful story. This giveaway away & blog post are amazing. I can’t wait to read some of these books you ladies have recommended. Thanks, Amy

  805. says:

    I’m currently ready Simplified Life and I look forward to reading Anxious for Nothing.

  806. says:

    Free Fall to Fly by Rebekah Lyons (and Let Me Be Woman by Elisabeth Elliott) and I hope to read any book by Jen Wilkin in 2018

  807. says:

    This year I have prayerfully decided to lay aside my excuses and fears and start a ‘book club’ of sorts that I am really excited about. Right now it is just for a group of 7 wives in my area and we are going through the book ‘The Lifegiving Home’ by Sally and Sarah Clarkson and it’s work book. It speaks to the impact of a Jesus centered home for our spouse, children, visitors, neighbors, etc. I am excited and hopeful for the change this book and our discussions will bring this year!

  808. says:

    I read Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Quereshi a few months ago and I could NOT put it down. It showed me so many things I didn’t know about Muslims and most of all Christianity. I grew up in the faith so reading how someone became to love it just deepened my feelings of love toward it! A book I hope to read is Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin! It sounds like such a great book!

  809. One of my favorite books was probably "The Meaning of Marriage" by Tim Keller. I know it’s a specific book for seasons of engagement and marriage preparation, but honestly it truly taught me and my husband more about the Gospel and how to pursue Christ more than a lot of other books I’ve read. Marriage is meant to be a reflection of Christ’s love for us, so it’s so important to know and experience His love! I’m hoping to finish "Total Truth" by Nancy Pearcey this year. I’ve started and stopped it twice now, but really want to challenge myself to finish it! 🙂 -Cat S.

  810. says:

    I just graduated college so I have not had much time to read books in free time, and now that I do I am hoping to read "Calm my anxious heart." I just received my "Redefined" study yesterday and am starting that soon!

  811. says:

    I’m a avid reader but haven’t read any of these titles . They all sound wonderful !

  812. says:

    I am looking forward to reading Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer. I too love reading and always challenge myself to read more! A good book… nothing like it!!!

  813. says:

    A book I hope to indulge in this year is 7: an experimental mutiny against excess! Looking at the comments on this post there are a few more I’ve added to the short list 🙂

  814. says:

    Union with Christ is on my to-read list! So are so many other books that you’ve listed! We are about to start a study of Union with Christ through a women’s bible study at my church!

  815. says:

    ❤️ Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver❤️ Hoping to re-read The 5 Love Languages & The Love Dare

  816. I’m a chapter into Preaching by Tim Keller. So far, brilliant!!

  817. says:

    My Calvary Road by Roy Hession was an amazing read for me when I was pursuing Jesus early on. Incredible book!

  818. says:

    So many favorites! But one them is Let Me Be a Woman! Elisabeth uses Scripture and personal experience to paint a beautiful picture of a woman seeking after Christ. I’m about halfway through the Broken Way- what a picture of living open in a way to bring others near.

  819. says:

    I’ve read Discipline by Elizabeth Elliott and it’s amazing. Also highly recommend “in my fathers house” by corie ten boom, and “through gates of splendour” also by Elizabeth Elliott

    God Bless,

    Heidi Margerison

  820. Suz Somerville says:

    Just finished None Like Him by Jen Wilkin and loved it!

  821. says:

    A favorite I read last year- Falling Free by Shannan Martin.
    Currently reading- Every Bitter Thing is Sweet by Sara Hagerty.

  822. says:

    After reading this, I am really looking forward to reading is Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus. Currently, I am reading Dance, Stand, Run by Jess Connolly and am really enjoying it while being challenged.

  823. Lauren Yost says:

    I am hoping to read Desiring God by John Piper and Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis!

  824. Mariah says:

    When I have time, reading is one of my favorite things to do. I’m working through a Bible in a year plan this year, and also reading “The Sacred Search” by Gary Thomas currently, which is an INCREDIBLE book! Another favorite of mine is “Captivating” by John and Stasi Eldredge.

