Join Us In Studying Redefined

September 12, 2017  - By Rachael Milner

Hey friends! In less than a week we will begin studying Redefined, and quite honestly – we can hardly wait. The topics of identity, confidence and inner-strength can become quite twisted by our society as the world is shouting that we can be anyone or anything we want to be. Rather than getting swept away in the chaos of culture, we want to run to the well of wisdom found in God’s Word and hear what He has to say about who we are. That is what we’ll be discussing in the next six weeks as we study Redefined.

We want to provide an outline here for those of you who will be following along so that you can easily access additional resources, insights and conversations from the well-watered community. Please feel free to contribute to the conversation, engage your friends and neighbors, and invite other women around you to dig into God’s Word with us in the weeks ahead. 

We’d love to hear from you if you plan to join us! Comment below introducing yourself and let us know where you’ll be joining in from.

The Structure

  • Redefined is a six-week study and each week is composed of five days.
  • We recommend going through the study in your own quiet time with the Lord, even if you plan to follow along within a group.
  • Use your group time each week for discussion, asking questions or hashing out any ideas that you’ve been wrestling with.
  • Additionally, we will use social media to post regularly as we study through the week’s Scriptures and devotions.

The Schedule

We’ll begin Week One Day One on Monday, September 18th – but if you have your study, you can go ahead and read the letter from Gretchen and the Introduction. These two components of the book will give you a good idea of what to expect in the coming weeks. Take your time reading through those and spend time praying for the Lord to really show you any areas of your heart that need to be surrendered through your time with this study.

Facebook Group

We’ve created a Facebook Group specifically for walking through this Bible Study. We want you to be able to find everything related to Redefined in one spot. You can join that group here for weekly posts, links and shareable content. We’ll be using this group as a main source for everything that gets shared regarding Redefined – we’ll link to blog posts, Instagram posts and add any additional resources there.

Facebook Live 

We’ll be using Facebook Live to have a weekly teaching time. Our live teaching will be on Thursdays at 11:00 AM EDT and will last around thirty minutes. Join us then, or watch later – the videos will be saved on Facebook and posted to the group.


We’ll be sharing over @wellwateredwomen and @wellwateredco as the Lord is teaching us through His Word. You can find daily thoughts there to encourage you in the study and use the hashtag #wwwredefined to see what other women in our community are learning.

The Blog

Right here on the blog we will be posting a couple posts each week to further discuss some of the topics brought up in the study. If you don’t have the Redefined study but still want to follow along, we’ll be sharing similar themes here in these posts.

Additional Resources

  • Don’t forget we’ve created a FREE leader guide for you to use if you are going through this study with a group. Click here for that guide.
  • We’ve also created some FREE lock screens for you to share on stories or use for yourself. We pray these reminders are an easy way to point your heart to the Lord. See them below, download them here.
  • We’ve got a Redefined playlist on Spotify, and the order of the songs reflects the order of the study! We hope these songs bring joy to your day as you listen to truth and worship the Lord who created you.

Don’t forget to let us know in the comments if you plan to join. We cannot wait to see what God does through the weeks to come as we dig into His Word and find our identity in the mirror of Scripture!

your sister in Christ,


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  1. says:

    I’ll be joining from North Carolina! So excited!!

  2. says:

    I will be joining in from Jackson, TN. I can’t wait! I’m going through the study by myself for the 6weeks and then hope to walk through the study later this year with my 2 oldest (16 and 10) daughters. Maybe even start a group in our home with their friends!

  3. says:

    Oakland TN here. Have my book and am ready.

  4. Meloni says:

    Joining from Minneapolis, MN!

  5. kate says:

    i’ll be joining from tampa, fl! 🙂

  6. says:

    Morton, IL here!

  7. says:

    I’m so excited to join this study! I am in Cary, NC 🙂

  8. says:

    I’m joining from Murray, KY!

  9. says:

    I am joining from Myrtle Beach, SC. SO excited for this study. It is exactly what I need at this moment in my life.

  10. says:

    I will be joining from Skagit Valley, Washington. So excited!

  11. says:

    Connie from Miami, Florida! Blessings to all.

  12. I am joining from Rossville, TN!

  13. says:

    I am joining from Athens, Georgia.

  14. says:

    Joining from Missouri. Very excited to get started!!!

  15. says:

    Hello from little country town of Malin, Oregon! Super excited to dig into God’s word and find my true identity in Jesus!!!

  16. says:

    I’m joining from London, Ontario, Canada! Hoping my study comes in the mail this week!

  17. says:

    Hi. I’m joining from Northern California.

  18. says:

    Hello. I’m joining from Ohio.

  19. says:

    Hello! I am joining from Southern California! I am excited to dive into this study and learn with you all.

