Read A Mentor: 2016-2017

December 14, 2016  - By Well-Watered Women

For years, I have read books by recent and older authors that have shaped my walk with Jesus. Having a mentor in my life has always been important in my spiritual growth, but there are several “mentors” that I have never met and will never meet. These people have mentored me through their writing and through their fervent love for Christ. Most people would define themselves as either an “avid reader” or “I never pick up a book non-existent reader.” I used to be the latter. But during college I began to pick up books out of my hunger to know God more, and ever since then I haven’t been able to stop reading. When I don’t read books, the fire in my heart starts to fizzle. There is a great stir of the fire in our hearts when we read other’s passions, lessons, and wisdom!

Here is my challenge for 2017:

First, commit to reading your Bible every single day. The Word of God is the most important thing that we should be filling our minds with every single day. Next, I want to challenge you, whether you love to read or (think) you don’t like to read, to pick up a book that will challenge your heart and awaken your mind.  Below are some books that I have wrestled through and recommend. I am also sharing books that our team has read and plans to read. I would love for you to comment below with other books you have read that have been instrumental in your own life as well! Always remember, though, that no book will ever replace the Word of God. We should never place the words of man over the inspired word of God. Rather, we should pick other books to read that will enhance our knowledge of the Word and encourage us daily to live in obedience to God’s calling. Books should make you hunger for God’s Word even more. That is my desire in the list that is below.

Grab that cup of coffee, a cozy blanket, and pick up a book.

You will be amazed the things God teaches you through the obedience of reading.

Gretchen’s 2016 Books 

  • What’s Best Next by Matt Perman* – I highly recommend this book for learning more about productivity in light of the gospel!
  • None Like Him by Jen Wilkin* – This book has challenged me to pause, take a step back, and just praise, admire, and worship the Lord!
  • Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin – If you are looking to learn how to study your Bible and have a quiet time, this is the book I constantly recommend!
  • Get Out of That Pit by Beth Moore – I picked this book up at book store during a hard season this past year and was grateful for the wisdom Beth Moore reveals as she walks the reader through Psalm 40.
  • Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas – This was an excellent book on marriage!
  • Steadfast Love by Lauren Chandler – I loved reading Lauren’s story and was blessed by her passion and love for the Word!
  • Missional Motherhood by Gloria Furman – This book is not what you would expect for a book on motherhood. It will take you deeper into the Word and give you a broader perspective on how Christ impacts motherhood and how our mission is to make disciples. Even if you don’t have a biological child, you are still a mother to women in the faith and this book will encourage and challenge you! 
  • Preaching by Calvin Miller – This may seem like a random book to read! It was accidentally purchased on my kindle last year and I love Calvin Miller. I decided to read through it and learned so much wisdom on how to be a more effective writer and teacher of the Word!
  • Don’t Follow Your Heart by Jon Bloom*
  • My Name is Hope by John Mark Comer – This year I went through a season of anxiety and depression that hit like a whirlwind! My friend, Val, recommended this book to me during this time and the Lord used it to heal my heart in many ways!
  • When the Darkness Will Not Lift by John Piper – Another great book speaking gospel truth into depression and anxiety in the life of the believer, always looking to Christ as the answer!
  • Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret by Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor – I try to read one biography a year and was so encouraged and challenged by the life of Hudson Taylor!
  • Let Me Be A Woman by Elisabeth Elliot – I wish I had read this book before getting married! I am always blessed by the wisdom of Elisabeth Elliot. This book is included in our giveaway that you will find below. 
  • Who Am I? Identity in Christ by Jerry Bridges – I read this book on my kindle and have often gone back through the highlights. Jerry Bridges shares poignantly about the believers identity in Christ!
  • Wild and Free by Jess Connolly and Hayley Morgan – I am so blessed by these two women of God and know you will be, too!
  • Hope Heals by Jay and Katherine Wolf – Once I started this book I couldn’t put it down! Wow. That is all I have to say. You need to read this!

