Well - Watered



Girls’ Night Surprise Recently, I was hosting a sweet friend of mine for dinner. My husband was out of town, and I was looking forward to utilizing the time for a relaxing “girls’ night in.” I was planning to make tacos for our dinner together, and I had pre-planned the menu earlier in the week […]

Think Before You Speak My thumb hovered over the Reply button. I had been watching a discussion play out on Facebook, and I had strong feelings about the topic. I was becoming more and more agitated internally as I read opinions that were swerving away from truth and into dangerous, murky territory. Verse after verse […]

Our Story and Theirs A few years ago my husband and I were invited to dinner at the home of a sweet family in our church. We didn’t know them very well at the time, but what we did know about them we loved. They were clearly devoted to the Lord and loved one another […]

Loving Others, Yourself and the Lord The key to loving others well isn’t learning to love yourself first. I know, I know. That’s not what you’re hearing from the world right now, but it’s true. As good as it may sound, loving yourself first isn’t the answer.  Maybe it’s just me, but it feels like […]

An Unexpected Invitation “Hey, are you free if I stop by this afternoon? I’d love to talk something over with you…” I saw the text pop up from a friend in the middle of a morning that was less-than-amazing. I had been up a good part of the night with my baby, so I was […]

Submission: Good or Bad? “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their […]

Walls Up, Guard Up The walls around my heart and mind have been up for most of my life. Quick to defend, always on guard, hearing the worst instead of the intent. I’ve lived life on the defense for nearly three decades. Early on in dating my (now) husband, we had a conversation that nearly […]

Well-Watered Women | Behind Closed Doors: Gossip | There may be fires we’ve caused with this tongue that we will always regret. But as we walk forward in repentance and humility, freshly surrendering our mouths to be used for the glory of God, He transforms and uses us to speak from a heart that knows just how much we have been saved from.

the gossips There was a magnet that hung on our fridge for many of my childhood and teenage years—a Norman Rockwell painting called “The Gossips.” The painting is a progressive series of conversations beginning in the top corner with two women. The first lady is pointing over her shoulder, sharing some juicy tidbit about someone […]

Behind Closed Doors-Bitterness-Well-Watered Women | If we are in Christ, we have been given everything we need to live a life that glorifies and honors Him. While it feels easier to stay in our pity party, a life marked by bitterness is one devoid of joy. We cannot walk in freedom with Christ when we stay chained to feelings that enable an entitled and bitter spirit.

the way things should be “Bitterness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” I remember hearing a pastor say this many years ago and thinking how foolish it would be to do such a thing. Then several years later, I realized bitterness was a problem in my heart and life. But […]

strength and weakness One of my greatest weaknesses is that I believe “I can do it all.” I want to be able to work a full-time job, work over 20 hours at my part-time job, volunteer, host dinners at our place, coordinate events, start student organizations, translate blogs/videos, pursue graduate school full-time, and be a […]


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