The lyrics to “Give Me Jesus” were originally an African American hymn that was sung during the days of slavery. These words were never intended to be ideas written on mugs, journals, or prints. They were meant to be lived, breathed, and understood. They were sung out of a deep realization that apart from Jesus, […]

By Gretchen Saffles

A Well-Watered Morning

The love of Christ compels us to write, to sing, and to share endless amounts of words that never truly wrap up the magnitude of His glory.

By Well-Watered Women

In The Morning

It still amazes me that today we launch the new spring Give Me Jesus Journals. It was just one year ago this month that the Lord began to stir in my heart the vision for the journal. Last May we had the first version of the journal in hand and sold out of the order within one hour. I had absolutely no idea what God would do with these journals and God-sized dream. It began as a tiny mustard seed of faith that God planted and is continuing to water to grow into a garden for His glory! With my knees to the floor and my hands lifted high to the Lord in praise, I am excited to partake in the gospel of grace with you as we study God’s Word together!

Spring Give Me Jesus Journal & Proverbs 31 Study

By Gretchen Saffles

At the beginning of 2015, the Lord pressed on my heart a deep calling to be in His Word daily and to learn to abide in Christ as Jesus commands in John 15. The specific call was to “love God’s Word more than this world.” It still sets my heart on fire just for my fingers to type it! As I’ve shared about this desire and calling from the Lord, I have had countless women contact me asking how this is practically done. How do we actually love God’s Word more than the world? How do we rise in the morning and only desire Jesus? How do we live as a well-watered woman who is satisfied in Christ alone? 

By Gretchen Saffles

Well-Watered Women, Part 1: In The Word

The day is finally here! After much praying, seeking the Lord, learning new things and exploring new territory, I am excited to introduce to you the Give Me Jesus Journal. I have been an avid journaler for years and have never been able to find a journal to fit how I did my quiet time. […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Give Me Jesus Journal

I love mornings with an insane amount of love. My love for the dawning of a new day runs so deep that at nighttime I look forward to waking up to a fresh new start and the smell of coffee brewing. Before any night people tune me out, there’s a reason for my love. The […]


By Gretchen Saffles

a morning routine Each morning the Lord wakes me up, I grab a cup of coffee, breathe in the smell of the morning fragrance, grab my Bible and journal and go sit on the same spot on our couch. Everything is still and most of the world is asleep. I can hear an occasional bird […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Coffee & Jesus

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