  825. Alanna Gaskins says:

    I’m currently reading Present Over Perfect by Shauna Neiquist! It’s the first book on my reading list for this year and it’s wonderful!

  826. says:

    Gretchen, those are some fantastic books. I’ve read several on that list and have a lot of those on my “need to read” list. I love that you have “Show Then Jesus” on there. You met me right at the beginning of my jman term when you came to visit Maddie but now I’ve been back in the U.S. for a couple years and am working as the Kids Director at my church, Sojourn Midtown, in Louisville, KY. All that to say “Show Them Jesus” was the first book my boss had me read and it’s the first we recommend to our teachers and kids leadership.

  827. says:

    I loved Let Me Be a Woman by Elisabeth Elliot! Favorite books of all time – Anne of Green Gables books, Christy by Catherine Marshall, several by Elizabeth Musser, etc. I’ve really been wanting to read Women of the Word!

  828. Books that greatly influenced me & made an impact to my life..

    🌻 E.M Bounds on “Prayer”
    🌻 Leslie Ludy on “The Setapart Women”
    And “Set Apart Motherhood”
    🌻 Elisabeth Elliot on “Passion and Purity”
    🌻 Richard Sibbes on “The Bruised Reed”
    🌻 John Bunyan on “The Pilgrims Progress”
    🌻 Charles Spurgeon on “The Soul Winner”

  829. says:

    I’m currently reading "The Holy Wild by Mark Buchanan. It’s so good!

  830. says:

    My number one goal is to spend more time with Jesus and in the Word of God. I would also like to read None Like Him by Jen Wilkin and go through the Behold Your God Study. So many treasures out there to choose from!

    • says:

      Hey Jennifer! You are our giveaway winner! I just sent you an email to get your information so we can send you the books. Congratulations!

  831. Samantha Wine says:

    I’ve heard many good things about Woman of the Word by Jen Wilkin! I hope to get my hands on a copy soon! A book I find myself going back to is Open Your Bible by Racheal and Amanda Bible from She Reads Truth.

  832. Tiffany says:

    I love redeeming love, thanks for the chance. Books aren’t in our budget this year ❤️

  833. says:

    Yep books I read this year that I loved were Crash the Chatterbox and Gospel Centered Mom.

  834. says:

    Keep a quiet heart would be something I’d like to read! Thank you.

  835. says:

    I loved You Are Free by Rebekah Lyons and She Reads Truth: Holding Toght to Permanent in a World That’s Passing Away

  836. says:

    I have wanted to read Keep a Quiet Heart! (Whether I win or not) Thanks!

  837. Stephanie Cheek says:

    Oh gosh so many good books to pick one favorite! I’ve read a couple you mentioned and they are sooo good! I love “Calm my Anxious Heart” and I just read “Shepherding a Childs Heart” in 2017 and it is incredible! I’m currently reading “The Lifegiving Home” and it’s really good so far! I know that’s more than one but like I said….it’s hard to pick just one :).

  838. says:

    I want to read The Broken Way by Ann Voskamp this year, amidst other books!

  839. Rebecca says:

    Fervent by Priscilla Shirer and hopefully many more!

  840. says:

    I’m currently finishing up reading "Girl Defined" by sisters Kristen & Bethany Baird. I have really enjoyed learning about what God created women for! I have been looking for other devotionals/inspiring Christian books to read in the New Year! Thank You for the List, I will have to check these books out! 😀

  841. says:

    I am a huge book lover!! I sadly have found through the years, that I read less & less. As a new mom, who is way too attatched to her phone, I am wanting to spend more time not only in the word, but by reading intentional books! I just started Missional Motherhood by Gloria Furman. It’s really good so far! I plan to add some of these to my list!

  842. says:

    Looking forward to reading “Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full”, but currently reading “Nothing to Prove”. It’s definitely my goal to read each night this year and I am so glad to have stumbled upon this post and instagram account!

  843. says:

    I’m currently reading Habits of Grace by David Mathis!

