Well - Watered



On a day filled to the brim with endless work and home tasks, I furrow my brow as I rummage through my desk drawer. Where are all my pens? I don’t want to slow down. There’s too much to do! I let out a heavy sigh. Under a neon orange sticky note, I find a […]

Black trash bags laid piled in the driveway—all my belongings, in a heap on the ground. I fought back tears as I walked inside. My unwanted presence buzzed over my head like a housefly. By sixteen, I had been tossed about from home to home, this being one of seven. No one seemed to want […]

[This article is an excerpt from chapter 11 of The Well-Watered Woman. Today, April 6, marks two years since the launch of the book, and to celebrate God’s faithfulness, all things The Well-Watered Woman are on sale this week! Shop the Book Anniversary Collection in the Well-Watered Co.]    After my first panic attack, I […]

I sat on the edge of my seat, listening to the youth conference speaker describe the new Christian life. The night before, while the band played an emotional song about trusting Jesus, the speaker had invited students to come forward to “give their lives to Jesus.” This morning, in a room full of sweaty teens […]

This article is part of the Preach the Gospel to Yourself Series. We know that phrases like “preach the gospel to yourself” are used so frequently in Christian circles that they can become Christian gobbly gook. You kind of get what it means, but don’t know how to actually do it. This series offers specific […]

This article is part of our series on broken wells. In Gretchen’s new book, The Well-Watered Woman, chapter 5 is about “Forsaking Broken Wells.” We long for the living water that Jesus offers (John 4:10) but too often settle for empty wells and broken cisterns (Jer. 2:11-13). Gretchen explains, “We spend a lot of our […]

I was scrolling through Instagram the other day, mindlessly perusing. Suddenly, this adorable girl posted this insanely cute sweater that I really liked. As I paused to read her caption, I was immediately overwhelmed by a need to buy the sweater. Never mind that I have dozens of warm, cute, well-fitting sweaters in my closet. […]

“So, When Are You Going to Have Kids?” Someone asked me about kids at my wedding reception. Let that sink in. I’ve been asked a variation of this question at least once a month for the past eight years. I wish I was exaggerating, but if you’ve been married any length of time and find […]

Seeing the Value of Women in God’s Word When you aren’t sure what to do in life, do you ever open the Bible searching for a specific story or moral lesson you can apply? Many of us read the Bible this way, especially when we face challenging or unknown circumstances. But the Bible is not […]

A Time to Refrain When I was growing up, my parents were big fans of road trips. We’d all pile into the station wagon, the van, or the red Ford Fiesta. I come from a large and tactile family; we could rarely keep our hands to ourselves. When things got out of hand, playfully or […]


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