Well - Watered



When I started my journey as a Christian reader, I was hungry to know God, and Christian nonfiction was my meal of choice. I devoured books voraciously during that season. But I didn’t realize the books I was reading were incapable of satisfying my hunger. They were hyped up on sugary, me-centric content with little […]

It’s mid-afternoon and I have almost nothing to show for my day. Instead of crossing tasks off my list, I’ve spent hours replaying a conversation I had yesterday with a friend from church. I’ve been repeating her words and rehearsing what I could have said that would have made the conversation more fruitful. But I […]

It’s Bible study night and you’ve been looking forward to meeting with women from your church to study the Bible together all week. But tonight, something shatters this peaceful evening of fellowship.  As you discuss your answers to a challenging application question, one of the women sighs and says that raising little children is a […]

We all hear a cacophony of thoughts in our minds each day. They bounce through my mind as I fold clothes, unload the dishwasher, care for my kids, bake muffins, and cook supper. Sometimes I remind myself of a truth to remember. Other times I cast judgment on myself. I think through a phrase from […]

Should I buy organic milk or stick to our budget? Which preschool should my toddler attend? Should we be open to foster care? Should I skip my kids’ naps to join the service project? Do I need to move closer to my aging parents to care for them? Our lives are littered with decisions. So […]

Anger at Home I punched our dinner once. Yep, full fist right into the fish fillet before me. The details flee my mind of why on earth I felt such burning rage at that moment in our home. All I know is, in my foolishness, I can destroy a whole lot more than our dinner. […]

Toxic or Not? In my previous blog post, I identified what a toxic person is, according to Scripture. The word “toxic” is often used indiscriminately to describe relationships, but Christians need to be careful that our terms line up with Scripture.  As important as it is to correctly identify a toxic person, it’s equally important […]

What Is Toxic? I’ve seen and heard a word floating around increasingly the past couple of years describing others: toxic. It is used to describe friendships and romantic relationships and family dynamics. In essence, it’s another way of saying a relationship is really unhealthy or dangerous.  But here’s the problem: the definition of what a […]

Approaching Your Pastor While listening to podcasts or reading books and blogs, you’re likely to come across something that doesn’t sit well. The source is Christian, but you’re unsure whether the idea presented is biblical or wise. Whom do you turn to with such questions? Friends? Social media? A trusted website? As a pastor, I […]

The Vulnerability of Suffering My husband and I were married in the summer of 2015. In the summer of 2016, I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids. These are benign tumors of the uterus that cause painful periods and heavy bleeding. This came as a shock to me, as I had always considered myself to be […]


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