Give Me Jesus Journal

May 5, 2014  - By Gretchen Saffles

The day is finally here! After much praying, seeking the Lord, learning new things and exploring new territory, I am excited to introduce to you the Give Me Jesus Journal. I have been an avid journaler for years and have never been able to find a journal to fit how I did my quiet time. Too often I found replacements for the Word of God because I didn’t feel I could learn as much from Scripture as an author could, or I was intimidated by the blank pages of a journal. Since then, the Lord has showed me that all we need is His Word and the Holy Spirit in us to get to know Him intimately and to hear His voice. This journal was created to be a tool for women to use as they study Scripture, seek God’s guidance, sit in His presence and pray big things.
Back of Journal

The journal has questions in the beginning that were designed to draw out what is in your heart, as well as give guidance into what a daily routine in the Word could look like. My prayer is that women will become passionate about the Word of God and will hear His voice above the noise of this world.

In The Morning

I created the book to be spiral bound so you could flip the pages back easily when you write. The pages are also a good, heavy weight!

Heart Check


After answering the guided questions, there are 45-days worth of quiet time pages for you to fill in as you spend time with Jesus. The pages have some direction, but you can truly do what works best for you. I created it to have plenty of writing and thinking space. You can refer back to the questions in the beginning as you go along.

Birds Don't Worry


Grab a cup of coffee, your Bible and your favorite pen. Find a quiet spot and center your heart on the One & Only. In every word and every moment, I pray we would cry out to God, “just give me Jesus.”

Looking forward to walking on this journey with you! You can purchase journals and coffee mugs here!

your sister,


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  1. I love these! I am so proud of you for following through with your dreams and creating a work of art! One that brings glory to the Lord!! IT is wonderful! I am ordering the mug now! I would love to give it to my mom for mother’s day!!!

  2. Elizabeth says:

    I love these! I am so proud of you for following through with your dreams and creating a work of art! One that brings glory to the Lord!! IT is wonderful! I am ordering the mug now! I would love to give it to my mom for mother’s day!!!

  3. says:

    YOU ROCK, SEES. I am so proud of you and excited as we see this dream come true. Way to go!!!

  4. Kara says:

    YOU ROCK, SEES. I am so proud of you and excited as we see this dream come true. Way to go!!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    […] my quiet times each morning has helped and encouraged me a lot to stick with it. I recommend the Give Me Jesus Journal. It provides me with a few stepsย I can follow to help me learn and […]

  6. […] my quiet times each morning has helped and encouraged me a lot to stick with it. I recommend the Give Me Jesus Journal. It provides me with a few stepsย I can follow to help me learn and […]

  7. says:

    I keep trying to buy this journal and its always sold out! When will you be getting more? Thanks for making such a wonderful journal!

    • says:

      Hi Stacy! I think the links in this post aren’t updated! You can now find the journals at ๐Ÿ™‚ Let me know if you have trouble purchasing! You can email me at! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Stacy says:

    I keep trying to buy this journal and its always sold out! When will you be getting more? Thanks for making such a wonderful journal!

  9. Karla says:

    Hello, I would love to purchase the give me Jesus journal 90 day but your website says that you are sold out. Will you be getting more in? Please advise. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Alison says:

    Do you have any Give Me Jesus journals available? All the links are taking me to pages where the journal isn’t sold. I’d like to buy two for Mother’s Day. Thanks a bunch!

    • gretchensaffles says:

      Hi Alison! Yes I do! I am going to update these links! ๐Ÿ™‚ Go to to find them! What a great gift idea?!

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