Ruth is a story of grace, woven throughout the pages of Scripture, pointing us to Christ – even years before He would come to earth to redeem the lost and save the wayward. Ruth is a picture of love, redemption and grace that reminds us of God’s relentless pursuit and unyielding love. We often think […]

By Well-Watered Women

Reintroducing Ruth: Gospel of Grace

Join us in studying the book of Ruth on June 20th!

By Gretchen Saffles

Gospel of Grace: Join me in studying Ruth!

Last week began a journey from Bethlehem to Moab, back to Bethlehem, and everywhere in between. We opened up the book of Ruth and studied truth deeply. We wrung out each verse and pointed them back to Christ and the marvelous Gospel of grace. I don’t know about you, but in some ways I felt […]

Ruth Week Two

By Gretchen Saffles

Reading: Ruth 1:3-5 Good Morning Ladies! Below is a post written from my sweet Momma two years ago. She was in the hospital due to numerous health complications, and in many ways I felt my world was crumbling. I received the news that she was in ICU on my way home from my honeymoon and spent the […]

By Kathy Jones

Ruth Day 2: Hopeless to Hopeful

Reading: Ruth 1:1-2 Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love… Do you feel it? Our wandering hearts are quick to go to and fro, from one thing to another in this life. In an instant, we grab hold of what seems comfortable or secure, only to realize once […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Ruth Day 1: Prone to Wander

Tomorrow we embark on a new journey together as we study God’s grace that is woven throughout the book of Ruth. This book has been a favorite since I was a little girl (mainly because I have always loved princesses and a good love story:). Over the years, God has begun to show me that […]

Ruth: Gospel of Grace

By Gretchen Saffles

They are here. In my hands, on my shelves – a giant piece of my heart is now in print for all to see. It is both frightening and exciting all at the same time. There’s something strangely beautiful and perfectly right about a dream coming true. It’s just surreal. Like those moments you decide […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Give Me Jesus Journal & Gospel of Grace

They are here. In my hands, on my shelves – a giant piece of my heart is now in print for all to see. It is both frightening and exciting all at the same time. There’s something strangely beautiful and perfectly right about a dream coming true. It’s just surreal. Like those moments you decide […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Give Me Jesus Journal & Gospel of Grace

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