Lies, Identity and Chasing Jesus

June 20, 2017  - By Capri Gandy

This post was written by Capri Gandy. You can read more about Capri at the end of the post!

Hey everyone!! It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog! I’ve honestly been pretty busy, but also I’ve been taking some time off to spend more one on one time with Jesus. I got to the point where I didn’t know what to write about next. When I blog, I like to write about whatever God is teaching me at the moment, and what is on my heart. During this little break from blogging, I’ve been learning a lot and just working on myself more. I’d like to share with you a few things I have been learning the past few months!

  1. Don’t believe Satan’s lies.
    I will admit, I was believing Satan’s lies. His lies crept into my life. I feel like this is big for us girls, because being a girl can be hard, am I right ladies? I was believing I wasn’t good enough, I would look in the mirror and not like what I saw, and I was just mad at myself. I was mentally tired because I had a battle going on in my head. Satan kept telling me lies about myself and it made me doubt Gods love towards me, and it made me really not like myself. I then had to put my foot down and remind myself who I am. I had to tell Satan that he has no control over my life. I’m just so thankful that I did not have to fight that battle. Jesus was fighting that battle for me. I reminded myself that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, I am loved by a King, and Jesus chose death to be with me. When you think badly of yourself, you are basically saying that God messed up when He created you. And He does not mess up. His creation is perfect. If you are believing Satan’s lies like I did, go to the One who created you. He is the One who is control over your life, not Satan. He created you and made you perfect in His eyes. Believe Gods truth not Satan’s lies. 
  2. Put your identity in Jesus.
    I found myself putting my identity in so many things, such as; friends, social media, money, boys, ext. The main thing I was putting my identity in was people. I believed whatever people said about me, good or bad. I was so caught up in pleasing others and wanting attention, and taking to heart whatever was said about me. I cared way too much what people thought or said about me. I had to say um hold on Capri, these people are not your identity. Stop caring what people think about you. You can’t please everyone you meet. I had to give up the fact that not everyone is going to like me. Something I learned is, you should base your life and identity on Jesus because you won’t always have money, or your career, or your friends, or your looks, but you’ll always have Jesus. “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” We all need to start believing in what Jesus says about us and not what others think. Don’t let what others say about become your identity. Only what Jesus says about you is true. Jesus says you’re loved, you’re pure, you’re beautiful, and so so much more! 
  3. Am I who the person I am looking for is looking for?
    Alright, this is the big thing I’ve been learning this year. Around February I made a year commitment to not date and to focus more on God. I recently just ended it because…I have never dated. I don’t want to miss out on an opportunity if I have one, and I don’t need a break off of dating because that’s never been a problem for me.What has been a problem is, I’ve been disappointed  because I haven’t been in a relationship yet. I see all these couples on social media and get jealous and want that. I’ve been asking myself why is that not me yet? I’ve been in a relationship series in my small group and something we’ve been talking about is, becoming the person who you’re looking for is looking for. Then it hit me.

    Maybe the reason why God hasn’t put me in a relationship yet or given me “the one I want” is because I haven’t made Him “the one”.

    I realized I’ve been so focused on myself and focused on who likes me or not, when I’m not making Jesus # 1. I need to put away the idols and things that are taking my eyes off of Jesus. And before I get into a relationship with anyone, I need to work on myself. I need to become the person who I am looking for is looking for. I need to stop focusing on when I’m going to get a boyfriend and let God be in control of that area, and spend this time of singleness getting to know Him so much more.

I am definitely not a perfect person, and this is why I wanted to share all of these things with you, because I do not have it all together. I mess up and fail everyday, but that doesn’t mean I stay down. I have to get back up and admit to Jesus that I am a sinner and need Him. What is so awesome is that through all the mess of my life, God has made me blameless in His eyes. There is nothing that will separate me from His love. Now, just because God is grace and loves us no matter what, doesn’t mean we should abuse His grace and just sin all the time knowing that God will forgive. Yes we are going to mess up and sin, but we shouldn’t just do wrong because God is a gracious God. Strive to do what’s right even when everyone is doing wrong. Strive to become more and more like Jesus. When you mess up, don’t stay down, get up and live your life for Jesus!

I hope this encouraged you as much as it did to me! Also, if you have anything particular that you would like for me to talk about, I will be more than happy to! I hope everyone has a great week!

Love, Capri

Hello lovely people, I’m Capri Gandy! I’m a 19 year old college girl, who loves coffee and Jesus! My story might be similar to some of yours, or it may not. I was born and raised in a Christian home, brought up in church, and went to a christian school my whole life. I got saved at a pretty young age. I always knew who God was, but it wasn’t till I was six when I decided that I want to follow Him and accept Him into my heart. I used to not like telling my testimony because I thought it was boring and not as exciting as others. But I am proud of my testimony now, because it is mine. I never did anything horrible before I got saved, I was six! But I realized that God saved me from that kind of life. Several years later, I went to camp with my youth group. At this time my relationship with Jesus wasn’t all that great. That week I rededicated my life to Christ and surrendered my life to missions. Right now I go to a community college in Florida, I work at a day care at the school I grew up and graduated from, I started a blog with my friend Lindsey Simpson, and I’m going on a missions trip to Haiti this summer for the second time! I can say that God has been doing big things in my life and I know He will continue to do big things. I can’t say I’ve got it all together, but I do believe in the One who has it all together. I’m so thankful for Life Lived Beautifully, for letting me share my blog and a little bit about myself! I love what they do, and love their hearts for people and Jesus! I hope you’re encouraged by my blog. If you would like to read more of my blogs check out          

– Capri Gandy  

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  1. Thanks for sharing Capri and being vulnerable with what you were going through! 💛

    I loved how you shared about how easy it is to place your identity in so many wrong things such as friends, social media, money and the opinions of others. I can definitely relate to a lot of things that you’ve said!

    It can be super easy to let the fickle opinions of the world sway our beliefs when the only opinion we should build our identity upon is the one of our firm, steady and never-changing Father.

    One thing I learned while in college (which was a few years ago now!) is that we are not enough, but we are made enough through Christ alone…

    So we weren’t created to simply be enough for this world.

    In fact, we weren’t ever created for this world. We were created to laugh and smile with joy as we walk through life together with the Lord and to praise Him for His love and perfection 💕

  2. Ann Diamond says:

    Hi Capri, What a wonderful blog! You have inspired this older lady to really concentrate more on what Jesus thinks of us and not what the worlds
    influence says. I’m doing a mentorship on identity in Christ with another lady, and this is the topic for this month. May you be blessed in all you do!
    Ann D.

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