Well - Watered


Biblical Womanhood

This article is part of the Preach the Gospel to Yourself Series. We know that phrases like “preach the gospel to yourself” are used so frequently in Christian circles that they can become Christian gobbly gook. You kind of get what it means, but don’t know how to actually do it. This series offers specific […]

It happened again.  I was standing in church wrangling four kids when a well-meaning lady commented, “God bless your family for what you’re doing for those kids.” I looked up at her briefly and then back at my kids (two of which were transracially adopted). I knew immediately that she was praising our involvement in […]

As I write this, I’m in a seemingly never-ending battle with the flu in our home. Sadly enough, these six days of fevers have one silver lining. We didn’t have to make the excruciating decision of what church we would visit on Sunday. You see, my husband and I have been searching for a new […]

[This week we’re celebrating the one-year anniversary of The Well-Watered Woman! In this article originally posted on book launch day, Gretchen reminds us that looking forward to the end provides hope for the hard middle and the everyday mundane. Read on to find out why she needed these specific truths as she labored through each […]

Should I buy organic milk or stick to our budget? Which preschool should my toddler attend? Should we be open to foster care? Should I skip my kids’ naps to join the service project? Do I need to move closer to my aging parents to care for them? Our lives are littered with decisions. So […]

I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life when I graduated high school. I’d always talked about being a writer and an artist when I grew up. But the thought of choosing a specific college or career path felt overwhelming. So I made the choice to live at home and study […]

I stopped myself from singing along in praise. I was in the car, listening to worship music, and decided to turn it off. After finishing up a phone call that I had psyched myself up for over many days, I just wanted to stew in my own thoughts. I had tried to keep my expectations […]

As a new mom, I was just learning the ropes. We were following all the rules with our firstborn, trying to do everything “right.” Healthy foods, little sugar, regular naptimes, and designated playtime ruled my days. Sleep training was all the rage, and we were determined to get our baby sleeping through the night ASAP. […]

“God made your body to do this.” As I prepared for the natural birth of my daughter last year, midwives encouraged me to repeat this truth during labor. I pulled those words over me like a warm blanket every day before my daughter arrived. But when the contractions intensified, I felt like a fool for […]

[Editor’s Note: The following article addresses walking through difficult life circumstances and seasons of transition and discouragement. This article is not meant to replace seeking help and wisdom from your local church along with professional medical care. Our encouragement is for you to seek counsel from your local pastor, a wise mentor in your church, […]


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