  844. says:

    Oh man I need to save this post! So many good books here! I want to read anything by Jen Wilkin. I did her 1, 2, 3rd John study and it completely changed how I read the Bible.

  845. says:

    Hoping to read "Women of the Word" by Jen Wilkin
    A recent favorite has been "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp

  846. says:

    God is the Gospel: John Piper

  847. says:

    I have so many favorites that have shaped me. In recent years, “Steadfast Love” by Lauren Chandler has been especially encouraging. ”Treasuring Christ when your hands are full” by Gloria Furman changed the way I looked at motherhood and even how I approached loving others around me. Elisabeth Elliot’s “Passion and Purity” is one of my all time favorites. I just started “Shepherding a child’s heart” (again, as I need some reminders) and ask plan to read Sacred marriage in the coming month. My goal this year to increase reading is at the top of my priority list.

  848. says:

    One of my all-time favorite books is Kisses From Katie by Katie Davis. It’s s book that really gets you thinking about your own personal role God has placed on your life! It’s fantastic! Katie is so inspiring!

  849. says:

    I have not been reading a lot lately… momming 3 teenagers and a four year old I seem to be burning the candle at both ends… I ordered The Broken Way last year and it’s sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be opened!!! So that’s the book I plan to read next. I have been trying to do the daily readings from my grandmothers copy of Streams in the Desert…I put the “word before world “ screenshot as my lock screen in my phone…and just made plans with friends to do a Bible Study together….hoping and trusting that this will be a year of growth for me!!! Thankyou for pointing us to Christ…I enjoy following you on Instagram!

  850. A book that impacted me greatly last year was Reformation Women by Rebecca Vandoodewaard. Since it was the 500th year anniversary of Luther’s 95 Theses, I decided to research the Reformation and this was such a great and convicting read. This year, I plan to read Discipline by Elisabeth Elliot (started almost two weeks ago), The Broken Reed (Sibbes), and The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment.

  851. There are so many excellent women I have read, but if I had to narrow it down, I’d have to say that Beth Moore and Elisabeth Elliot have had the most profound effect on my walk over the years. Particularly Believing God , and Keep A Quiet Heart.

  852. says:

    I read Pilgrims Progress with my kids last year and would almost always end in tears. I’m not sure how much they got out of it, but I was tremendously impacted.

  853. says:

    My word for the year is "Flourish" and what God is revealing is living the life he intends for me not flourish as in success and pleasures but in what he designed. I would love to read Humble Roots because being rooted in Christ is where you begin to flourish in all he has and he created me to be!!

  854. Miriam says:

    The Power of a Woman’s Words is on my list to read!

  855. says:

    I love Dance Stand Run by Jess Connolly! I highly recommend it! A book that really helped me through last year was Uninvited by Lysa Terkuerst. This year I really finally want to read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis and Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow. I also recently bought The Broken Way by Ann Voskamp and can’t wait to dive in!

  856. Megan says:

    My favorite book that I read in 2017 was Whispers of Rest by Bonnie Gray. It was a 40 day reading plan that allowed me to quiet my soul and get close to God. I loved how she included daily tips to ease stress and anxiety to find rest in our Savior. I will definitely be reading this again. It was a fantastic read that I would highly recommend. Thank you for the opportunity to win these great books.

  857. says:

    Women of the World is on my 2018 list. Jesus Calling is my first read every morning – doesn’t matter what book or devotion I’m reading I always start with it – thanks for the opportunity to win – blessings to you all in 2018.

  858. says:

    My favorite read of 2017 was Mere Christianity by CS Lewis. I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to pick it up! I loved it because despite its theological nature and astounding remarks, it was written humbly and in a way that anyone could read and understand. Lewis’ approach to Christianity and how it IS a complicated faith with a simple invitation is exactly what I needed to understand. It’s honest and unwavering.