* indicates that I am still reading these but almost finished! 

Below are a few books I plan to read in 2017:

Rachael’s Books:

Amelia’s Books:

Plan to Read:

Whitney’s Books:

Plan to Read:

Erin’s Books:

Ready? Let’s be women who are faithful to read the Word and to read books that will stir our affections for Christ! What books will you be reading? What books have made an impact on your walk with the Lord? We would love to hear below!

Read past “Read A Mentor” posts here:

Read A Mentor Giveaway!

We want to encourage you to read words that stir your affections for Christ in 2017 and are giving away some of our favorite books along with a Give Me Jesus Journal and pen! Find the entry details below. Giveaway ends Monday night at 9 PM EST!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hello, World!

reading to know Jesus more,

Gretchen + the LLB Team

**This post contains Amazon affiliate links that support the ministry of Life Lived Beautifully! We are grateful for your support and pray that these books encourage you to walk with Jesus!

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  1. says:

    I’m not really sure how to enter the give away but the books that I am going to read in 2017 are:

    Woman of the Word
    When darkness will not lift &
    My name is hope.

    The book my name is hope is actually a book my really good friend suggested to me because John Mark Comer used to be her pastor when she was attending his church and she said he is a great preacher/speaker.

    One book I recommend is

    Wait and See by Wendy Pope
    It has helped me a LOT during this season in my life and helps you to wait in the pauses of your walk with God and allow Him to work in you and shape you. It is really in depth and also has you engage at the end of every chapter with digging deeper into a psalm and the life of King David.

  2. Anna says:

    I love anything by Elisabeth Elliot!

  3. Heather says:

    I loved the best yes!

  4. says:

    Hello my name is Alondra! One of the books I’ve read and has been very infuelntial is Kiss from Katie! They way she lives her live and still does amazes me! I don’t want to live comfortable. Maybe I’m not across the world serving the hungry or teaching those that don’t have an education, but I can be a missionary here in my home town loving and sharing Christ to the people around me. My favorite qoute from her book. "It may take place in a foreign land or it may take place in your backyard, but I believe that we were each created to change the world for someone. To serve someone. To love someone the way Christ first loved us, to spread His light." πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’— AMEN!

  5. says:

    I’m going to read Nothing to prove, Univited, Present Over Perfect and Shepherding a woman’s heart. Can’t wait! Thanks for spurring us on.

  6. Sarah G says:

    My favourite book this year has been Present over Perfect by Shauna Niequest.

  7. Charity says:

    My favorite book is "One Thousand Gifts". It’s a life changing book!

  8. says:

    My favorite book that I have read recently is The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller. It has been so wonderful in a hard season! I would recommend it to anyone single, engaged, or married. So good. Next up on my list is Prayer, also by Timothy Keller. A series that I have loved for a long time is the Christy Miller series by Robin Jones Gunn. Mrs. Gunn just released a new book last month (Christy and Todd: the Baby Years) and it is so good. It is definitely a light, easy, and encouraging read. πŸ™‚

  9. Jenny Herndon says:

    One of my favorite books is Captivating by Stasi Eldredge.

  10. says:

    My favorite book I read recently is Captivating by John and Staci Elderidge! SUCH a good read about womanhood! πŸ™‚

  11. Erin says:

    Sacred Marriage and Sacred Parenting have both been very influential! Thank you for this list! I will definitely be referring back to it!

  12. says:

    My favorite book at the moment which I just started reading is Grace not Perfection by Emily Ley!

  13. Currently finishing up Simply Tuesday by Emily P. Freeman and it is wonderful. Wait and See by Wendy Pope was another great read for me this year.

    • Janelle says:

      Yes! Wait and See was so good! I took my time reading through it so I could give the Bible study portions the time they deserved!

  14. Laura says:

    I love the book The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst.

  15. Katie Foy says:

    I LOVE Elizabeth Elliott! β™‘β™‘ Let me be a woman has changed my life! LOVE THIS GIVEAWAY

  16. Anna says:

    I have so many favorite books it is hard to pick only one haha. Let Me Be a Women by Elisabeth Elliot has been a very influential book in the last fews years!

