Read a Mentor 2020 + Books Giveaway!

December 30, 2020  - By Well-Watered Women

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It’s no secret: our team loves to read. 

Our first priority to know God through the pages of Scripture we read each day, and our primary mission is to equip you to be rooted deeply in God’s Word as well. This is the reading that nourishes and fortifies us for each step of life’s journey. These are the very words of life, breathed out by God himself.

We also love to read books by mentors in the faith—men and women who put pen and paper to what God is teaching them, for the good of the church. Reading books like these can stir our affections even more for the Lord and his Word, giving us valuable insight and encouragement. In this era of information overload—social media posts, tweets, news feeds, podcasts, and more—it is a gift (and often a discipline) to sit with a book for a longer period of time and savor its message.

Our team members are in various stages of life—many with young kids, or ministry commitments, or complicated schedules. We know how hard it can be to find time to read! Whether you are resolving to read one new book this year or dozens, we hope this list of twelve books our team members loved this year (and why!) inspires you. Many of us listened to these books in the car or turned pages during naptimes or lunch breaks. Whenever and however you read this year, we pray you will read well and be encouraged by wise brothers and sisters in the faith, for the glory of God.

Read-a-Mentor Giveaway

We’re giving away a copy of all twelve books to one of our readers plus a scripture calendar from Naomi Paper Co. and a set of Mildliners. Just fill in your details at the bottom of this blog to enter to win!

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Awe: Why It Matters for Everything We Think, Say, and Do by Paul David Tripp 

I’ve had this book on my must-read list for quite some time and was finally able to read through it this year. Paul David Tripp is a wordsmith, and through this book he points the reader back to where true awe comes from: beholding God’s glory in the Word and in the world. –Gretchen 

Another Gospel?: A Lifelong Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity by Alisa Childers 

This book is a timely message to our generation. As progressive Christianity continues to make its way into mainstream media and even into churches, we must be able to identify what the unchanging truth of God’s Word is and anchor our souls in it. Alisa Childers does an excellent job sharing her own story of doubt and reconstructing her faith again. I highly recommend this book to all Christ-followers, along with her podcast and blog. –Gretchen 

Crosstalk: Where Life and Scripture Meet by Michael R. Emlet 

When studying God’s Word, each step is uniquely challenging. Some passages are tough to understand, gathering context can be time-consuming, and interpreting the meaning is often difficult. Many people think the final step—application—is easiest, but I often get stuck. I want to apply Scripture skillfully and specifically, both to myself and others. This book by Mike Emlet helped me dig in and strengthen that skill so I can become a better student of the Bible! –Lindsay

Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy: Discovering the Grace of Lament by Mark Vroegop 

I’ve recently discovered the joy of listening to audiobooks, and Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy was exactly what my soul needed to listen to earlier this year. In this book, Mark Vroegop vulnerably shares his own story of loss and learning what it means to lament. I found myself stopping to take notes as I listened, and I plan on purchasing a physical copy of this book as well. Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy illuminated the Psalms in a new way and taught me how to pray and seek the Lord in the midst of grief. –Gretchen 

The Imperfect Disciple: Grace for People Who Can’t Get Their Act Together by Jared C. Wilson

The subtitle of this book says it all. As someone who grew up loving to follow the rules, but always failing to do so, it spoke to my heart. It is a rare combination of clear truths that helped me understand the gospel better and laugh-out-loud observations. I love the way Jared writes. His unusual metaphors make his theology stick in my brain, and his chapters on Romans 7 and 8 are some of the most hopeful expositions of Scripture I’ve read in years.  –Maggie

More than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell & Sean McDowell

I admit, this book has been a part of my collection for about 12 years. A former small group leader gifted it to me in college, but I never took the time to read it. Earlier this year, I wanted to share it as a resource with a Muslim friend, and my husband challenged me to read it before I gave it to her. (Novel idea, huh?) It was such a timely read for me. In this era of “my truth” versus “your truth,” this little book confirmed for me the validity of the Christian faith and walking with Christ. It was incredible to read about the author’s journey to Christ from a place of skepticism. I found myself rejoicing in the beautiful way in which God reveals himself to us in the ways that we need him to in order to bring us to salvation. –Jessica