  859. says:

    Elisabeth Elliot’s A Path Through Suffering and also EE’s Path of Loneliness were SO KEY in helping me turn my focus upward to Jesus instead of inward to self-pity. Highly recommend ANY book by Elisabeth Elliot ;). Also really really loved an old book I found at a book sale, Anne Ortlund’s The Disciplines of a Beauitful Woman. It was actually a highly practical read, but conveyed well the heart that is fully the Lord’s, and how walking and living for Jesus shapes our every decision, from how we manage our home to what we fill our schedule with to even what’s in our desk and what’s in our closet. So good!

  860. says:

    Gosh…to pick just one that I want to read? The list is long! And after reading this list, it’s about to get longer! 😀 I just wish I was a faster reader so I could get to them all sooner! But one I’ve been wanting to get to next is Fervent by Priscilla Shirer!

    Happy Friday all! 😁

  861. says:

    I would love to read “Steadfast Love” by Lauren Chandler! Something I want to do more in 2018 is read! I lead a busy life and have put reading on the back burner and I miss it!

  862. Jessica says:

    In 2018:
    -The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness
    -Loving Your Husband Before You Even Have One (going through this with my daughter)
    -Hello Mornings

  863. says:

    I am working through "The Ministry of Motherhood" by Sally Clarkson!

  864. says:

    LET GO by Fenelon
    Small book, but rich rich treasure

  865. I am working through some of those books too. Can’t wait to keep reading. My favourite book is desiring God, and the book I’m most looking forward to reading this year is "Sheparding a child’s heart".

  866. says:

    I’m hoping to read 10 books this year! First on my list is "Nothing to Prove" by Jennie Allen

  867. says:

    I just started reading “He Speaks In the Silence” by Diana Comer. It’s about how Comer became deaf at age 26 and how she learned to hear God through challenges! So far so good! Thanks for the other great book recommendations- I’ll be sure to read them!

  868. says:

    It’s hard to choose a favorite! Last year I really loved Praying the Bible by Donald S. Whitney. This year, I’m hoping to read Parenting by Paul David Tripp and Because He Loves Me by Elyse Fitzpatrick!

  869. Meg says:

    Humble roots is definitely on my “to read” list!

  870. says:

    I’m reading A Simplified Life this year and also The Lifegiving Table. One of my favorites last year was Disclipline: The Glad Surrender.

  871. RJB says:

    Last year, I really loved reading “At Home in the World” by Tsh Oxenreider and finishing “Roots and Sky” by Christy Purifoy. Her books is organized by month, so I read each section in/around the corresponding month— definitely recommend doing it that way!
    On your list, I have read “The Broken Way” and absolutely recommend it! I love recommendations and look forward to the others on your list!

    • says:

      For this year, I am starting with “Speak” – and may reread both my favorites from last year!

  872. says:

    I hope to read When People Are Big and God is Small this year!

  873. says:

    I hope to read “Keep a Quiet Heart” by Elizabeth Elliot. What an inspiration she is.

  874. says:

    My husband and I have been reading “a loving life” in the mornings. It has been a book that has provoked such thought and change in our lives!

  875. says:

    I am currently working on "Love Does" by Bob Goff, but I’m wanting to work on "Radical."

  876. says:

    Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero is an excellent book I read last year and am now going through again with my community group. It’s a great discussion about an important topic that is often neglected or silenced in the church.

  877. says:

    I read hello mornings by Kat Lee. I plan on reading Philippians by Katie Orr and Chris Orr. I have a stack of more than 25 books I’d like to read this year.

  878. says:

    Ah, I just read Wild & Free and LOVED it. I am a college student with extra time this semester and I am excited to delve into books like these more!!!

  879. says:

    I love missional motherhood by Gloria Furman. So encouraging to focus on the lord then on yourself.

  880. says:

    I would love to read Humble Roots!

  881. says:

    My favorite book is Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin.

  882. Sawyer Miller says:

    Captivating has to be my favorite!

  883. says:

    I would love to read Nothing to Prove!!