  17. Elizabeth says:

    One of my favorite books is Passion and Purity by Elizabeth Elliot

  18. says:

    My favorite book I’ve read this year is Loveology by John Mark Comer!

  19. a book that has been influential in your life is "A Woman Who Reflects the Heart of Jesus" by Elizabeth George!!

  20. Ashley says:


  21. Christine J says:

    Some books that have encouraged me in my Christian walk are Crazy Love, Love Does, and 1000 Gifts. -Christine J.

  22. send an encouraging message:
    There is an older lady that I love to send encouraging messages to and she does the same for me!

  23. Bethany D says:

    I am currently reading A Passion for the Impossible: the life of Lilias Trotter by Miriam Huffman Rockness. I love reading different stories of missionary women and had not heard of her until this past summer when a friend was reading this book. I picked it up and have loved her story of having a a great, comfortable, privileged life back home, but wanted to go share the gospel and her life for Jesus Christ! Lilies Trotter has become another one of my mentors that I learn from and see the way she lived her life for the sake of the gospel.

  24. says:

    None Like Him was such an easy but impacting read! Loved it. Also loved Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung, and Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full by Gloria Furman.

  25. Hayley Holland says:

    I loved reading Uninvited by Lysa TerKeurst! Also loved Garden City by John Mark Comer!

  26. Sara says:

    I Ann currently reading "intimacy with Christ" by Jeanne Guyon. But a book I teddy at least Trevor a year is "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom….it has gotten me through some very very rough times. After my brother passed away it encouraged me to really just go deeper in my walk with the Lord!

  27. Sara says:

    I read the hiding place at least once a year.

  28. Sara says:

    Send an encouraging message. I love to encourage people you never know what a simple text or just simply talking to someone in the store will do. We have the power to influence people’s day.

  29. Alison says:

    What a fabulous list of books! This is so encouraging. Thanks for the ideas!!

  30. Staci says:

    I absolutely love this! C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity and Elisabeth Elliot’s Passion and Purity are my recent reads. I cannot wait to dive into Elisabeth Elliot’s Let Me Be A Woman from your recommendations!!

  31. says:

    This is such a great list of books, both in the blog post and the comments! One of the favorites books that I’ve read in the past year is "Praying the Bible" by Donald Whitney. It has been so instrumental in strengthening my prayer life!

  32. Michaela Judge says:

    Francis Chan’s book Crazy Love was really amazing and an easy ready! Thank you for the amazing recommendations!

  33. amanda says:

    I love the book, Ragamuffin Gospel, by Brennan Manning. πŸ™‚ I read it at least once a year. Such a good reminder of God’s grace for my needy soul.

  34. says:

    Oops! maybe you need my email to confirm for the giveaway, the Ragamuffin Gospel book is my entry.

  35. Michelle says:

    One of my favorites this year was Hinds’ Feet on High Places. I also enjoyed Present Over Perfect, Simply Tuesday, and am currently reading Uninvited. Women of the Word is on my list of books to read next. Thank you for the wonderful recommendations!

  36. says:

    I just finished Uninvited by Lysa Terkheurst, and she like always has so much wisdom packed into her books. It was a great book! One of my recent favorites!

  37. Laura says:

    I read and am reading (because I just want to re-read every page) Ruthless Trust by Brennan Manning.

  38. Sarah Harper says:

    Passion and Purity!

