Well - Watered



My shoulders stiffened as the preacher began a sermon on love covering some of the most famous verses in the Bible. I sat among friends. No one knew I cried myself to sleep the night before over a Facebook thread between the boy I liked and another girl. Instead they saw my pursed lips and […]

My mother is one of those people who insists that the presence of her children is the only gift she needs. And she’s one of the few people who actually means it. But she’s also someone who finds delight in the smallest things, so giving her gifts becomes a source of joy for her kids. […]

A SHEPHERD-LESS SHEEP For five years, a single sheep survived alone in an Australian forest. He had almost 80 pounds of dirty, overgrown fleece hanging on his slight frame and covering his eyes. He resembled a giant boulder. No one knew how he survived on his own, but his unbearable burden lifted as rescuers sheared […]

The bedroom doors of our farmhouse were fitted with vintage metal locks. Although they looked charming, they were a nuisance because you could lock and unlock the door from the inside of each room, but the only way to unlock the door from the outside was to put your hip into it. I mean really […]

Preparing for Motherhood “Antenatal what?” I scratched my head, trying to make sense of my therapist’s words. “Antenatal depression.” She continued. “It’s depression that some moms experience before the baby comes.” I let her words sink in. And after a quiet moment, nodded my head in agreement. “I think that sounds about right.” The name […]

She’s living my dream… I thought to myself as I scrubbed the carrots in my hand and started vigorously chopping them. My blood was pumping full speed with a surge of jealousy. I had just finished mindlessly browsing social media while my soup broth simmered and my heart boiled with discontent. In the midst of […]

A Deeper Gratitude Every Thanksgiving, the tradition of going around the table and proclaiming thanks one by one leaves me feeling frustrated. Why does this practice feel empty and insufficient to me? I think it’s because thankfulness, as a sinner-made-saint, demands an understanding of gratitude far beyond a last-minute toss-up. And so I search my […]

The night before the cross, Jesus took his friends to a commonplace: the Garden of Gethsemane. He knew His suffering, humiliation, and death were near, but He didn’t hide. Instead, He prayed and asked His closest friends to pray with Him.  “And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, ‘My […]

The Fear of Anxiety As I lie on my bed, an onslaught of thoughts and worries barrage my mind like a broken dam. These thoughts are like water rushing without caution, and it is impossible to catch them. Instead, I watch them slip right through my fingers. When the powerhouse of my mind is running, […]

My first year planting a garden was a catastrophe. I bought my plants, excited to watch them grow throughout the year. I added some soil to the little plot in my backyard and, shovel in hand, dug out a few spots for cucumbers and zucchini. A few weeks later, my plants were withered and dead. […]


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