  884. says:

    blue like jazz is a great book i really enjoyed! i’d love to read the books being given out! they look super cool

  885. says:

    I have Wilderness Wanderings by Stacey Reaoch in my Amazon cart. Love the subtitle…"Finding Contentment in the Desert Times of Life"

  886. says:

    Dance Stand Run is on the top of my reading list for this year! Wild and Free made the biggest impact on my walk.

  887. Uninvited by Lysa Terkeurst is a great one!

  888. says:

    A Praying Life by Paul Miller hands down!

  889. says:

    Keep a quiet Heart!! Anything by EE!! ❤

  890. says:

    C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity is next on my list to read!

  891. says:

    .. study Bibles have been my main source .. I have many translations and types to add textures

  892. says:

    One of my favorites last year was None Like Him by Jen Wilkin. I’m really interested in Humble Roots. Thanks for the lists!

  893. says:

    Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges has been a favorite for a long time.

  894. says:

    I’m still making my way through Becoming Mom Strong!

    -Leticia R.

  895. I am a first-time mom to a 3-month old son so all my current reads are about parenting and motherhood! I am starting on Sacred Parenting by Gary Thomas 💛

  896. says:

    Gracelaced Devotional!

  897. says:

    My favorite book I’ve read in the last year was "Free of Me" by Sharon Hodde Miller.

  898. says:

    Ready to read Uninvited by Lisa Terkeurst. Next want to get Humble Roots by Hannah Anderson. Have enjoyed Gracelaced by Ruth Simon & Falling Free by Shannon Martin.

  899. says:

    Nothing to prove!!!

  900. says:

    I recently finished reading The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis. It was really good!

  901. says:

    I really want to read Love that Lasts by Jefferson and Alyssa Bethke this year!! 😊

  902. says:

    I would like to read uninvited and nothing to prove!

  903. says:

    The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson and Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin were game changers for me! Currently looking forward to reading Parenting by Paul Tripp and Disciplines of a Godly Woman by Barbara Hughes.

  904. says:

    I would love to read "You Are Free" by Rebekah Lyons

  905. says:

    What books will you be reading?

    I will be reading:
    •Discipline by Elisabeth Elliot
    •The Gentle Ways of the Beautiful Woman by Anne Ortlund
    •(UN) QUALIFIED by Steven Furtick
    •The Peace Maker by Ken Sande
    •Cultivate by Lara Casey
    •Adorned by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
    •The Most Important Place on Earth by Robert Wolgemuth
    And prayerfully many other!

    What books have made an impact on your walk with the Lord?

    •The Bible has changed everything! Praise Him!
    •Beth Moore’s Book A Heart Like His and All of her Bible Studies brought the Bible to life for me!
    •Lysa Terkeurst book Uninvited was a game changer this past year!
    •Let Me Be A Woman by Elisabeth Elliot is an amazing life changing read!

  906. Women of the Word – Wilken and parenting- Tripp are next on my list

  907. says:

    I would love to read Humble Roots by Hannah Anderson!

  908. Krista says:

    Love this list of books! Two years ago, it was my goal to read a book a month and I have loved doing that ever since. I just finished The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst, which was so good! One of my favorites is The Uncommon Woman by Susie Larson. It’s amazing and has helped me grow in my relationship with Christ and seeking Him in my every day.

  909. says:

    I’ve been loving Uninviting by Lysa Terkeurst, and I’m hoping to finish it soon!

  910. says:

    A book I loved in 2017 that was an easy-read, but so profitable for me was Loving the Little Years by Rachel Jankovic

    I’m also reading Parenting by Paul David Tripp and am excited to implement what I learn.

  911. says:

    I hope to finish reading two wonderful books by Salley Clarkson, "Own Your Life" and "Desparate!"
    Last year I found your ministry and have been so blessed and encouraged spiritually! Thank you for encouraging and spurring ladies on in their walk with the Lord!
    I would love to win the books you’re giving away! Thanks for doing this!