  20. Joining this study from Limestone, TN! Can’t wait to dig in!

  21. says:

    Joining from Baton Rouge, LA! Can’t wait!

  22. Amanda says:

    I’m very excited to start this study. I’ve been looking for something to dig into and turn my attention and focus on HIM and find my satisfaction in the word. I’m joining from Salisbury MD!

  23. says:

    Three of us joining from Sacramento CA <3 Can’t wait!

  24. says:

    Gina here from Chicago. 🙂 Ladies, might you have laptop orientations of the images you have for the lock screens?

  25. says:

    Abi here from the UK 🇬🇧 really hope to give this a good shot. Looking forward to going deeper 😁❤️

  26. says:

    Joining from Michigan! 😊😊

  27. says:

    Excited to dig in with you all, from Greenville, SC 🙂

  28. Ashlee says:

    Joining from AK! hoping to order my book on the 15th and although I’ll be behind, that’s OK.

  29. Bianca says:

    Joining from WA. Excited to study God’s Word 😊☝️

  30. says:


    From Southern California 😎🌴☀️🌊☕️

  31. says:

    Mildren from American Canyon, California

  32. says:

    Hello all! I’m Glenda, joining from Dallas, Texas.

    Question: I do not have Facebook and do not want to create an account. Is there another way to access content for this study that isn’t on Facebook? Here’s hoping that there is!

    • says:

      Hey Glenda! We will be posting on Instagram and the Blog as well. We have found Facebook is just the most accessible option for the most women – so that’s why we use that as a base – but will also have the blog posts and Instagram posts throughout the weeks. Hope this is helpful for you!

  33. says:

    Donna from Oakley,CA joining.

  34. says:

    Joining from Charlottesville, Va! Excited to start next week!

  35. says:

    Hi there! Writing from Elk Grove, Ca. Excited to dog into this next week. ♡

  36. says:

    Hi there! Writing in from Des Moines, IA. Super excited to start this study next week:)

  37. says:

    Hey, just ordered my book! I’ll be joining from Houston, TX.

  38. says:

    Hi there! Two of my sisters-in-law and I will be doing the study together in Hiram, GA. Looking forward to it!

  39. says:

    SO excited to do this study with you all! I’ll be joining from Cabaret, Haiti and then later into the study from Nashville, TN! 🙂

  40. says:

    Happy Day everyone, this is Tina joining from Michigan. The study book is so beautiful, can’t wait to dig in!

  41. says:

    So excited for this study! I am Olivia joining from Greenville, SC!

  42. says:

    Id like to join but I dont know How it works at all. Do you buy a book and if so How much is it? What else do I have to think about?

  43. says:

    And PS. I live in Europe. Can I still join?

  44. says:

    Looking forward to joining this study!! – Jenni Q, Fort Worth TX

  45. says:

    Ecstatic to join this study! God is good!

  46. says:

    Hello! Just ordered my book & looking forward to some uplifting discussions. I was just telling one of my sisters that I would love prayer for some times of ‘refreshing’ to come. Stumbling across this study seems like a specific answer to that prayer! I’ll be joining from Fort Worth, TX. Hoping my sister Lori in Minnesota can join as well – we’re about 1000 miles apart but would love to get to be in a ‘bible study’ together. Thanks for making this happen!

  47. says:

    I will be joining as well from So. California

  48. says:

    Good morning. I will be joining from Marietta, Georgia. So excited to dig deep into the Word on this topic of identity. And then pass it on to my 4 daughters and daughter in law.

  49. says:

    Hello, I will be joining from Houston Tx. I’m looking forward to the study.

  50. says:

    Hello I will be joining from Warren, VT…I’m eager to learn and excited for a bible study…

  51. says:

    Planning on joining, have to get book. I’m from California!

  52. says:

    Hello everyone! Nicole here joining from Lakeland , Florida. Cannot wait to dig into this study and grow in the word with all you ladies.

  53. says:

    Hi Everyone! Laura from Havana Fl. My daughter invited me to join along on this Bible study and I am really looking forward to it. Enjoying the music now.

  54. says:

    Hello from Jacksonville, Florida! Excited to start this bible study. Ordered my study book today and I can’t wait to get it.

  55. says:

    Hello! Joining from Oklahoma! I am looking forward to learning from others with more Bible knowledge then myself and also growing my faith in Jesus!

  56. says:

    Joining from Magalia, California!

  57. says:

    Hey everyone! This is my first online study, and I am joining you all from Rainsville, AL!

  58. says:

    I am joining from Sherwood. AR

  59. says:

    Hi! I’m joining in on this study and am eager to learn and grow and clean my heart. -Kym H. From Westminster, CA

  60. says:

    Just ordered my guide, excited to join from Colorado!

  61. says:

    Joining from Bristol, TN/VA!

  62. A first gave me this study as a gift today. So excited to join.

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