Well - Watered


Goal Setting

the cycle of seclusion It’s been a long day. You are exhausted as you pull into your garage and close the door behind you, grateful for a neighborhood that values seclusion as much as you do. Life regularly looks like closed doors and quiet evenings. On Sunday your pastor might mention hospitality. You cringe a […]

If you were to flip through the back of my Bible, you would notice a lot of underlining, highlighting, and notes in the margins. Should you flip through the Old Testament, however, you would notice the notes and highlights become few and far between. In my time with the Lord each day, I consistently flip […]

“New year, new you.” That’s the thought running through a lot of our minds, isn’t it? We watched the calendar roll over to January 1 with big plans to be so much better than last year. But what if last year was one of your hardest, and you’re still just trying to figure out how […]

Deep breath in, deep breath out. 2019 is finally here. There’s something exciting and refreshing about a new year. The air seems a little crisper and the sun seems to shine a little brighter. If you go to a restaurant you’re more likely to find a plethora of salads being served as people embark on […]

*Sign up for our free 7-Day Kickstart Your Quiet Time Challenge at the bottom of this blog post! It’s free to join at any time! Enjoy day 1 of the challenge below!* The One Resolution That Will Change Your Life “I resolve to put the Word before the world, because I believe Jesus Christ is […]

“Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) For more of my life than not, the idea of “unceasing prayer” felt a little like one of those ultimate marathons—the kind where people run 100 miles and leave the rest of the world hanging in the balance of awe and unbelief that such a feat is humanly possible […]

Last year I had the worst habit of waking up and scrolling on my phone first thing. I knew it wasn’t good for my soul, but I did in anyway. The warmth of my covers somehow lured me into staying “just a few minutes longer,” and my time with Jesus started to suffer. To be […]

In 1716, American revivalist preacher, theologian, and writer, Jonathan Edwards, penned a list of seventy “resolutions.” These resolutions, unlike most New Years Resolutions, were rooted deeply in a humble desire to obey God’s Word. Edwards began each of these resolutions with the simple word “resolved…” Resolve means to firmly set in one’s heart to do […]

The ultimate resolution in the life of the believer is simply stated in these two commands. Love God, and love others. Our New Years Resolutions may change from year to year, but if you are a believer in Christ and are being transformed in His image, then hopefully the heart of your goals each year […]

For the past three years I’ve been on an unexpected journey of being a “mamaprenuer”. In my own definition, a mamaprenuer is a stay-at-home mama who is at the same time an entrepreneur or business owner. She not only balances caring for a home and children, but she also regularly maintains a business (whether a […]


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