  912. says:

    I am enjoying Humble Roots currently! I also liked Freedom of Self Forgetfulness by Tim Keller.

  913. says:

    One of my favorite books is Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer and a few books that I plan on reading this year are: Love Lives Here by Maria Goff, Just Do Something and Humble Roots

  914. says:

    I would love to read Keep a Quiet Heart!

  915. My favorite book recently has been “You Are Free” by Rebekah Lyons

  916. says:

    I have been wanting to read Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus.

  917. Hannah says:

    I I just finished “uninvited”, I’m not sure what I will start next. But, one of my goals for this year is to pick up and read the Bible more often then “regular” books.

  918. Stacey says:

    My favorite book that I can read multiple times is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers – the way the story of Hosea is told and how I see God’s zealous love for us in it is absolutely beautiful.

  919. says:

    Oh, my favorite book is constantly changing! I would like to read Every Good Endeavor by Timothy Keller

  920. says:

    My favorite book that I can read multiple times is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers – the way the story of Hosea is told and how I see God’s zealous love for us in it is absolutely beautiful. (Reposting bc I couldn’t add my email to the other, oops)

  921. says:

    Love the "Read a Mentor" opportunity. Currently I am reading Soulful Simplicity by Courtney Carver & "The Broken Way" by Ann Voskamp

  922. says:

    Love this give away! I’m hoping to fill my year with quality reading. On my list is Parenting by Paul David Tripp.

  923. says:

    Love love this! I read a bunch of really impactful books while overseas in the Middle East last summer. Since then, I haven’t read as many and I really want to. This year, I plan to read “The Best Yes” and “The Screwtape Letters”.

  924. says:

    Thank you! I’m encouraged by this. I would like to finish/re-read Hinds’ Feet in High Places by Hannah Hurnard.

  925. says:

    I am hoping to read more Francine Rivers books!

  926. says:

    I enjoyed None Like Him, Humble Roots, and Messy Beautiful Friendship this last year.

  927. says:

    Hoping to read at least 10 of the 50+ books I bought and never got to read. Starting on Uninvited by Lysa tonight.

  928. says:

    My favorite book of last year was “Curious Faith”. This year, I’m looking forward to reading “Bread and Wine” and “From Good to Grace”.

  929. says:

    One of my favorite books is Gloria Furman’s “Treasuring Christ when My Hands Are Full.”

  930. I really want to read something from Elizabeth Elliot this year! But I’m reading RC Sproul’s “The Holiness oh God” st the moment. ❤️😍

  931. says:

    Women of the Word – Jen Wilkin

  932. Alyce says:

    My favorite book of last year was “when I don’t desire god” by John Piper. This year I’m looking forward to reading The Prodigal God by Timothy Keller

  933. jg_alano@yahoo.con says:

    One of my faith goals this year (which I prayed for during the praying and fasting week that just finished) is to equip myself with more tools and resources that would build my spiritual growth! And share it soon with my sisters in church.

    Along with my bible, I am currently reading Wild and Free by Jess Connolly and Hayley Morgan. I’ve been wanting to get a copy of Jen Wilkins’ Women of the Word for months now. Thank you for this encouragement to read more about God! ❤️

  934. says:

    The Purpose of Man by A. W. Tozer and really looking forward to finish Prayer by Timothy Keller!

  935. Charlene S. says:

    I just finished the Last Sin Eater by Francine Rivers, one of my favorite authors. I am also committing to reading the Bible through Chronologically this year. So far I am on track!
    And currently I am reading Hind’s Feet on High Places which I stared years ago but never finished.

  936. says:

    I read None Like Him and really enjoyed that one. A book that really impacted me in 2017 was Humility and Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray. It was such an eye opening book that showed me even more the greatness of God and the need I have for a Savior.

    What a wonderful giveaway!!!

  937. says:

    The purpose driven life by Rick Warren! I’ve heard so many great things about this book!!

  938. My favorite book in 2017 was a 40 prayer challenge by Mark Batterson. "Draw the Circle."

    One book I hope to read this year is "The Hiding Place" by Corrie ten Boon.

