Ascending Calvary: Week Five

March 19, 2018  - By Gretchen Saffles

Ascending Calvary | WEEK FIVE

Day Twenty-Seven | Monday, March 19

Read: John 14:27

Write: John 14:27

Ponder: How we deal with fear affects whether or not we allow it to control our lives. Every day, we are bombarded with stories of tragedy, loss, and disaster. Fear can be an all-encompassing, consuming experience. Fear can also take many forms and every person has unique fears born from life experience, perceived or imagined danger, and his or her own personality.

Ask: What are the specific areas in which you struggle with fear?

Day Twenty-Eight | Tuesday, March 20

Read: Psalm 3, Proverbs 3:21-26, Isaiah 41:8-10, Matthew 10:26-33, Hebrews 13:1-6

Write: Isaiah 41:10

Ponder: Fear can take on many forms, yet God has answered all of our fears in His Word and assured us of His power to handle each and every fear. Ultimately, all of our fears are answered in the secure and unconquerable love of God. When you surrender to the lordship of Christ, there is no power, foe, or force that can alter your standing before God.

Ask: What do the verses from today’s reading say about fear? How do these verses give you peace in your current situation?

Day Twenty-Nine | Wednesday, March 21

Read: Deuteronomy 6:1-3, 12-25; 10:12, 2 Kings 17:35-39, Proverbs 8:13; 14:2

Write: 2 Kings 17:38-39

Ponder: Contrary to what we commonly believe, when fear is rightly placed, it is a healthy and life-giving emotion. The distinction between healthy and unhealthy fear, then, comes from what or who we allow ourselves to fear, as well as the substance of our fear. We fear God because we recognize His great, unmatchable, and awesome power, yet our fear does not consume us. Healthy fear of God draws us to Him, bringing life, joy, and peace.

Ask: In what ways are we to fear God? What are the benefits of fearing Him?

Day Thirty | Thursday, March 22

Read: John 15:18-27.

Write: John 15:26-27

Ponder: Life in a world distorted by sin is not easy, and God understands that. In fact, Jesus took great care to offer His followers hope and peace. He knew we would suffer, face devastation, and experience heartache through the course of our lives, yet He also knew our hope isn’t found in this temporary life. He came to suffer, die, and rise again so that we might have eternal hope.

Ask: Why do you think Jesus was so upfront with His disciples right before His death? Reflect on how Jesus’ honesty prepares His followers for the trials and tribulations we will face in this life. Thank Him for being all we need to endure!

Day Thirty-One | Friday, March 23

Read: Psalm 23:4, Psalm 27:1, Psalm 31:19, Psalm 34:4, Psalm 103:17, Psalm 112:1, Psalm 115:11, Psalm 118:6

Write: Psalm 27:1

Ponder: In the Psalms there are many passages about fear. David, though the King of Israel, found himself in many dangerous situations, fearing for his life. He also understood fearing God as Creator and King was of utmost importance.

Ask: What do these verses teach us about fear?

Day Thirty-Two | Saturday, March 24

Read: Look back on the past week and think about some of the highlights of your time with the Lord.

Write: One thing you learned through the Scriptures you read this week.

Ponder: How have you understood assurance and peace in light of the truth of Scripture this week? In light of God’s assurance in your heart, how can you commit your life to honor Him?

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  1. Martha says:

    I am so loving this study!

  2. says:

    Thank you for providing this free on your blog!! I really wanted to purchase the Lent book but didn’t have the funds to allocate to it. I love the simplicity and structure you provide to help me structure my time in the word and prompts to help me focus my journaling.

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