Well - Watered


Confession and Repentance

“Awake, O sleeper, and rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light” (Ephesians 5:14b, 11, 8).

Behind Closed Doors For several weeks, writers have shared their honest stories on the Well-Watered Blog about sins that typically hide “behind closed doors”—including: Food and Fear Bitterness Gossip Sexual Sin, Boundaries in Dating, and Confessing Sexual Sin Idleness and “Busy” Idleness Food for Comfort Alcohol Eating Disorders And Materialism This is certainly not a […]

Beyond a Budget Our family lives on a budget. My conscientious husband has crafted a category for everything and assigned it a portion of our paychecks. Every year we talk about it and tweak it, allocating a little more to groceries and a little less to eating out, or a little less to travel and […]

Forsaking Perfection for the Perfect One.

I Would Never… “I would never starve myself of food,” I mentioned to my mom nonchalantly as we stood in the kitchen my senior year of high school. I’d heard of girls who refused to eat because of an obsession with food, and frankly, I thought the idea of doing such a thing was absurd. […]

When Want Turns to Need and Addressing Dependence.

From Want to Need We probably don’t know each other, but I wish we could sit down on the squishy couch in the middle of my messy living room and look each other in the eye. Face-to-face, you would see that I’m not here to condemn. I’m not looking to burden you with shame over […]

Spending our days in a manner worthy of the Gospel.

idleness creeps in I worked part-time in college, but when I graduated I kept that same 20-hours-per-week job for awhile. Sure, I searched for a full-time job, but it took over a year; it was in that year that the sin of idleness came to light in my life. I would go to my job […]

Behind Closed Doors-Confessing Sexual Sin-Well-Watered Women

an unexpected turn Over plates of chicken shawarma, I asked the young twenty-something in front of me what her relationship with God currently looked like. She said it had changed a lot over the past year, then proceeded to tell me why. And the “why” went a direction I didn’t expect. She had attended a […]

Behind Closed Doors-Sexual Sin-Well-Watered Women

How it began When I was about five years old, I remember sitting on the bathroom floor idly thumbing through an old magazine and happened to see a tiny advertisement for a book about sex. The cover had a naked man and woman positioned just so you didn’t see the “private parts,” but still enough […]

Well-Watered Women | Behind Closed Doors: Gossip | There may be fires we’ve caused with this tongue that we will always regret. But as we walk forward in repentance and humility, freshly surrendering our mouths to be used for the glory of God, He transforms and uses us to speak from a heart that knows just how much we have been saved from.

the gossips There was a magnet that hung on our fridge for many of my childhood and teenage years—a Norman Rockwell painting called “The Gossips.” The painting is a progressive series of conversations beginning in the top corner with two women. The first lady is pointing over her shoulder, sharing some juicy tidbit about someone […]

Behind Closed Doors-Bitterness-Well-Watered Women | If we are in Christ, we have been given everything we need to live a life that glorifies and honors Him. While it feels easier to stay in our pity party, a life marked by bitterness is one devoid of joy. We cannot walk in freedom with Christ when we stay chained to feelings that enable an entitled and bitter spirit.

the way things should be “Bitterness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” I remember hearing a pastor say this many years ago and thinking how foolish it would be to do such a thing. Then several years later, I realized bitterness was a problem in my heart and life. But […]

As I faced this struggle anew, I questioned God’s love and faithfulness towards me. Maybe his love for me has waned because I continue to give way to anxiety. If I were God, I would have given up on me a long time ago.

fear and food After the first time I had the flu, the thought of vomiting gave me a visceral reaction. I would collapse into panic attacks—crying, screaming, sweating, shaking—anytime my stomach began to turn. This fear became so strong I struggled to eat or leave the house. I hated this fear and what it did […]


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