  939. says:

    Knowing God (J.I. Packer) and The Pursuit of God (Tozer) are a couple of recent favorites. Hebrews is a current favorite as well, "encouragement for the spiritually debilitated" as Ian Hamilton says. I recommend any of his sermons that you can find online. I listen to a lot of books online and just discovered Elisabeth Elliot. I especially enjoy hearing her read her own books.

  940. I love a good book. The Lord speaks to me through his Holy Word but so many times he has lead me to a wonderful book that has touched my heart…thank you for the names of all these books that have touched all of you📚❤️🙏 Oh, almost forgot, my favorite book in 2017 was ..The Daniel Prayer by Anne Graham Lotz🙂

  941. says:

    Ann Voskamps, One Thousand gifts. Thank you for the giveaway!

  942. says:

    One of my favorite books from 2017 was 40 Days of Decrease by Alicia Britt Chole. I love reading fiction, but I struggle with nonfiction. I’m trying to read more books to challenge me in my faith in 2018. I just started Boundaries with Kids by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend and A Simplified Life by Emily Ley.

  943. Bethany says:

    Love this. One of my goals this year as well with my accountability partners. One of my favs from last year was glory in the ordinary by Courtney Reissig
    I’m currently reading Unseen now! It’s great. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. What a great way to encourage and spur women on!

  944. says:

    Didn’t let me post my email. Trying again. I’m bethany below.

  945. says:

    "Are You Serious About Marriage?" and "A Little of This, a Little of That" are both by Susan Zakula and I have learned so much by reading these two books! "Duties of Parents" by J.C. Ryle is short and wonderful, as is "The Fruit of Her Hands" by Nancy Wilson. "The Excellent Wife" by Martha Peace is one of the best books I’ve read. So many other ones though!

  946. says:

    I have been meaning to read “Humble Roots”. Seeing a book on your list by Linda Dillow reminded me of the book by her about marriage—“the Creative Counterpart”, also an excellent read that I plan to reread in the next few years.

  947. says:

    I want to be more intentional in reading the Word. 2017 was a painful and difficult year. I want to turn towards the Word and seek Him harder and stronger.

  948. says:

    This year, my goal is to finally read Mere Christianity and Through Gates of Splendor. Starting Jen Wilkins’ Genesis study at my church next week! :))

  949. says:

    This year, my goal is to finally read Mere Christianity and Through Gates of Splendor. Starting Jen Wilkins’ Genesis study at my church next week! :))

  950. says:

    I absolutely loved Women if the Word by Jen Wilkin. It has transformed the way I study and read scripture, challenged what I thought was “right” in the form of daily devotionals, and helped me see Christ and the gospel through every part of the Bible.

  951. says:

    Committed to word before world, so the word is my first priority, currently reading shepherding a child’s heart

  952. says:

    I would love to read Keep a quiet heart!

  953. says:

    This year, I want to be more diligent in my study of the word. And absorbing more “wisdom-filled” reads. I loved reading None Like Him last year!

  954. says:

    I have been reading "A Woman After God’s Own Heart" by Elizabeth George and it has radically shaped my walk with the Lord. I also just started "A Woman’s High Calling" also by Elizabeth George and "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel. I’m diving deeper into the word this year and love having these books as resources on my journey with Jesus. We are starting Jen Wilkin’s "Women of the Word" at my church this month!

  955. says:

    Just started- Strong Than The Struggle: uncomplicating your spiritual battle by Havilah Cunnington

    Continuing through- Wilderness Wanderings by Stacey Reaoch

  956. says:

    This year, I am diving into "Emotionally Healthy Spirituality" by Peter Scazzero, "When Helping Hurts" by Steve Corbett and "Humility/Absolute Surrender" by Andrew Murray! I am currently reading Paul David Tripp’s "Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands," and his book reminds me to daily carry the kingdom mindset. So grateful to our Lord, and excited to read more of His beautiful heart.

