Read a Mentor: 2019

January 6, 2020  - By Well-Watered Women

Read a Mentor Giveaway Books

Books We Loved in 2019 + a Giveaway
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It’s no secret that the WWW team loves to read great books and recommend the best of them to you. In the “Read a Mentor” section of our monthly emails, we share books and articles that are rich and helpful to our spiritual growth. Some are hot off the press, and some are tried-and-true classics, but all have helped us walk with Christ.

In 2020 if you are resolving to read more (or read better), here is a compilation of books our team loved in 2019. Add a few—or all!—to your 2020 reading list and enjoy the benefits of reading richly. 

“You will be the same person ten years from now except for the books you read, the places you go, and people you meet, and the Scripture you memorize.” –Jay Strack 

12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You
by Tony Reinke 

I recently recommended this book to a friend and her immediate response was, “Oh, I don’t think I want to read that.” I completely understand where she was coming from. I was nervous picking it up, too. Knowing that phone usage is an issue, not only in culture but in my life, I started reading expecting Tony Reinke to share every reason we should not use technology. Even in the opening pages, I was surprised by the direction of the book and couldn’t put it down. It encouraged me, challenged me, and spurred me on. I’ll be rereading it again in 2020 and hope you read it, too! 

Risen Motherhood
by Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler 

Motherhood is hard, but there is hope. The hope of the Gospel ushers us into worship when up in the middle of the night with a sick child, or changing the tenth dirty diaper of the day. In Risen Motherhood, Laura and Emily walk us through how the Gospel applies to everyday life. It is easy to read and will transform the way you view motherhood! 

Untangling Emotions
by J. Alasdair Groves and Winston T. Smith 

I’ve always been what you would call “an emotional person.” In recent years, several emotions have become more dominant in my life, and these emotions shocked and scared me at first. When fear and anxiety began to grip my heart after the birth of my first child, shame covered me and I became confused at what is right and wrong to feel as a Christian. This book, written by two Christian counselors, helped me see the value of emotions (yes, all emotions) from a biblical perspective, and I cannot recommend it enough!

Refresh: Embracing a Grace-Paced Life in a World of Endless Demands
by Shona Murray

I’m all too familiar with the patterns and effects of burnout. Refresh was a simple read with very practical reminders of the daily rhythms we need in our lives to be “refreshed” in the Lord. If you are feeling weary, overwhelmed, and in over your head, this is a good book to work through individually or with a group of friends.

Adorning the Dark
by Andrew Peterson

A friend asked me to read this book with a group, even though I don’t listen to Andrew Peterson’s music that often. This book spoke straight to my soul in the best way, and I’m so glad I joined the group! Adorning the Dark is all about creativity, calling, making, and how to honor Christ in the process. I cannot recommend this book highly enough as it restored joy to my own heart and reminded me that everything we do can be done unto the Lord!

The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness
by Tim Keller

This book is short—you can read it in one sitting—but it resonates deeply. Keller challenges readers to the joy of true “gospel humility” that comes from shifting one’s gaze to Christ instead of filtering everything through the lens of self. This one may become an annual read for my spiritual journey!

Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands
by Paul David Tripp

This is like a counseling handbook for all Christians. Everyone gives counsel, whether to a friend over coffee, a sibling who calls to rant, or a coworker in the break room. This book provides a biblical framework for offering wise counsel to the people in our lives so we can be helpful instruments of the change God is working in the lives of his children.

The Storm-Tossed Family
by Russell Moore

I expected this to be a parenting book, but it has a much broader scope. The biblical wisdom Moore unpacks here applies to anyone in the family of God. He offers helpful perspective on really tough topics (like sex, divorce, and aging, to name a few) with a firm foundation in the truth of God’s Word. And I even laughed aloud a few times because his examples are so relatable!

Suffering is Never for Nothing
by Elisabeth Elliot 

I first read Through Gates of Splendor in middle school, and the story of Jim and Elisabeth Elliot profoundly impacted my life. Since then, I’ve listened to Elisabeth’s talks and read many of her books. Suffering is Never for Nothing released after Elisabeth’s death, and the words are timely, true, and tested. It’s a short read, but I couldn’t put it down. With a highlighter in hand, I made many notes to go back and review. God’s faithfulness and sovereignty are the threads of this book and will offer you hope and encouragement in your journey through life with Jesus!

Hinds Feet on High Places
by Hannah Hurnard 

This book is a classic that I have gone back to over and over to read. Hinds Feet on High Places is an inspiring allegory of the Christian life. The main character, Much Afraid, is much like you and me. You’ll see life through a new lens after reading this book, and will leave it savoring the goodness of our Great Shepherd, Jesus. 

by Kelly Needham 

In a world where friendship is either worshipped or avoided altogether, Friendish brings the truth of the Gospel to this important topic. Everyone is influenced by friendship, but are we being influenced in the right way? Kelly Needham looks at this topic from all angles, offering wisdom from Scripture, real-life examples, and a clear message of the Gospel. 

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.” –C.S. Lewis

We're giving away a copy of all ten books to TWO lucky readers on Instagram!

The Well-Watered Team

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Well-Watered Women Blog | Read a Mentor 2019 | Books we loved reading this year.

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  1. Happy New Year!! 😉

    Great list of books to read this year! One a month! Have a blessed week!

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