Ascending Calvary | WEEK SIX Day Thirty-Three | Sunday, March 25 Read: John 15:13 Write: John 15:13 Ponder: The cross of Christ changes everything. You won’t understand why everything happens, but you can walk through life knowing Jesus has done something about it—though you may not see fully until you stand before Him in eternity. […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Ascending Calvary: Week Six

Ascending Calvary | WEEK FIVE Day Twenty-Seven | Monday, March 19 Read: John 14:27 Write: John 14:27 Ponder: How we deal with fear affects whether or not we allow it to control our lives. Every day, we are bombarded with stories of tragedy, loss, and disaster. Fear can be an all-encompassing, consuming experience. Fear can […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Ascending Calvary: Week Five

Ascending Calvary | WEEK FOUR Day Twenty-One | Tuesday, March 13 Read: Matthew 25:35-40 Write: Matthew 25:40 Ponder: There is always someone in distress around you. Ask the Lord to open your spiritual eyes to see a person, couple, or family in your community you can bless by meeting a need. It may be by […]

Ascending Calvary: Week Four

By Gretchen Saffles

Photo from Joy Tomes “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is breathed out […]

By Rachael Milner

The Amazing Word of God

Ascending Calvary | WEEK THREE Day Fifteen | Wednesday, March 7 Read: 1 John 1:9, Ephesians 1:7-8 Write: 1 John 1:9 Ponder: Sometimes we claim we aren’t hearing from the Lord, but truthfully, we are ignoring the still small voice or promptings from the Holy Spirit. When we ignore the leading of the Lord, it’s […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Ascending Calvary: Week Three

Ascending Calvary | WEEK TWO Day Eight | Wednesday, February 28 Write: One thing you learned through the Scriptures you read. Ponder: Look back on the past week and think about some of the highlights of your time with the Lord. Ask: How have you understood grace and mercy in light of the truth of […]

Ascending Calvary: Week Two

By Gretchen Saffles

Ascending Calvary | WEEK ONE Day One | Wednesday, February 21 Read: Psalm 24 Write: Psalm 24:3-4 Ponder: This journey was written to help us ask honest and thoughtful questions about our relationship with God. There are topics we will talk about that may be associated with painful memories or parts of your story that […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Ascending Calvary: Week One

In 1716, American revivalist preacher, theologian, and writer, Jonathan Edwards, penned a list of seventy “resolutions.” These resolutions, unlike most New Years Resolutions, were rooted deeply in a humble desire to obey God’s Word. Edwards began each of these resolutions with the simple word “resolved…” Resolve means to firmly set in one’s heart to do […]

By Gretchen Saffles

I Resolve 2018: #Wordbeforeworld

The ultimate resolution in the life of the believer is simply stated in these two commands. Love God, and love others. Our New Years Resolutions may change from year to year, but if you are a believer in Christ and are being transformed in His image, then hopefully the heart of your goals each year […]

Love God. Love Others. What Now?

By Rachael Milner

Hey friends! In less than a week we will begin studying Redefined, and quite honestly – we can hardly wait. The topics of identity, confidence and inner-strength can become quite twisted by our society as the world is shouting that we can be anyone or anything we want to be. Rather than getting swept away […]

By Rachael Milner

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