Well - Watered



The job you’ve been praying about for months sent an email that starts with the words “We’re sorry.” The man you used to dream about marrying just announced his engagement on Facebook. The pregnancy test in your hand has only one line on that little screen. The medical results come back and leave you with […]

Grieving and Growing This past October, my baby girl went to be with Jesus. She was born at just 22 weeks due to a life-threatening condition that almost took me with her. It was a devastating and shocking loss, one that I am still processing daily. As you can imagine, this heart-wrenching goodbye ushered in […]

Hours before the appointment at which I was told that our baby had died in my womb, I threw up. The nausea that accompanied this pregnancy came on strongly around five weeks, and I continued to throw up for weeks after the baby had left my body. I had forged ahead through all of the […]

Grief and Friendship In the past couple of years, some of my dearest friends have walked the path of searing grief. Not long ago, I stood next to a friend in the receiving line of her mom’s funeral. Just a couple of months ago I cried on the other end of the phone as a […]

Hopeful Brokenness I’m reflecting on the recent death of a beloved sister in Christ, in awe of the beautifully hopeful brokenness in this unexpected event. All I saw during the weeks following this loss was a body of believers coming together to carry the burden, to pour truth into one another, and rejoice in the […]

This post is expanded from an entry in our Dear Mama devotional. An Unexpected Loss In April of 2015, I delivered a stillborn baby boy—Ford—three weeks before his due date. Our firstborn daughter was 16 months old, and the loss was completely unexpected and of unknown causes. The Lord was so gracious to us on […]

Infertility and Waiting It was the week before Mother’s Day. I realized that a little something that was supposed to start the previous week had not. For the first time in my life, I had reason to believe that I could actually be expecting! Day by day, hope rose higher and higher within me, and […]

Two years ago, while everyone was sipping their pumpkin spice lattes and taking pictures in pumpkin patches, I was at home sinking into a deep depression following a surgery that didn’t go as planned. What was supposed to be a routine operation left me sick beyond belief, resulting in an anxious and fearful heart. Many […]

When feelings feel overwhelming “I feel so out of control. I am such a mess. I feel CRAZY.” I have spoken these exact words, or some rendition of them, more times than I can count over the past two months. My story with medication for depression and anxiety began a few years ago, but this […]

You are not alone. Mental Illness is real. Period. And it lies to you constantly. And if you choose to listen to the lies long enough... it will convince you to believe that what it’s saying to you is true. - Blog post by Well-Watered Women

This post was written by Sarah Brown of Lovely Lettering Co. Sarah is a dear friend and who lives in Birmingham, AL and has worked with Well-Watered Women for the past two years. In light of the tragic news of Kate Spade passing, we felt that these words of encouragement were incredibly timely and needed […]


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