Ruth Day 1: Prone to Wander

September 8, 2014  - By Gretchen Saffles

Reading: Ruth 1:1-2
Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love…

Do you feel it? Our wandering hearts are quick to go to and fro, from one thing to another in this life. In an instant, we grab hold of what seems comfortable or secure, only to realize once more that our security can only be found in Christ. The book of Ruth begins with a famine – a lack of what the people felt God should be providing for them. We are introduced to a few main characters of the story: Elimilech and his wife Naomi, and his children Mahlon and Chilion. Elimilech’s response to the famine in Bethlehem was to look for provision elsewhere. His decision led him to leave the land of God’s promise and go to a place of idol worship. I can only imagine his thoughts at this point, “at least they have bread there!” 

How quickly are we to think the grass will be greener on the other side? When the famines of life come, we grab hold of what seems comfortable or sustaining in this world. You may be in a famine of hope as you wade through a job loss, singleness, or a broken relationship. Or, you may be in a famine of unfulfilled longings. You long for contentment, you long for freedom from financial struggles, you long for the healing of a family member who is ill. The famines of life look different for us all, but we all serve the same God who has complete control over them.

We are all prone to wander from the heart and blessing of God, but we cannot leave our wandering there. 2 Timothy 2:13 reminds us that “if we are faithless, he remains faithful.” Why? Because that is who God is and He never (ever) changes. Today, dear sister, you may need to rest in that promise. You may need to confess the areas of your life where you have allowed the famines to steal your joy and your hope. We have two choices in the famines.

  1. We can leave the God we love for what the world seems to offer.
  2. We can stay with the Lord, trusting Him for His sovereign grace and abundant provision.

I am choosing number two, because I know and believe that our God is able to do all things – even exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ask or imagine. May these lyrics be the new cry of our heart today:

“Oh to grace, how great a debtor, daily I’m constrained to be! Let Thy goodness like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to Thee, prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love, here’s my heart, Lord, take and seal it, seal it for Thy courts above.”

He is just as trustworthy and just as able to provide, even in the famines. Let’s see the famine as opportunities to see His glory in this life!

binding my heart to His,


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  1. Yes Gretchen! Oh how easy it is to forsake our faithful God and wander away from His truths. Thank you for this reminder. I look forward to following you through the book of Ruth. Truly you are a encouragement!

  2. Madison says:

    Yes Gretchen! Oh how easy it is to forsake our faithful God and wander away from His truths. Thank you for this reminder. I look forward to following you through the book of Ruth. Truly you are a encouragement!

  3. says:

    I’m so excited about starting this Ruth journey with you and other ladies across the country. It’s so amazing to be loved by a Father that never leaves us. We may stray away but our Father is always waiting with opened arms.

  4. Keisha says:

    I’m so excited about starting this Ruth journey with you and other ladies across the country. It’s so amazing to be loved by a Father that never leaves us. We may stray away but our Father is always waiting with opened arms.

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