Well - Watered



The ultimate resolution in the life of the believer is simply stated in these two commands. Love God, and love others. Our New Years Resolutions may change from year to year, but if you are a believer in Christ and are being transformed in His image, then hopefully the heart of your goals each year […]

Today’s post was originally shared on the LifeWay Women leadership blog. LifeWay Women aims to equip women to reach women, in Jesus’ Name. You can subscribe to their blog for weekly updates and more material that will encourage you to lead like Jesus! “How old are you?” It’s one of the first questions I was asked when […]

We’ve all been there. Approaching Thanksgiving Day with a list of complaints piling up in our hearts, clouding our vision from what truly matters. I’ve walked through a lot of Thanksgivings struggling to be truly grateful, with my eyes set on the temporary and not the eternal. If you’re in the same boat, struggling to […]

You’ve probably heard the story of the woman at the well. She was a woman from Samaria, a place that was not thought of highly. She had a history of being with many men and her reputation preceded her. She was not regarded highly in her town, but instead she came to the well each […]

Deep breath in, deep breath out. I keep reminding myself of this as I glance around at our deconstructed home. Boxes are currently surrounding me and my house looks as if a tornado hurled through it. These are the marks of transition. Chaos. Disorder. And new beginnings that can only come with an ending. In just […]

“This is a story that revealed the Father’s goodness to us all:  My baby belly was small and I was just beginning to show. I was halfway through this pregnancy, at only 21 weeks when my water bag broke. I didn’t even know that was something that happened, let alone what it actually meant. So, […]

Dying to Live If you’re a Hamilton fan, then you know there’s a moment in the show when George Washington is discussing the war with Alexander Hamilton, making the statement: “Dying is easy; living is harder.” I feel like there’s a correlation between that statement and what happens when you finally open the can of […]

I had a funny interaction yesterday with a kind, well-meaning individual who was trying to offer some encouragement. The words didn’t come out as I’m sure they intended when they said, “Rachael, you’ve lost weight! You’re starting to look so pretty!” I just had to laugh a little because it was meant as a compliment, […]

COLOSSIANS | WEEK FIVE You can print the PDF of Colossians here.  Day One: Read: Colossians 3:18-4:1. How does the concept of doing all things for God’s glory change the way we view our roles? In what ways are you living as people-pleasers versus a God-pleaser? How are you honoring God in your current roles? Day […]

There’s a story of a traveling pastor who came to town and taught at a church about what it meant to follow Jesus. At the end of the night, a man approached the pastor with a concerned look on his face and asked earnestly, “If I follow Jesus, does that mean I have to give […]


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