A Place to Belong: Learning to Love the Local Church by Megan Hill 

Church gatherings looked very different for most of us in 2020. Through this book, I was reminded of the beautiful way God redeemed me to belong to a collective body of believers and the huge and important role my brothers and sisters play in encouraging, praying, enduring trials, and pointing me to Christ. This book helped me reignite my love for the local church and reminded me of the importance of continuing to persevere in being part of a church body. I pray this book encourages you to gather, love, and build up your local church! –Fernie 

Reclaiming the Lost Art of Biblical Meditation: Find True Peace in Jesus by Robert J. Morgan

If I were to summarize one important lesson God has been teaching me this year, it would be the importance of saturating my mind in the Truth of God’s Word. What we think about dictates how we feel, speak, and act. God’s Word is our foundation that cannot be shaken, but how often do we take time to meditate on its timeless treasures? This book by Robert J. Morgan beautifully breaks down how to meditate on Scripture. To read God’s Word is good, but to hide it in your heart and treasure it above every other word? That is what leads to true peace, contentment, and joy in Christ. –Gretchen

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World by John Mark Comer 

I started listening to the audio version of this book (at 1.5x speed which I realized was ironic, so I slowed down) and was crying by the time he finished reading the introduction. The explanation of Sabbath, rest, and a slower pace sounded so lovely, so inviting, so necessary, I knew I wanted to hear more. This book challenged me to evaluate rhythms I’ve accepted as normal for far too long. It encouraged me to rethink rest, making time with the Lord a priority, and how to say “no” to the pace of hurry and busyness in my life. I hope it encourages you, too! –Rachael

Saints & Scoundrels in the Story of Jesus by Nancy Guthrie

The title of this book ignited my curiosity. I’ve read the parables and the Gospels multiple times, and my focus was always on who Jesus was and what he was doing. I had never stopped to consider the character—well, at least not in-depth—of the individuals, we are presented within these stories. As I started reading, I realized that I am not any different from the rich man, the unbelieving apostles, and the hypocrite Pharisees. This book really challenged me to look into my heart, repent, and ask for God’s grace in my areas of weakness. Just like the characters in the Gospels, I need Jesus desperately. Nancy Guthrie does a great job at helping us understand these people a little better, take a deep look into our own lives, and then look to our marvelous Savior! –Fernie 

Side by Side: Walking With Others in Wisdom and Love by Ed Welch 

This book transformed the way I approach conversations, and I still see the fruit of it every time I sit down with someone to talk. Ed Welch is a counselor and teacher and this book is like a “helping people biblically” introductory guide. It is a quick read, is easy to understand, and is both biblically solid and intensely practical. –Lindsay

Worthy: Celebrating the Value of Women by Elyse Fitzpatrick & Eric Schumacher 

I thought I might have to set goals to make it through this long-ish book, but instead, I read it cover to cover in only two days. Elyse and Eric trace the story of women throughout the Bible and shine a light on God’s heart toward women. I wept multiple times as their gentle prodding unearthed unexpected strongholds of shame and hurt. They lead by example as they treat people with different theological viewpoints with the respect due to fellow image-bearers. This book is also a call to unity that the church desperately needs in our current circumstances. I recommend all women (and men!) read this book!  –Maggie

*We love sharing resource recommendations with you! However, when we recommend a resource, please keep in mind that we are not endorsing people or ministries in their entirety. We do our best to recommend solid content, but the only infallible endorsement we offer is of the Word of God!

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Previous Read-a-Mentor Blogs

Want to see what books our team has loved the past few years? Find our Read-a-Mentor Blogs below.

2019 Read-a-Mentor

2018 Read-a-Mentor

2017 Read-a-Mentor

2016 Read-a-Mentor

2015 Read-a-Mentor

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  1. Paula James says:

    I would love to win these inspiring books please. Happy New Year.

