Give Me Jesus Journal & Gospel of Grace

September 3, 2014  - By Gretchen Saffles

They are here. In my hands, on my shelves – a giant piece of my heart is now in print for all to see. It is both frightening and exciting all at the same time. There’s something strangely beautiful and perfectly right about a dream coming true. It’s just surreal. Like those moments you decide you will trust God with something big, and then He does it, and you are shocked into awe. That is me right now. In awe, sweet awe of God’s marvelous work.
The journey in creating the Give Me Jesus Journal and Ruth: Gospel of Grace Bible study has been one of learning, working hard, trying new things, and embracing taking risks. Last March, God planted a seed in my heart. It was a seed that He began to grow and water. The seed was to create a product that women could use to get to know Jesus more. Something that would become a part of their story. Something that could enable them to do ministry and seek the face of God each day. The idea for the Give Me Jesus journal was birthed from this seed, and now the second edition is here!

The name “Give Me Jesus” came from a song that we sang over my Pawpaw when he was on his death bed. He had lived a life that cried “Give Me Jesus.” Every morning we would wake up when it was still dark outside and pray for the members of his church and his family. He preached hundreds of sermons that he hand wrote. He went through enough Bibles that each grand-child now has one to cherish. These Bibles are written in, marked in, torn up, high-lighted, prayed over, cried over, poured over. They are a picture of what “Give Me Jesus” is all about. We sang this song in the early hours of the morning he went to be with Jesus. When we sang the final words, “you can have all this world, just give me Jesus,” he breathed his last. Pawpaw’s life was one that is well-lived for the glory of God!

The second edition of the Give Me Jesus journal has been fine-tuned to better suit women’s needs. There are two different options for the journal this time! One is a 40-day option and the other is a 90-day option. Below, I am going to break down the difference between the two to help you know what the journal is all about and decide which one might be best for you.

I pray this journal is a tool for you as you pour your heart and soul into the Word of God. I pray that you write in it, pray in it, and that God uses it to mold your heart as you open your Bible and embrace His life-giving truth. May our quiet times have purpose and joy and be the best parts of our days!

The new journal has a colorful cover that was hand-painted. It is harder than the last cover and the has “Give Me Jesus” written in gold foil on the front. Mandy England hand-lettered this beautifully! (Be sure to check this sister out! Her work is breath-taking!)

Give Me Jesus Journal 2

The journal is spiral-bound to allow you to flip it one and lay it flat. The beginning of the journal has a set of questions to guide you through before you start. These “heart check” questions are meant to help you see what is in your heart. The questions that are chosen for this beginning are ones I go back to over and over again in my own quiet times! They are broken down into seven steps. You can go through these one day at a time, all in one sitting, or take them a week at a time.

Give Me Jesus Journal

Inside of Give Me Jesus Journal


Here are the differences between the 40-day and the 90-day journals:

40-day Journal: This journal has 40-days with 4-pages per day that have been broken down into sections for you to use while you study the Bible.

  • The first section is “Be Still & Know” – to settle your heart and set it on the Lord.
  • The next section is one to study the Bible called “Drink Deep From the Well.” There are two pages for you to study and write.
  • The next page is called “Ask & Apply” for you to sum up what you studied with action statements. The new journal includes a box that says “Today I learned” – a place to write an I Will statement.
  • The last page is a “Pray BIG” page for you to write your prayers.
  • This journal also has 20 Notes pages for you to use as sermon notes pages (or anything else you’d like!). Lastly, there is a recap in the end for you to look back and remember what God did.

90-day Journal: This journal has 90-days with 2-pages per day for you to write in.

  • This option has a similar front page with “Be Still & Know” and “Drink Deep From the Well.” It has two pages for you to write what you study, pray and learn each day.
  • The front and back questions are included (the same as the 40-day option).
  • There are 5 additional blank “Notes” pages in the end as well as the recap!

Give Me Jesus Journal


 The Ruth: Gospel of Grace study is a 4-week Bible study on the book of Ruth. God’s grace is a central theme woven throughout this boo of the Bible! I pray that as you study, you will fall more in love with Jesus Christ through it!

Ruth: Gospel of Grace

Watch these videos to hear the vision behind the Give Me Jesus Journal and Ruth study!

It is a privilege to study the Word of God with you! Can’t wait to dive in!

in the shadow of His grace,


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  1. says:

    I received my box today and can hardly wait for the study to begin. The journal and study are so well done. Love the colors! It really does speak to a woman’s heart. 🙂

  2. says:

    Do you have anymore of the give me Jesus journals? It is saying they aren’t available on etsy, but I would love to have one!

  3. says:

    I would love to purchase a 40 day or 90 day journal. Thank you!

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