  957. says:

    Your instagram posts bless me so much, and I thank you for your sweet heart. Word Before World has greatly impacted me as a seek to be more disciplined in many areas of life. The Pursuit of God but Tozer is a favorite, as well as the devotional My Utmost for His Highest. This year I hope to read biographies of some of the great men of the faith (currently reading one on Tozer) as well as Reading the Bible Supernaturally by John Piper. One way or another Jen Wilkin’s book will make it into my hands this year! It’s been on my wish list for months!

  958. says:

    Right now one of my favorite books is Feminine Appeal by Carolyn Mahaney. Such a great read about being a woman who follows God and encourages others to do the same.

  959. says:

    Right now I am about to dive into Uninvited by Lysa Terkurst! I am really trying to take reading seriously this year to gain wisdom, grow spiritually and feed my soul. Blessings!

  960. says:

    Elisabeth Elliot is my favorite! I’m hoping to read my copy of Quest for Love this year. Having 6 young kiddos makes reading books a slow process. 😉

  961. Lindsey Smith says:

    So many to choose from! I have really enjoyed Praying for Boys by Brooke McGlothlin, Anything by Jennie Allen, No Little Women by Aimee Byrd, Shine by Allison Allen, and None Like Him by Jen Wilken are the most recent ones I have read and loved! Yet my list could keep going on! Love y’all list too!

  962. says:

    I am looking to up my reading game in 2018. I recently listened to a book I read in the past, Captivating by Stasi Eldredge, and it is resonating in such beautiful and different ways in my current stage of life than it did when I first digested it 🙂

  963. says:

    I absolutely love Jen Wilkin’s None Like Him! I want to read her new book in the new year. I also hope to read Sara Hagerty’s Every Bitter Thing is Sweet.

  964. says:

    I recently finished Mark Batterson’s In A Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day and I have a goal to read at least 5 books this year! I’m starting with, the Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson! These books would be amazing to add to my list for the year 😊

  965. says:

    Just finished Show Them Jesus and it was fantastic!

  966. Seeking Allah Finding Jesus Is One of my all-time favorites! My favorite book I read this year is probably "the broken way" by Ann Voskamp. Gloria Furman’s book "Missional Motherhood" and Jen Wilkins "None like Him" are also some of my favorites! Thank you for this post I can’t wait to read some of these!

  967. Taylor Shaver says:

    Gospel Fluency by Jeff Vanderstelt!

  968. says:

    Uninvited by Lysa Terkurst was one of my favorite reads of 2017!

  969. says:

    One of my favourite books is The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom. She’s also one of my Christian heroes.

  970. says:

    I keep hearing about Women of the Word and would love to read it in 2018!

  971. says:

    GraceLaced book is fabulous.

  972. says:

    I can’t remember if I commented or not – my list of books to read is long but When I Don’t Desire God: How to Fight For Joy by John Piper and Adorned by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth!

  973. says:

    Ha ha! 🤣😂 Dannica, I am in the same boat !

    The book that has had The most impact on my life besides the Bible has been "Streams in the Desert…. it has gotten me through two of my most deepest valleys in life.
    I eill be reading at some point this year " "She’s Still There" by Chrystal Hurst, The Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer and I plan in finishing "Anxious for Nothing" by Max Lucado and then after these, whatever the Lord lays on my ❤️.

  974. says:

    I hope to finish Calm My Anxious Heart and read Gracelaced

  975. says:

    Please feel free to continue sharing your favorite books, or the books you hope to read this year in the comments below.
    -Rachael and the WWW Team

  976. Megan says:

    The Broken Way by Ann Voskamp

  977. says:

    Women Of The Word by Jen Wilkin is $5.00 this weekend through Monday at

  978. Love!! I have learned so much from so many different authors. My favorite books that I read in 2017 would have to be "Uninvited" by Lysa Terkeurst and "Let’s All Be Brave" by Annie Downs. Thanks for the reccomendations! 🙂

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