  39. Natalie Eskew says:

    Famous in Heaven and at Home by Michelle Myers

  40. Janelle says:

    Books I’ve read (and recommend!):
    Anything by Jennie Allen
    Wild and Free by Jess Connolly and Hayley Morgan
    Gilead by Marilynne Robinson (fiction)
    Wait and See by Wendy Pope
    The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom (re-read)
    None Like Him by Jen Wilkin
    Looking for Lovely by Annie Downs
    Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of our Everyday Lives by Gretchen Rubin
    Loving My Actual Life by Alexandra Kuykendall
    Seasons of Waiting by Betsy Childs Howard

    Want to read:
    Kisses from Katie
    The Reason for God by Tim Keller
    When People are Big and God is Small by Edward Welch (sitting on my bookshelf!)
    Women in the Word by Jen Wilkin (also sitting on my shelf!)
    Talking as Fast as I Can by Lauren Graham (big Gilmore girls fan!)
    Lila by Marilynne Robinson (I’m currently reading "Home," the second book in the "Gilead" series)
    Nothing to Prove by Jennie Allen (coming soon!)
    This Life I Live by Rory Feek (coming soon!)
    And many more!

  41. says:

    How to choose one favorite book!? Lol! A few favorites are A Severe Mercy, Hinds Feet on High Places, A Praying Life and A Loving Life by Paul Miller, and The King’s Cross by Timothy Keller.

  42. Becca Mason says:

    Making Room by Christine Pohl was a huge influence on how I think about hospitality!

  43. One of my favorite books that I read this year is Unashamed by Christine Caine! πŸ™‚

  44. Rachel says:

    Some of the greatest books that had an impact on me are Eyes Wide Open, Till We Have Faces, Set Apart Femininity, and the Valley of Vision

  45. Rosemary says:

    "Restless" by Jennie Allen has been so influential in my life this year. I’ve learned so much from it and have seen other women benefit from her great insights and wisdom, too.

  46. says:

    One of my favorite books this year was Simply Tuesday by Emily Freeman. I just texted one of my friends an encouraging word and prayer! Do yall ever text prayers? I just text it out just as i would pray over that person!! My friend is really going through a rough time and just text praying over her really encouraged her in the Lord!

  47. says:

    Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World was one of my favorites from this past year!

  48. says:

    This year I read : uninvited by Lyra Terkeurst, beauty for ashes by Joyce Meyer, unbroken cures, and He came to set the captives free by Rebecca Brown… Mind you I have others I have read but these are the ones that really stirred my heart this year.. I plan on reading the rest of Rebecca Brown books which I believe are two more. I started one called prepare for war but failed to finish want to pick it back up and start it over again.

  49. clouds by robin jones gunn

  50. says:

    Uninvited by Lysa Terkeurst! πŸ™‚

  51. April says:

    I have really been challenged by Rebekah Lyons new book You Are Free. I was chosen to be on the launch team and SERIOUSLY. A God intervention. Its everything he’s been teaching me in 2016 put into someone else’s eloquent words!!

  52. says:

    I’ve been blessed this year by some books by Elizabeth George – ‘Loving God with All Your Mind’ especially πŸ™‚

  53. Currently reading "The Scars that Have Shaped Me" by Vaneetha Rendall… super encouraging on the topic of suffering.

  54. Meg says:

    One of the books that has been influential in my life is called "Your Future Other Half" by Rebecca VanDoodeward. A friend let me borrow it when I was thirteen or fourteen, and it was soo good!! (It was just about saving yourself for your future mate, and what you need to be looking for in them- but again, it was good!)

  55. Caren Martin says:

    None Like Him by Jen Wilkin

  56. Lauren says:

    My favorite book of all time is Kisses From Katie, which I know has been shared on here before! I admire her sacrifices so much. This book awakened such a deep passion in me that I didn’t fully know was there – so I read it every year!

  57. Joy Caine says:

    Tim Keller’s Prayer

  58. Brittany says:

    One of my favorite books I’ve read this year is, "She Reads Truth" by Raechel Myers and Amanda Bible Williams.

  59. Krysta says:

    I’m not sure if I could ever pick a favorite, but one that sticks with me over time and comes to mind often is "Facing Your Giants" by Max Lucado.

  60. Jessica says:

    Created For Commitment by A. Wetherell Johnson
    This is the story of the life of the gal that started Bible Study Fellowship. So good and so inspirational.

