Photo by Katherine McBroom
The love of Christ compels us to write, to sing, and to share endless amounts of words that never truly wrap up the magnitude of His glory. Woven throughout Scripture is the high calling of praising the Lord. “Praise the LORD! Praise God in his sanctuary, praise him in his mighty heavens…” Psalm 150:1. “Oh come, pete us sing to the LORD; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!” Psalm 95:1. “Bless the LORD, Oh my soul…” Psalm 103:1. The call to praise is a call to joy. Recently I’ve started writing again from the depths of my heart to the Lord. I pray that this poem about the morning reignites a spark in your heart to meet with God daily and shower in His grace before starting your day. After all, He is faithful in the afternoon and the evening, too.
In the morning when the earth is still and the birds sing a brand new song, when a sleepy moon goes down to rest and the sun awakens the dawn.
In the morning when the coffee is brewing and new mercies extend their embrace, when the clock ticks to a steady rhythm and God showers us with His grace.
In the morning when my heart is hungry, I open His holy Word. My mouth is filled with the sweetest of truths, and I remember that God is good.
He serves me unbroken promises, as I dine with Him at His table. He washes my feet and makes me clean, and reminds me that He is able.
He serves me with His tender love and teaches me the faithful way. He reignites an undivided heart, and compels me to trust and obey.
In the afternoon and evening, He always remains the same. Just as I met Him in the morning, He still calls me by my name.
When my heart is heavy and weary, my hands limp and weak, He bends down low, picks me up and gently kisses my cheek.
He is not bound by time, by the ticking of the clock. He carefully watches over me, He builds my life upon the Rock.
Because in His loving kindness, in His perfect melody, He sings His song of love each day and comes to meet with me.
Beautiful reminder…..
just what I needed to hear this morning.