  2. Jess says:

    What a great giveaway! Thanks for all you all do here. Truly one of my favorite resources for encouragement and truth. ❤️

  3. Rebekah Palmer says:

    Reading is not my favorite but when it comes to reading devotional books and books that help me grow in my relationship with Christ I love love love reading🤩😍

  4. Pam Bolsins says:

    Just completed second year with you advent study ! Fantastic! Thank you

  5. Kristie Lutz says:

    What a great package! Someone will be very lucky indeed!

  6. Susan Plovic says:

    Hello! I love your website, devotionals, and blog. I have been encouraged and edified with every resource you offer, and have gifted my daughter, daughter n laws and granddaughters with them. Thanks for your ministry. I would love to receive this giveaway – as I am an avid reader of all things Christ honoring and would share with my girls.

  7. Joan says:

    What a great give a way!

  8. Emma says:

    Thank you for these resources!!! ❤️

  9. Jennifer Jourdan says:

    Thank you Well-Watered Woman! You continue to inspire me daily!!! God Bless each of you❤️

  10. Jayla Scott says:

    This is such a great giveaway! I would love the opportunity to read these books. I am so excited for what the Lord not only has planned for me but also what He has planned for Well-Watered Women. The posts you make on Instagram help me to have Jesus time everyday! #WordbeforeWorld

  11. Rachel says:

    I love this so much! I love reading and growing deeper in my faith through books!!

  12. Terri says:

    Win or not, I will be reading most of these books. Thanks for the heartfelt reviews that made my heart yearn to read them. Awesome giveaway, looking forward to the Jan 1/2021 challenger and so glad I found you on IG

  13. Rebecca says:

    Oh, this is awesome! Thanks for the opportunity! Happy New Year!

  14. Jessica Fuester says:

    Such a great giveaway!! Looking forward to reading through these books!

  15. Jennifer Long says:

    I love this. Thank you for the recommendations!

  16. Sarah says:

    Awesome! Thanks for the recommendations and the giveaway!

  17. Ginger says:

    These books look awesome. I hope that whoever wins praises God for letting them win. I would love to win these they look very helpful reads.

  18. Tammi says:

    Would love to win some books.

  19. Lizzie Green says:

    This books look fabulous!!!! Thank you for this opportunity. 💜🙏

  20. Dawn Marie Ayers says:

    I love to read! I scour the thrift stores for books! After I read them I loan them out or just pass them on. This would be such a blessing to win:)

  21. Sue Hamilton says:

    You always have the best encouragement to give us! Thank you for such an awesome blessing! I’d love to be a winner! ♥️🙏🏼♥️

  22. Mary Olivia Townsel says:

    I just found Well Watered through Instagram where have you been! So glad to be apart of the family.

  23. Kaylanie perez says:

    I have been also struggling to read because I haven’t found books that suits what I’m looking for in Reading but when it comes to reading books of Christ and how it helps me I also love it so much 🥺❤️❤️😭

  24. Amanda says:

    This is amazing. I can read and share all these fabulous books with my friends

  25. Janet says:

    Thank you so much for the opportunity your Read-A-Mentor Giveaway! I mentor women and am always looking for resources to help me. Well-Watered Women is a tremendous blessing.

  26. Carla says:

    Wow what a generous give away! I’d love to win and just by reading about the books you are sharing, I have added them to my ‘must read’ list for 2021. Pick me! Pick me!

  27. Char says:

    Some of these books I’ve never heard of but sound awesome! Thank you for such a great giveaway!!

  28. Brooke says:

    Would be a great way to kick off my 2021 reading challenge ❤️

  29. Cindy Waltman says:

    Thank you for this chance!

  30. Catherine MacKay-Wilson says:

    What an amazing start, January 4th is my birthday AND I have a bible study group of amazing women to share these with! Catherine

  31. Jesse Wilson says:

    Amazing giveaway!! 🥳🥳

  32. Rachelle Rodriguez says:

    I love to read and then pass the book on to another! I read daily but haven’t read any of these amazing books. Blessings.

  33. Kathy M Jones says:

    I would love these books!!!

  34. Bethany says:

    This is the perfect fresh start to the New Year! I am missing my community group studies at our local church so much!

  35. Elle says:

    Aside from the giveaway, thank you for gifting us with such a solid list of books to strengthen and grow our walk with Christ. God bless you all!

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