  61. Rayah Rose says:

    Missional Motherhood. I love that it speaks to the mother in all of us and God doesn’t require you to have children of your own to be a missional mother.

  62. says:

    The excellent wife by Martha peace. Game changer for me when I was first married!

  63. Michelle says:

    So hard to just pick one! Love Does, One Thousand Gifts and Finding God at the Kitchen Sink have all had a significant impact on my life.

  64. says:

    The Set Apart Woman by Leslie Ludy is one I turn to time after time. πŸ™‚

  65. says:

    I read present over perfect and Wild and free those have been great books. I put most of the recommended ones on my list for this year! I would love to give Elisabeth Elliots book Let Me Be A Woman to my daughter before she marries this coming Summer. Thank you LLB team for such a generous giveaway!

  66. Tracy says:

    Sent my friend a note and bringing dinner today because she has surgery this week:)

  67. Chanel Williams says:

    Crazy Love!

  68. Brooke says:

    The Shapping of A Christian Family by Elisabeth Elliot has been wonderful! But I have so many favorites! I also enjoyed The Life Giving Home by Sally Clarkson πŸ’•

  69. says:

    I love way to many books, but favorite would be life of the beloved by Henri nouwen.

  70. Victoria says:

    Man’s search for meaning, Viktor Frankl had an impact in me.

  71. Don’t Waste Your Life – John Piper, Keep A Quiet Heart – Elisabeth Elliot, and Calm My Anxious Heart – Linda Dillow,

  72. Melissa says:

    I finish a lot of books every year as my goal is to read a chapter a day. My favorite book as of now is Uninvited by Lysa Terkeurst.

  73. Kristin Brandon says:

    It is actually a Bible study, but "The Armor of God" by Pricilla Shirer has been very impactful on my life! I love it!

  74. says:

    No other gods by Kelly Minter is a powerful bible study.

  75. says:

    I loved Disciplines of a Godly Woman by Barbara Hughes!

  76. says:

    One of my favorites is Across All Worlds: Jesus Inside Our Darkness by C. Baxter Kruger!

  77. danie_penn@yahoo.con says:

    I love the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. So great for friendships and relationships!:)

  78. Mary Ann Veazey says:

    I really enjoyed "Desiring God" and "When I don’t desire God" by John Piper. Both were read during seasons where I had questions or depression and [God] was so merciful and gracious to my heart in Piper’s words.

  79. says:

    My favorite book so far is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. If you haven’t read this, I highly encourage you to read it!

  80. Kinna says:

    Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World has been the most eye opening book I’ve read in 2016. Troy and Dave are hilarious, and so in tune to what it means to live life to the fullest.

  81. Lara Casey’s Make it Happen!

  82. My recent favorite is Fervent by Priscilla Shirer! And I texted a friend who is in a tough time some encouragement! Thanks for the reminder to encourage others!

  83. says:

    Praying Backwards by Bryan Chapell

  84. Kandis says:

    Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot
    Grace For the Good Girl by Emily Freeman
    On the Other Side of the Garden by Virginia Fugate

  85. says:

    A few of my favorite books from this last year….
    1) Sacred Search by Gary Thomas —- best book I ever read for those waiting to meet the right person, those dating, and even I think those married. Such great insights and advice! Keeping God as center always!

    2)Therese, Faustina, Bernadette by Elizabeth Ficocelli — great book to see how saints can teach us so much and relay so much to our lives

    3) All the Light we cannot See by Anthony Doerr. Such a great book! Couldn’t put it down. Shows that everyone has a little bit of goodness in them no matter how bad they may seem.

    4) These Beautiful Bones by Emily Stimpson. Really explains how the body is such an expression of love in all we do…. even work, family, etc.

    5) 365 moments of peace for a woman’s heart. Such a good daily devotional!! Read it two years straight I loved it so much!!!

