Ascending Calvary: Week Six

March 26, 2018  - By Gretchen Saffles

Ascending Calvary | WEEK SIX

Day Thirty-Three | Sunday, March 25

Read: John 15:13

Write: John 15:13

Ponder: The cross of Christ changes everything. You won’t understand why everything happens, but you can walk through life knowing Jesus has done something about it—though you may not see fully until you stand before Him in eternity.

Ask: What is the greatest hurt or heartache you carry? What is the brokenness you have never understood, the suffering you have wrestled with daily? Ask the Lord to show you Himself in the midst of your heartache.

Day Thirty-Four | Monday, March 26

Read: Read Exodus 2:23-3:10. If needed, read the preceding verses to understand the context of this passage.

Write: Exodus 3:9-10

Ponder: God’s character has always remained the same. We know from scripture that He is lovingly involved in our lives, just as He was with the Israelites. We know God is always at work in our lives, even when we feel alone. He sees our suffering, hears our cries for help, and understands our heartache.

Ask: What key words provide evidence of God’s loving involvement with His people, the Israelites, even in their suffering?

Day Thirty-Five | Tuesday, March 27

Read: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18.

Write: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. This passage is so rich it’s hard to pick just one verse to dwell on!

Ponder: Temporary suffering is a given for any person in this world, whether or not they follow Jesus. But for the Christ follower, hope is infused in every experience we face. Though we may not see or feel it right away, the promises of God are always good and true for our lives. The Gospel brings hope to our brokenness and meaning to our suffering. No matter what you are facing, reflect on how God’s eternal promises ensure hope, peace, and joy to HIs children!

Ask: What are you carrying that you need to lay down before the Lord? Ask Him to help you let go of the burdens, hardships, hurts or other fears you’ve been holding onto.

Day Thirty-Six | Wednesday, March 28

Read: Lamentations 3:1-26

Write: Lamentations 3:25-26

Ponder: One of the most difficult things a person must do is to accept that he or she may never understand why something has happened. Be it cancer, death, betrayal, or some other tragic loss, there are many experiences in this life we will simply never be able to explain or comprehend. For the Christian, these moments of crisis in faith always come back to the basic question of belief: Will you believe the goodness and faithfulness of God in this circumstance, even if you never understand why it has happened? For this reason, scripture is filled with evidence of God’s faithfulness and goodness. The spiritual disciplines, which lead us to study, meditate, memorize, and reflect on the many attributes of God, ensure we are firmly rooted in His promises and actively remembering Who He is. At the center of these disciplines, and woven throughout all of scripture, is the message of the cross.

Ask: What spiritual disciplines do you need to put into practice in your own life? How can this help you know the Lord in a more intentional way?

Day Thirty-Seven | Thursday, March 29

Read: Psalm 136

Write: Psalm 136:1-2

Ponder: Remembering God’s faithful works in the past helps you to persevere when you walk through trials in the present. As you read through Psalm 136, recounting God’s faithfulness to the Israelites, write a prayer of praise celebrating God’s faithful works in your own life.

Ask: How have you seen God faithful in your past? What moments of your life have you seen Him most clearly at work?

Day Thirty-Eight | Friday, March 30

Read: Look back on the past week and think about some of the highlights of your time with the Lord.

Write: One thing you learned through the Scriptures you read this week.

Ponder: How have you understood love in light of the truth of Scripture this week? In light of God’s love for you, how can you commit your life to honor Him?

Day Thirty-Nine | Saturday, March 31

Read: Psalm 118

Write: Psalm 118:6-7

Ponder: Mountaintop moments of closeness to the Lord are amazing experiences, but as long as we dwell on this side of heaven, we will experience seasons where we aren’t “feeling” near to the Lord. It is in these dryer seasons that we have to look back to the nearness we have experienced with the Lord and recount His faithfulness. We can trust that He has not gone anywhere, and though emotional closeness may lessen at times, the truth of God’s involvement in your life will always remain the same.

Ask: What are some things you’ve learned from Scripture and reflection the past 38 days? Write these down in a place that you can find again if those dry seasons come.

Day Forty | Sunday, April 1 | EASTER

Read: Hebrews 12:1-3, 2 Timothy 4:1-8, James 1:2-4, 12

Write: Hebrews 12:1-2

Ponder: This study has allowed us to reflect on God’s acts of mercy, grace, restoration, reconciliation, assurance and love. While this has not been an exhaustive list of God’s wondrous acts, we hope it has given you the opportunity to dwell richly in His kindness through studying, remembering, and meditations on these truths.

Ask: How do these passages offer hope and inspiration to us as believers? How can you apply these truths in your own life? Rejoice today in the resurrection of Christ, the greatest act of mercy, love and hope for the believer, for all time!

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