  86. says:

    Jesus calling

  87. Mary-RealGirlsRealm says:

    I love Curious Faith by Logan Wolfram

  88. I agree that "Hope Heals" is an amazing book! If you aren’t sure if you want to read it, check out this description on my blog–
    A book that I recommend this time of year is Ann Voskamp’s "Unwrapping the Greatest Gift". It is written for families to read leading up to Christmas. It has beautiful full color illustrations and easy to read stories that can teach kids, but I also find it very enlightening and encouraging. I also recommend books by Christine Caine. She is such an inspiration! If you can only read 1 of her books, the BEST is "Unashamed"!! It will open your eyes to the shame in your life, AND help you get rid of it!

  89. says:

    Currently reading "Falling Free" by Shannan Martin. So much there I’m reading & re-reading.
    Also read "Soul Survivor" this past year by Phillip Yancey.

  90. Rachel Stevens says:

    Sent out three encouragement texts today! Pointing one another to Christ sure helps us keep the proper focus through our day!! Thanks for all your words of encouragement!

  91. Grace Blomberg says:

    I love anything by Priscilla Shirer or Beth Moore. One of my current favorites is "Unglued" by Lysa TerKuerst!

  92. Really loved Heart Made Whole by Christa Black Gifford.

  93. Mary-Faith says:

    One of my favorites from this year was Uninvited by Lys TerKeurst. So good!

  94. Daysha Albrecht says:

    Crazy Love by Francis Chan

  95. says:

    Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis has opened an amazing dialogue between a non-believing friend and myself and it has been so great to share who God is and how they too are loved by Him!

  96. says:

    Uninvited By Lysa TerKeurst

  97. Danielle Langley says:

    Favorite book and you may not of heard of it but it’s called "If I Perish I Perish"
    Amazing story.

  98. Danielle says:

    Also encouraged a friend of mine who is single and struggling. Through text and a phone call. Though we do hang out often. As well as a friend struggling with infertility.

  99. Lia Thomassian says:

    Christian Heroes Then and Now Gladys Aylward–such an encouraging and insipring read! -Lia Thomassian

  100. Lia Thomassian says:

    Sent a text message to a friend to encourage her to stay in God’s Word daily for strength and refreshment!

  101. Britt D says:

    I have many favourites, but one I really enjoyed recently was ‘Surprised by Oxford’, written by Carolyn Weber.

  102. Elayna Baggett says:

    Love Idol by Jennifer Lee and Radical by David Platt are two books that have been impactful on my life recently!

  103. Elizabeth says:

    Give Them Grace by Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson

  104. LaKeta says:

    Radical by David Platt and Anything by Jennie Allen

  105. M.M. says:

    Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
    Proverbs 31 study (from llb)

  106. says:

    One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp and all of Francis Chan’s books!

  107. Making Things Happen by Lara Casey is one of my recent favorites, but I have SO MANY!! Love this list!

  108. says:

    Missional Motherhood is a book that really challenged me this year.

  109. says:

    Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren changed my life!

  110. Lauren K. says:

    Without Rival – Lisa Bevere

  111. says:

    Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne. This book changed my perspective on how I live out my faith. I 1st read it in 2005, and read it at least once a year as a reminder.

  112. says:

    I just finished reading The Divine Dance by Shannon Kubiak Primicerio and loved it! I took so many notes from it, and have referred back to it many times since finishing it.

  113. says:

    Just sent a text to a dear friend I have known for around ten years encouraging her about her final exams!

  114. says:

    I am currently reading Uninvited by Lysa Terkeurst….would recommend this book! Many great things in it!

  115. Corrie Ten Boom’s, "The Hiding Place," hands down. Totally changed my life: God used it to free me from a lifetime of fear, to inspire me to memorize as much of God’s Word as I can, because you never know when you won’t have access to it!!

  116. Kelly says:

    I am not but I know I am by Louie giglio and in a pit with a lion on a snowy day by Mark Batterson have both been very impactful to he me

  117. says:

    I just finished "Women Living Well". Talks about four important areas in a woman’s life – quiet time with the Lord, her marriage, her kids, and her homemaking – and how the Lord should be the number priority in each area. Loved it!

    Also just sent a text to a friend after our mom time together telling her 1) about "Women Living Well" and 2) how thankful I am for her as a friend and a sister in Christ as well!

  118. Kristin says:

    A friend recommended 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp to me this year, and it completely changed my perspective on God’s love and helped me find joy every day. So this advent I gave her a copy of The Greatest Gift (by the same author) and bought one for myself too. I love exploring the roots of God’s love and sharing it with a friend!

    Also, just sent an encouraging text to a friend.

  119. says:

    One of my fav books in the last decade was "Kisses from Katie" By Katie Davis which is an autobiography of a section of her life as a teenager & young 20s woman from TN in recent years going to Uganda following God. It’s so much more than it sounds, but I loved reading her experience. (& sorry for the spoiler, but she starts a ministry too! So love seeing her live out her faith when so many would have stayed in the American dream)

    A deeper book that permanently impacted my life 20 years ago is Prayer by Richard Foster. It took me quite awhile to read because I would read a section and pray like he was talking about for that part. It really opened my eyes to more.

  120. says:

    One book I always recommend is Stepping Heavenward by Mrs. E. Prentiss. It is fiction but fiction rooted in truth and such a powerful little book. I read Jerry Bridges The Pursuit of Holiness this year. Great book! I love bios.. A Chance to Die by Elisabeth Eliot is a wonderful look at Amy Carmichael. Bruchko by Bruce Olsen isn’t well known but WOW! My to do list is too long to ever complete and keeps growing every day!

  121. Heidi says:

    Rising strong – brene brown

  122. Jackie says:

    I’ve recently finished Looking for Lovely and completed the bible study. Annie F Downs writes so honestly and beautifully about grace and perseverance. I’m recommending it to all of my friends!

  123. says:

    My favorite book is Redeeming love, but I also really like Capitivating! I’d like to read Uninvited next!

  124. says:

    There were so many books this year that I didn’t want to put down! Here’s my top 5.

    Praying the Bible by Donald Whitney
    Jesus the King-Timothy Keller
    Encounters with Jesus-Timothy Keller
    Jesus on every Page-David Murray
    Charis-Preston Sprinkle

    I love that there are so many options out there to find inspiration and excitement!

  125. Jessy | The Artsy Cajun says:

    I am loving Beth Moore lately! The latest was more of a bible study, The Patriarchs and it was amazing! I generally rush through Genesis, but Beth Moore showed me so much that I just missed!

  126. Sherin Ann Jacob says:

    Grace based parenting – Tim Kimmel
    Dare to Discipline – Dr. James Dobson
    The 5 love languages – Gary Chapman

  127. says:

    Still reading it but Ann Voskamp’s new book The Broken Way….absolutely amazing.

  128. says:

    Reading Passion & Purity by Elisabeth Elliot was one of the sweetest times of this year. Really enjoyed it.

  129. Meg says:

    Let Me Be A Woman by Elisabeth Elliot!!! <3 <3

  130. says:

    Every once in awhile I have to have some fiction in my life, so I turn to Karen Kingsbury! Right now I’m reading The Chance. I love her as an author and how she can turn even the darkest moments into one of God’s Grace.

    • says:

      Also sent a daily encouraging texts to two long distance friends. Thank you for these giveaway "challenges". It’s been really great being intential with my friends!

  131. says:

    Everyone should look up Sally Clarkson’s books, I have read almost every one and they are all excellent!

  132. Meg says:

    Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis!!!

  133. says:

    I have a daily devotional titled "Spiritual Refreshment for Women" for just a quick time in the Word! It’s great because it’s for morning and evening. And I was reading Proverbs 14:1 today and sent it to my sister for a daily encouragement that we as mothers and homemakers really do make a difference in our household!

  134. The Prodigal God and The Reason for God by Tim Keller; Mere Christianity and The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis!

  135. Morgan Fine says:

    Beautiful Outlaw by John Eldredge!! Can’t recommend this book enough! It changed and turned my heart towards Jesus more than any other book has (besides the Bible of course haha) and I found myself developing such a deeper affection for Him through John’s words πŸ™‚

  136. says:

    The Path of Loneliness by Elisabeth Elliot. Highly highly recommend. And also A Path Through Suffering, also by EE. An excellent inspiring read is also 7 Women, by Eric Metaxas. I’m not done reading through all those short biographies yet but the ones I have read are so so good!

  137. Meg says:

    Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot!!

  138. Sarah says:

    Live Life On Purpose by Claude Hickman

  139. says:

    Haven’t started it yet but I have the book "Give Them Grace". That’s my main prayer everyday is to give my child grace just like Jesus gives me grace everyday! So excited to start it!

    And sent a text to a friend 4,000 miles away. No matter how often we talk we always pick up right where we left off last convo. She lives life to the fullest and I just wanted to encourage her to keep that up!

  140. Abbey says:

    Glimpses of Grace: Treasuring the Gospel in your Home” by Gloria Furman

  141. Meg says:

    When Dreams Come True by Eric and Leslie Ludy

  142. Currently loving "Not A Fan!"

  143. My favorite book is "Power Of A Praying Wife"—- love this book! I try to pray daily for my husband using it as my guide! <3

  144. I sent my friend Alyssa (and her mom Marlene) some love and encouragement through a text. Today they decide what the next step is for Alyssa’s little baby who is due in April. He’s got a heart defect and none of the hospitals will do surgery now because he only has a 5% chance of making it. I let them know that I am lifting them up and praying for wisdom, guidance, peace, and strength. <3

  145. says:

    I have been daily encouraging my sisters in the Word and through ministry and fellowship.

    My favorite book I read this year was Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot. It ministered to me on so many levels and it was such a sweet time…

  146. ES says:

    My favorite book lately has been "Desperate – Hope for moms that need to breathe!

  147. Jane Ashley White says:

    My favorite book this year was For the Love by Jen Hatmaker!

  148. Britney says:

    Love all Elizabeth Elliott’s books!!

  149. says:

    The Pursuit of Holiness Jerry Bridges

  150. says:

    Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian. My fav couple book is The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller and his wife Kathy Keller.It is great for newly married, long time married(like us) and also couples thinkng about getting married.

  151. Maria says:

    One of my favorite books is Fervent by Priscilla Shirer

  152. says:

    I love Graceful (For Young Women): Letting Go of Your Try-Hard Life by Emily P. Freeman!!

    I texted my friend Morgan who is going through a tough time with her parents and let her know that I love her! πŸ™‚

  153. Katie says:

    Really enjoyed "Present Over Perfect" this year!

  154. says:

    When I first got married I read "Power of a Praying Wife" and loved it. I could probably read it again! I have plans on reading "Uninvited" and "Present over Perfect".

    Also sent a group text to my other mama friends. This giveaway has been the best at connecting and encouraging all the women that are important to me. Thank you again!

  155. Jenna says:

    My favorite book this season has been "Uninvited". It’s a beautiful read for a broken, abandoned heart.

  156. Sarah says:

    Have really been impacted by ‘Redeeming Love,’ and several others by Francine Rivers. Also love ‘Hinds Feet on High Places,’ by Hannah Hurnard.

  157. says:

    Have really been impacted by ‘Redeeming Love,’ and several others by Francine Rivers. Also love ‘Hinds Feet on High Places,’ by Hannah Hurnard.

  158. says:

    Two more books I just remembered that I really enjoyed reading and learned from…
    "Praying for Strangers" by River Jordan. It really showed how much something so simple and so small could impact/mean to others and change one’a life!
    Also, "Take me with you" by Catherine Ryan Hyde. It also showed the impact of one person on someone’s life… and the importance of relationships in ones life.

    I’m so excited to see who wins these awesome books! πŸ™‚ Merry Christmas!

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